ch. 29 The best legs belong to...

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Mark has returned to the castle. On one side, he's sorry for the few men who gave their lives for nothing, but on the other side he's glad it's all over, and that he has an answer to his questions. All the Ipliers have left the table, but (Y/N) and Dark. They're talking some small talk.

(Y/N) doesn't really notice that Dark keeps glancing down at the baby. Maybe (Y/N) does notice, but it doesn't seem suspicious in any way. Mark walks into the dining room, smiling brightly at (Y/N) and Dark. "Is it officially over?" (Y/N) asks. Mark smiles and gently helps her to her feet, "Could I speak with you alone, outside this room?" Mark asks, barely able to wait to throw Dark back into the dungeons.

(Y/N) looks at Dark, who gestures towards the doors, "Go right ahead" he says calmly. (Y/N) nods once at Dark before walking out of the room with Mark. They start talking, but little do they know, Dark is an excellent listener...

"How are we going to do this?" Dark hears Mark whisper, followed by a quiet sigh from the queen, "Maybe let the guards get him when he least expects it?" She whispers back. Dark's eyebrows lower. Would they be onto him? "Dearest, Dark isn't expecting it, but on the other side he's very scharp-eyed, because why would we randomly stop this war?" Mark tells his wife as quiet as he can. It's quiet behind the door.

Dark walks back to his seat and sits down. Mark and (Y/N) keep talking, but Dark knows enough. They're onto him, and he needs to think of a plan before it's too late and he gets thrown back into those hellish dungeons.

Dark gets snapped out of his thoughts by the doors being opened again. Mark walks back in. "Where did the queen go?" Dark asks. "Off feeding Wendy" Mark says blankly. Dark stands up, "Alright. I will see you at dinner, your majesty" Dark bows his head before walking out of the room. Mark watches Dark with his eyes narrowed, "I'll be watching you" Mark mumbles when Dark disappears around the corner.

Dark grins to himself. He heard what Mark said, "Enjoy the view" He whispers back as he walks up the stairs, to his room.


At dinner, everyone talks happily about how everything seems to be so well again. Well, almost everyone. Dark keeps glancing at the baby, which Mark notices. Mark, of course, doesn't know what Dark is planning in his head, but he does know he should watch out for Dark. Something tells him that Dark may be onto something. But there's no way he knows that Mark knows what Dark did...right?

"And are you planning on having more kids? I want a little baby boy!" Babyplier demands, "I can play with him! But not with Wendy, because Wendy is a girl, and I don't like girl stuff" he crosses his arms. I breathe some giggles, "Who knows, B...." I smile at him. I like to call him B, because Baby is more a nickname. "but you know, B?" Baby looks at me, "Some girls like boy stuff too! Like me, for example! When I was a little girl, I didn't want to be a princess! I always wanted to play soccer with my friends, who were mostly guys" I explain to him.

Baby lowers his eyebrows confused, "But not anymore! You wear dresses and everything!" He says. I giggle softly, "exactly! And some boys like to put on dresses and make-up!" I tell him. Baby nods excited, "Like Ru-Paul's DragRace?" He asks. I nod, "Yes! Exactly!" Baby claps excited, "cool!" Wilford crosses his arms, "Pheh, I'd win that race with ease!" He snaps sassy.

Mark chuckles, "Of course, Wilford, of course" Will raises an eyebrow at the snickering people around the table, "What? I mean it! I just have to shave my legs, that's all! I have everything else ready! And for the ones who don't know, I have the most fabulous legs in the world" He crosses his arms. "I think (Y/N) has the best legs" Mark kisses my hand, making me smile shyly, "oh stop" I say jokingly.

"I agree with Mark" Dark grins widely at me. Mark glares at him, "She said stop...seriously, stop" Wilford clears his throat to break the tension, "I'm just saying, I have the best legs one could have!" I giggle softly at him.

Mark's castle 2 (MarkplierXreader)Where stories live. Discover now