ch. 19 who is it

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The next day, Mark and I sit in the throneroom on our thrones. Neither of us say a lot. It's not an awkward silence, yet it is unwanted. It would be nicer if Mark started a conversation, but we're both thinking about what's happening in the kingdom too much. We're thinking, and waiting. Wilford said he informed Dark what Mark wanted him to. Mark told me everything yesterday. Dark returned very late yesterday. I saw him sneak into his room when I was taking a walk through the castle. When you're pregnant you sometimes have the feeling you have to move your legs, and I didn't want to wake up Mark, so I went for a walk by all the doors. Every room was quiet except for Ed's room, he was quietly playing some western cowboy song.

I look at Mark, deciding to finally say something, "Dark has to be here" I tell him. Mark looks at me and smiles unsure, "Of course he is. Where else would he be the whole night?" He asks. I'm about to answer, but at that exact moment, Dark walks in. For the first time I see him wearing normal dark gray sweatpants and a black t-shirt and his hair messy.

Mark sits up, clearing his throat. "Where the hell were you, Dark. I wanted you back in the castle yesterday!" Mark yells angry. Dark rolls his eyes, "I was back in the castle yesterday right before midnight. I had stuff to do" Dark explains, looking up at Mark with his usual blank expression. I hear Mark sigh frustrated next to me, "Anyway...Dark...I have a strong feeling you know more about what's happening in the kingdom" Dark stays silent for a few moments. While so, Bim Trimmer walks into the room. I immediately notice he's wearing a familiar suit. A very nice suit if I do say so myself. Mark makes a shooing gesture at him. With the brightest smile, Bim snaps his fingers and points at Mark with his index-finger with his thumb sticking up. After that, he walks out of the room where he came from.

This gave Dark time to think, "I probably should have told you king" He says with a slight tone of disgust, "Anti was suspecting someone for a while already. I didn't want to believe him yet. I didn't want to jump to any conclusions. You can't blame someone without any proof, right?" A ceepy grin grows on his face. "tell me, who is it!?" Mark asks, leaning forward in his seat. Dark looks into Mark's eyes and stays silent for a moment to build up the tension even more,

"King Jack"

Mark's castle 2 (MarkplierXreader)Where stories live. Discover now