ch. 6 I'd like to see you try

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There they were again. That same day. 

Dark sighs annoyed, "Anti, we've been over this already. We talked this morning, I thought you were done talking with your foolish mouth" Anti grits his teeth and growls dangerous in response, "What are you trying to do here...trying to get me mad, big boy!?" Dark breathes an amused, yet cocky chuckle, "It's amusing to see, I have to admit. You trying to scare me, and threatening me...we all know you don't dare to do anything you told me" He explains. His calm tone only pisses off Anti more and more. He glares at Dark, "You think I don't dare huh? Well, we'll see about that!" He growls before walking back towards Jack's castle. "I'll destroy your kingdom!" Anti yells from the distance. Dark watches him disappear behind the trees, into the darkness before he softly mumbles to himself... 

"I'd like to see you try..." 

Mark's castle 2 (MarkplierXreader)Where stories live. Discover now