ch. 22 We shall go to war

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I wake up to my bedroom doors being slammed open. I sit up in bed. "Your highness, there's been a fire in the village nearby!" Anti tells me in his growly voice. My eyes widen, "Shite..." I quickly get out of bed after pecking Signe's lips. I look out the window and still see some black smoke rising from the town.

I quickly run downstairs, not waiting for anyone who wants to go with me. I need to know what happened to my people and how. Though I have a suspision. I think about how Mark still thinks I did all the bullshite that happened in his kingdom. How stupid can one be, honestly. I'm not the jealous type, and everyone knows it.

I arrive in the village and take a look at the burnt houses. "Five houses, my king..." A man from the town tells me. I nod, "I'm so sorry this happened, everyone...I'm trying to figure out what's going on" I explain to everyone. "It was king Mark! He thinks you attacked him, and now he gets his revenge" A lady yells from the crowd. People agree with her by mumbling things like, "Yeah!" -- "It was king Mark" -- "King Mark did it..." -- "I blame king Mark" to each other. I put my hands up to quiet everyone, "People, please calm many of you know king Mark visited me yesterday..." I sigh, not liking the fact that this is happening, "He, indeed, blamed me for all what happened in his kingdom..." People stay quiet, their attention fully on me. "He thinks I'm jealous of his kingdom being bigger than mine..." I tell everyone, and immediately they start disagreeing with it.

"I know, I know" I tell them to get everyone's attention again, "Everyone knows I would never do such a foolish thing...but Mark cleary doesn't believe me...and therefor..." I pauze for a moment. People look at me, waiting for me to continue. "We shall go to war!" I yell before people start cheering. I sigh and walk back to my horse before getting on it and returning to the castle as people yell, "Hooray for king Jack!" Behind me.

Mark's castle 2 (MarkplierXreader)Where stories live. Discover now