ch. 8 long live the king

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Mark gets off his horse, looking around at al the worried faces, "Where do we need to be?" He asks as Wilford, Dark, Doctor I.Plier and Ed get off their horses behind him. No one seems to dare to speak up. Of course they're shy, who wouldn't be shy in front of the mighty king. Dark and Wilford stand next to Mark, "come on, speak up! This is serious, bloody hell!" Wilford talks out loud. Dark looks around at the faces. Maybe people don't dare to speak up because of him and his past. Wilford rolls his eyes, "Oh for fucks sake" he says before randomly pointing at someone, "you there!" he says before hooking his finger, "Come over here" He commands before a lady takes a step forward from the crowd. Mark gives Wilford an approving nod, "Thank you, Will" He says before stepping to the lady, "Miss, please lead us to the place, and tell us what you know, alright?" The lady bows, keeping her head down, "Yes, king Mark" Mark smiles sweetly down at her, "just call me Mark" he says.

Dark breathes a cocky chuckle, gesturing his head to the woman while looking at Wilford. Wilford turns his head to Dark. "I did that" Dark mumbles with a proud grin on his face. Wilford breathes a chuckle, nodding to himself, "nice" he says.

Mark and the woman start walking into a direction. People step out of the way for them. Will, Dark, Doc, and Ed follow them. "What's your name, miss?" He asks politely. The lady smiles shyly at him, "Amelia..." she answers obedient. Mark nods once, walking with her before they arrive at the 'booze store' as most of the people call it. "He's inside" Amelia tells the king. Mark takes her small hand in his, looking into her eyes so that she can see how much he means what he says, "Thank you so much, Amelia. I'm assuming you want to stay outside..?" he asks understanding. Amelia nods quick. Mark lets go of her hand, nodding, "Thank you for your help" he says before turning around. Ed and Doctor walk in first. After that Wilford and Dark, and Mark following. They all look around the store. Wilford and Dark scan the bottles. They both reach for a bottle, but they get stopped by Mark,

"We're not taking two are just here to help me with investigating, nothing else" He tells them strictly, looking blankly at them both. Wilford clears his throat as Dark fixes his suit, "Of course, my king" he answers obedient. Mark sighs and nods once, "good" he answers blankly before walking behind the counter. Doctor shakes his head sadly, looking down at the man. Wilford stands next to Doctor, "Yep, throat slit" Wilford answers as if this is an everyday thing for him. Doctor sighs, "I'm sorry..." he tells the dead man on the ground, "But you're dying" Wilford looks blankly at Doctor, "Are you sure, Doctor? Is there anything we can do to safe him?" He says sarcastically before walking away from him, irritated.

Mark looks at Dark. Dark looks uncomfortable at the dead body. He swallows, trailing two fingers over his throat. "Any thoughts, Dark?" Mark asks, intertwining his hands behind his back like Dark does regularly. Dark shakes his head, "I wouldn't know right away, my king" Dark lies. Of course he has an idea. Who has a blood stain of a slit throat, exactly like the slit throat of this dead man? exactly. There was only one who could've done this. Dark had to talk to him before anyone else could. Dark didn't actually think Anti would've dared to do it. "could this have been Anti?" exactly the question Dark was trying to avoid. Dark looks at Mark, "We're not sure of anything, your royal not to blame anyone already" He tells him. Mark nods, "you've got a point there" He says before clearing his throat, looking at his team, "Gentlemen" Mark gets their attention, "I kindly ask you to get this poor man out of here, look for clues, and give him a descent funeral, understood?" They all nod in response. "I'll get mah tools from the shed" Ed says before walking out, starting to talk to the people.

Mark walks out, and immediately people start to ask questions. Mark raises his two hands, "People, people, dearest villagers" He tells them, making them quiet. "My deepest apologies for this unfortunate event. Trust me and my team, they're very intelligent people. We will solve this. Please stay safe and just go on with everything you were working on. We will get to the bottom of this. We will find out who did it, and we will find an appropriate punishment for the one who did this" Whispering of the people start, but one someone steps out of the crowd. It's Amelia again, "Thank you, my king. Thank you for helping us as much as you can, and supporting us" She says with a bright smile. People around her start agreeing by nodding and saying, "yeah!" -- "exactly!" -- "she's right!" Amelia smiles and softly starts, "Long live the king...long live the king" More and more people join her as it gets louder. Mark smiles and starts walking towards his horse, "thank you, thank you" He smiles proud, getting on his horse while waving at everyone. "Long live the king!!!" Everyone yells one last time as they watch their king making his horse run back to the castle.

Dark crosses his arms, sighing annoyed. Wilford pats his back, "get your jealous head out of the gutter and help us, bloody hell...I have a show to do in an hour" he says with a slight growl in the back of his throat. Dark turns his head, blankly looking into Will's eyes, "I'm coming" he grumbles annoyed.

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