ch. 3 Anti again

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Mark and I walk into the familiar, big dining room as I smile and greet everyone. "Good morning, your royal highness" Wilford greets me as I sit down. I smile at him, "Good morning, Wilford" I answer with a small nod. Right after that, Mark takes my hand, getting my attention. He smiles sweetly at me before Chef walks into the room, "Breakfast iz ready to be served, monsieur" He says with his french accent, amusing me every time again. Mark nods, "Please! I think we're all ready to eat!" He says before Chef claps twice, making the whole team walk into the room, setting everything on the table.

When I'm done eating, I look over at Baby after I hear someone say, "God, Baby, not again!" Mark and I look at each other. It's like we already have a baby. I want to stand up, but before I can, Mark does, "No, honey, you sit down, I'll do this" I sigh, "Mark, I'm still a human being, I can clean someone's mouth if I want to" Wilford and Dark snicker after I said that. I look at them, "I know, I know, I heard it as soon as I said it" I giggle softly as Mark wipes off Baby's mouth and shirt. "Thank you" He says shyly, looking up at him. "No problem, just try to eat above your plate next time, okay?" He explains. Baby opens his mouth to answer, but Dark does instead, "You know it's useless to tell him that...again. You told him yesterday, and the day before, and the day before" He says before sighing annoyed, rolling his eyes, but still staying calm.

Mark nods, walking back, "I know Dark, but I believe in Baby" He says before looking at the youngest one at the table, "One day, you'll eat like Wilford here" Mark points at Wilford, who's taking a sip from his glass with his pinky sticking up. I giggle softly, gently taking Will's hand and pressing the pinky down on the glass, "Will, you know you don't have to" He shrugs, "I do whatever I want! Warfstache don't take no shit from nobody" He sys, sticking his pink up again, stretching it as far as he can. The stubborn man. I shake my head with a smile.

Suddenly, one of the guards walks into the room, "My king" He says before bowing, "We have a visitor, again" He tells us. Mark lowers his eyebrows confused, "who is it..? Anti again?" He asks. The guard nods in response. Everyone looks at Dark, making him sigh and stand up. He fixes his suit, "yes, yes, I'm going" he says before walking out. Mark and I look at each other, "What is it between those two?" I ask. Mark shrugs, "I wish I knew, dear" He takes my hand, kissing it gently before laying our hands down on the table again. I look at Wilford. He sets his glass down, "What? As if I know! I know, I know, I'm a great person, but that doesn't mean I know everything! We have this one certain person for that...if you even want to call it a person" He says as he looks over at Google.

I smile, "Of course! Google!" I say, getting his attention, "Do you have any idea?" I ask. Google looks blankly at me, "What Anti and Dark are up to, I can not find on the internet, therefor, I do not know and cannot answer your question. My apologies" He explains. I nod, "well, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about" I tell everyone at the table. "yeea, they're probably just still arguin' 'bout that one thing we were talkin' 'bout a month ago" Ed says, stroking his mustache with his thumb and index finger. I nod and smile at him, "probably!" Mark strokes my hand, "And that's why we shouldn't get involved, or talk about it anymore, okay?" Everyone nods in response, "thank you"

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