ch. 4 Arguing

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"What is it now, Anti?" Dark asks in a calm tone, but clearly annoyed. Anti glares at Dark, "We weren't done talking, remember!?" he growls dangerous. Dark rolls his eyes, "Right now!?" he asks, slightly raising his tone. It always amuses Anti to see Dark frustrated, "Yes, now! I thought of many more arguments to fuckin' smash you!" He snickers devilish with a wicked grin plastered on his face. Dark slightly tilts his head confused, "I'd like to see you try, you..pathetic little bitch" he says, seeing Anti boil with rage.

"Listen here, you dick!" Anti threatens, clearly more angry than before, "If you don't stop intimidating me, I will make you pay for it!" He threatens with a dangerous glare. Dark intertwines his hands behind his back, smirking cocky, "Pay, how..?" He asks. Anti stays silent. "Ah, just as I haven't even thought this whole thing through. I suggest you return to where you came from and cry in a corner to think about how much of a fool you made out of yourself" Dark says, still having that teasing grin on his face.

Anti growls frustrated, "I will destroy your kingdom!" Anti yells loud. They both must be glad they're in a forest so no one can hear them. Dark chuckles amused, "You..? You think you can destroy my kingdom?" He asks, making sure his ears aren't lying. "Damn straight!" Anti balls his fists, "I will make sure all the things everyone cares about will be destroyed, set on fire, I don't care! They'll be gone!" He explains with that threatening growl in the back of his throat.

Dark calmly straightens his suit jacket, "Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you" He lowers his chin. Anti rolls his eyes, "and why the hell not!? Give me one good reason!" He growls. Dark grins devilish, "Because whatever you do to my kingdom...I will do to yours...maybe, no...most likely even more than that" He keeps that calm tone, but Anti knows he means it. They both mean it. "Oh, don't think I'm afraid to do the same to you, Dark! I will do twice as much" He threatens, "You're going down!" He growls again.

"I have no time for this" Dark says before turning around and walking back to the castle. Anti growls, "You haven't heard the last of me, you dickbag!" He yells. "That's too bad" Dark says, making a shooing gesture with his hand. Anti can't see it, but Dark has a cocky grin on his face. They're not afraid of each other. Just like Wilford, they both think they're the best.

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