ch. 25 If he dies

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Suddenly, in the distance, I hear a canon being fired, and uncountable guns firing after. I quickly grab Wilford's hand, squeezing it as I stop breathing for a moment. I feel my heart pounding in my throat and chest, as if it's about to slam out of my ribcase any moment. Wilford gently takes my hand in both his before placing a gentle kiss on it.

"Don't worry, (Y/N)" He tells me in his calmest tone possible. "How can you be s-so calm?" My voice shakes. Wilford sighs before gently laying his arm around my shoulders and pulling me closer to him. I can't help but snuggle close against him, not looking at the movie anymore. I can't do anything else but listen to the war that's going on while I'm here on this bed, doing nothing. "Because I believe in Mark, and I believe it's going to be okay" Wilford tells me after a little moment of silence.

I breathe another shaky breath, "Thank you for staying here with me" I tell him. Wilford strokes my hair, "It's the least I can do" He says. I close my eyes, and for a moment, I don't hear the guns firing and the men yelling in the distance. For a moment, I'm hearing nothing but the rain that starts falling from the sky and hitting the window. I take a deep breath and breathe slow. "Why don't you sleep a little" Wilford tells me, "Emotions are very tiring" He gently lays me down and grabs a blanket before laying it over me. "When you wake up, I'll have some tea ready for you, and some lunch, perhaps" He tells me. I barely hear him, because I'm already half asleep, but I manage to nod my head slightly while giving him a small smile.

Wilford walks out of the room, and the last thing I hear, is him closing the door. Right after that, I finally fall asleep.


Wilford sits down.

Many Ipliers sit at the dining table. No one sits on Mark's seat, until Dark walks in. He sits down on Mark's seat and everyone looks confused at him, "Take a picture, it lasts longer" He narrows his eyes. "Anyway, like I was saying, what are we going to do if Mark doesn't return?" Wilford continues. "I become king" Dark says before anyone else can. Everyone looks at him again. "We know how that ended up last time, so definitely not" Google says blankly.

"I agree with Google!" Ed starts, "I think we all do!" He says in that cowboy accent of his, "I say I b'come the next king! 'Cause why the hell not!? I think I'd make a pretty good king, if I do say so myself!" He explains. Wilford huffs as he shakes his head, "You know nothing, Ed, just shut up" He commands.

Doctor I. Plier clears his throat, getting everyone's attention, "I think I should become king, since I know how to take care of people" He says as he fixes his white doctor's coat. Everyone takes a moment to think, "No" Wilford is the first one to disagree, "Being king doesn't just mean you know how to take care of people, but you also have to know everything about money, laws and rules in the kingdom, and you have to know how to convince people you know how to solve a problem, and you have to earn respect from everyone" He explains.

Dark sighs, "and let me guess, you're the one you knows to do all that?" He asks irritated. Wilford stretches his suspenders and chuckles cocky, "Exactly, my good man!" He says bubble, "Wilfy knows what's best!" He says, earning a glare from Doctor. "look...Wilfy....I respect you...I always have, but I think we should just ask our queen about it" Dark offers, knowing he won't be king. And if he can't be king, he doesn't think one of his brothers should be king.

Wilford shakes his head, "No, brother, the queen is already worrying enough. If you ask her 'what happens if Mark dies, huh?' she'll burst out into tears!" He explains. Everyone agrees. "because almost everyone at the table had a turn to talk, now it's time for the Host to say something. He explains how he thinks everyone should just leave the subject for now" Dark thinks about Host's words, just like Wilford does.

"But on the other side...don't you guys think we should be...prepared for Mark's death?" Bim asks. Dark looks at him, and notices the suit Bim Trimmer's wearing. Dark slightly tilts his head, narrowing his eyes confused. He thinks he has seen that suit before. "We're not even sure Mark will die" Dark replies. Wilford nods. Google and the rest look back at Bim, "But there's a big chance he won't make it! I's a war, Mark is the leader, annnd who do you aim for first if you want to win a war?" Everyone nods in angreement.

"It's good to be prepared, you're right about that" Dark explains, "But I still think we should ask the queen for what we should do, and Wilford says it wouldn't be a good idea to ask her now...I say we wait until we're sure Mark is dead, and then we ask her" He tells everyone, looking around the table. "If he dies" Ed Edgar sits up. Dark rolls his eyes and nods,

"precisely...if he dies"

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