ch. 23 hold me

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I finish my breakfast as I watch some people leave the table, some stay seated, curious what is in the letter that the king just has recieved.  He just keeps looking at it, probably thinking about what could be written on the paper inside. I glance at his face, not wanting to ruin his moment, but on the other side, I'm just as curious as everyone else.

"Come on, your majesty..."  Dark says calmly yet impatient, glancing at the letter in Mark's hands. Mark looks up at Dark. "Open it" Dark commands. Mark sighs, looking down at the letter again. "What's wrong, Mark?" I ask, laying my hand on one of his. His eyes are glued to the envelope for a few more moments before looking at me and then at Dark and Wilford, "I recognize the stamp that seals the envelope..." We're all quiet for a moment. "Who is it from?" Wilford asks, realizing Mark won't continue talking if we don't ask.

"Jack" Mark simply answers before carefully starting to open the envelope. I watch him, full of anticipation as he pulls out the letter and folds it open. It's dead silent in the room. Wilford, Dark and I wait for Mark to say something. I see his eyes scrolling down the paper before he lays it on the table, the letters facing down so no one can read it. "Well..?" Wilford asks impatiently. Mark looks at him, "He started a war"  A sudden pressure slams onto my chest as I hear the words come out his mouth. A war. With Jack. Who would have ever thought that. "He says he'll be ready to fight today at five PM...if I don't show up to protect myself...he'll ruin everything in my kingdom" Mark explains.  Dark looks away. "send a letter back that you and Jack can solve this in another way" I tell Mark, panicking a little. Mark shakes his head, "No, the letter will arrive too late, dearest" He tells me, genly taking my hand and placing a kiss on it. I sigh, looking down.

Mark stands up and releases my hand, "Get my army ready! Grab all the weapons and make sure all of them work! I want all my men ready in three hours!" He says commands strictly before walking out of the dining room. Dark and Wilford look at each other before looking at me, "Don't worry, my queen...we will take care of you while Mark is gone" Wilford tells me. I shake my head, "No! I want Mark to stay with me!" I gulp as tears build up in my eyes. Dark stands up. Wilford does the same, but three times as fast. Wilford and Dark give each other a small nodd before Dark walks out of the room, and Wilford quickly walks over to me.

I stand up and let him wrap his arms around me, "why would they-" Wilford cuts me off, "Shh, no need to talk, (Y/N)'ll be safe, don't worry" he tells me. "B-but what if I lose Mark? In a war, the leader is the f-first one you a-aim for" I explain, stuttering a little bit. Wilford strokes my hair, which feels very relaxing, "Mark knows what he's doing, darling" he tells me, but somehow I don't trust his words. "I don't want any war...that solves nothing!" I sob quietly.

"I know" Wilford tells me,

"Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity"

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