ch. 31 He's gone, she's gone

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Mark shoots up, "Honey?" He asks surprised. Tears build up in my eyes, because I'm startled by not seeing my baby in her crib, "Where's Wendy?" I ask, turning around to look at Mark. He quickly stands up and walks over to me in his boxers. Mark and I look at each other. This past week Dark has been acting suspicious. Mark and I have both started to notice Dark glancing at Wendy. "Dark" We both say in sync.

Mark quickly pulls on his robe, and I quickly pull on jeans and a t-shirt. We walk onto the hall, and immediately, I hear a baby cry in the distance. I recognize that little cry everywhere. I run towards her little cry, Mark following right behind me. The crying leads us to Dark's room.

I throw open the door, revealing Dark sitting on the foot end of his bed, holding Wendy close to him, who stops crying. She looks peacefull, not knowing that it's not her father who's holding her. Dark lifts his head creepily slow to look at Mark and me standing in the door frame. I get a bit more afraid when I see the wide grin on his face. I don't dare to speak up.

"What a precious young thing" Dark says, still having that devilish grin on his face, slightly narrowing his eyes at Mark and me. "Give her back to us, Dark" Mark commands, but Dark ignores him, "She looks so much like her mother" Dark gazes at me, gently trailing his fingertips over Wendy's small, fragile head. "D-don't hurt her" I beg him. Dark chuckles amused, "Good to know that I'm still feared by some"

He stands up, "so now you know..." He says. Mark and I look at each other before look back at him. I gulp, "Kn-know what...?" I ask him. "It was Anti and me who caused everything, including the war" He still has that grin, telling us he regrets none of his actions, including this one. "And now you're planning on throwing me in the dungeons..?" Dark shakes his head and looks down at Wendy, "Your parents are not as nice as they seem, little girl" he says in a gibberish tone before grinning and looking back at Mark and me, "Such meanies they are" Mark takes my hand, "Dark, give us back our child, this instant" Mark commands again.

Dark chuckles amused, "Unbelievable that such a small thing as this..." Dark looks down at Wendy, "Can give me so much power" He looks back at us without moving his head. "You want your little baby back?" Dark asks. I nod, "please". Dark raises an eyebrow, "Oh, how I love it when you beg for me, (Y/N)" he chuckles devilish, I gulp and look down. "If you promise me to not throw me in the dungeons...then, I will give you your little Wendy back"

Mark looks down at me before looking back at Dark, " won't be thrown into the dungeons, just give us Wendy back" he says hurriedly. Dark chukles, "Oh, Mark...once a bad liar, always a bad liar"

Tears roll down my cheeks as I see Wendy laying in Dark's arms, sleeping peacefully with her eyes closed, and one of her small, soft hands wrapped around Dark's thumb. Mark pulls me into his chest when I start sobbing softly. He strokes my hair. "you're a terrible man, Dark"

Dark still grins at Mark, slowly walking towards the door, making Mark and me back up slightly, "So I heard" he says before laughing evil and slamming the door closed before Wendy starts crying again. "Wendy!" I slam my fists on the door, but then suddenly, the crying stops again. I hear a few thumps in the room, but after that, it's dead silent in Dark's room. Mark throws open the door and we both walk back in, looking around.

"Mark, look!" I point at an open window. Dark's closet is still open, and it's like his room is plundered. Mark and I look out the window, trying to find Dark, but he's nowhere to be seen. "She's gone..." Tears roll down my cheeks again, "My baby" Mark quickly pulls me into his chest, "shh, honey, it's going to be okay, we're going to solve this. Dark isn't going to hurt Wendy, I promise"

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