ch. 18 Game on

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Two days later, Dark is on his room, thinking about how he will get his revenge this day or night at somewhere around midnight or a bit later maybe. He decided to not immediately get his revenge, because that would be suspicious. He wanted to let it all cool down, and let the king think he was acually trying his very best to solve the murder and the fire case. When Dark finally thinks he's onto some clever plan, his head shoots up from an explosion in the distance.

Dark quickly walks to the window, looking at the village, seeing nothing different. But in the corner of his eye, in the park, a little away from the village, he sees something. He narrows his eyes, trying to make up what it is, or could be. Yelling is heard from the village. Then suddenly he realizes it. That black spot with smoke coming from it, on the ground in the park, there used to be a statue. A statue of the king when he was a little boy, with his parents. Dark's eyes widen slighly and his eyebrows lower as he takes in what had happened.

Immediately the image of Anti pops in his head. Dark thought Anti would wait for Dark to make a first next move. For Dark to get revenge before Anti detroyed something else. But Dark thought wrong.

With his fists balled, Mark gets onto his horse, not waiting for Dark or Wilford to come with him. He rides to the park as fast as possible. He jumps off, looks at the left over pieces of stone which all once were a statue that was one of the few things Mark had left from his parents. Of course, Mark knows he should be strong for the people in his town. "No..." But he can't help the tears rolling down his cheeks as he walks towards the chunks of stone. The whole village gathers around, covering their mouth, gasping, and talking to each other, saying things like, "Terrible" -- "How could this happen" -- "Why would one want to do such a thing"

Mark drops onto his knees, burying his face in his hands as tears fall. A little while later, Wilford and Dark arrive. Wilford shakes his head as he walks up next to Mark who is still on his knees. Wilford kneels down next to Mark, patting his back as he sighs, "I'm sorry this happened, Mark" He tells him before he  gets a strong, tight hug from Mark. Wilford looks surprised, patting Mark's back again, and eventually hugging back. "Why, Wilford...?" Mark asks, sobbing. Wilford holds Mark's shoulders, gently pushing him off of him, not wanting his shirt covered in tears and snot. Wilford pats Mark's shoulder again, "No one knows, brother" He says before standing up.

Wilford stands up, and turns around to look at Dark, but to see him no more. He looks around, confused, "Has anyone seen Dark?" Will asks. People look around, shake their head, except one man, who steps out of the crowd. "I saw him get back on his horse, sir Warfstache" Hearing that name makes Wilford forget what is going on, and grow a grin on his lips instead. His thoughts are cut off by the man continuing to talk, "And he didn't go back to the castle...he went towards the woods!" The man explains.

Mark stands up, quickly wipes his tears, acting like nothing happened, but of course his eyes are still red. "Go after Dark, Wilford...find out what he's up to, then come to me with actual useful information" A slight tone of anger is heard in Mark's voice, "Tell him he has to tell me everything he knows, otherwise I will throw him back into the dungeons for five, long, years" Wilford nods and gets back onto his horse. Mark turns to the crowd, "I will get this cleaned up...I'm sorry" He says, his voice full of sadness. Mark gets onto his horse, and returns to the castle where he falls into his wife's arms, letting her stroke his hair, just the way he likes it, and takes a nap after.

While all that happens, Wilford is still in the woods, looking for Dark. Little did he know, that if he would find Dark, he would also find Anti. And so, he did.

"There you finally are, you bastard" Wilford chuckles in his silly way. Dark and Anti, who are arguing again, both turn to him. "We're in the middle of something here" Dark says, narrowing his eyes at Wilford. Wilford rolls his eyes, not caring, "The king wants you back to the castle and wants you to tell all about what happened, because he knows you know more than you told him. And if you won't tell him more, you will spend your next five years in the dungeons" Wilford explains, just like Mark commanded. Dark sighs, "I will be there in a few, okay?" Wilford nods in response, and leaves again.

If Wilford actually cared, he would have tried a bit better. But since he doesn't, he thinks this is enough to satisfy Mark. As he returns to he castle, Dark and Anti are still back in the woods. Dark turns to Anti, "You think this is some kind of game, huh?" Dark asks annoyed, slightly tilting his head. Anti grins wickedly, and nods, "and I'm winning" He snickers devilish. Dark grist his teeth and balls his fists, "No, you're're, just, don't, know it yet" Dark threatens. Anti laughs wicked, "Very funny" He simply answers, "So, how are you going to make sure you don't get the blame?" Anti asks.

A horrifying grin appears on Dark's lips, "I will blame your little, pathetic excuse for a king with that tiny kingdom of his" He answers. Anti's eyebrows lower as his smile fades from laughing, "Then I will blame your lazy, stubborn king" He says with a growl in the back of his throat.

Dark grins, "Game on"

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