ch. 5 pretty dress

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Dark walks into the throne room, getting Mark and my attention. We both sit up. Dark stops walking in front of our thrones, and bows his head, "My king and queen" He says, clearly not  liking to say that everyday. "How did it go, Dark?" Mark asks, "what did he want?" he asks impatiently. Dark slightly tilts his head, "Nothing to worry about, your highness. Anti thought I owed him, but I never do" he starts grinning slightly. I slightly tilt my head confused. Mark sighs relieved and nods, "Alright. Thank you, Dark. If Anti comes back again, I suggest you handle him for me. You know Anti better than me" He commands. Dark bows his head, "As you lord" He says before turning around and walking out.

Mark takes my hand, kissing it gently, "Sometimes I'm thankful Dark is around" He tells me. I smile slightly, "Sometimes..? Mark...he's your brother..." Mark looks at me, "Dear, his past still haunts me in my sleep...what he did to my kingdom...some nights I can't even sleep because I'm afraid he might do it again" He explains, looking down. I sigh softly, "Mark, I took those self protect lessons, your castle is more secured, a whole new system. Nothing like that will ever happen again" I gently take his chin, making him look at me, "Never, ever again" He looks into my eyes and then smiles, "You're right, (Y/N)" he says before we share a loving kiss.

As we pull away, Wilford walks towards our thrones, "My king and queen" He says as he bows. "Hello, Wilford" Mark answers. I smile at him, waiting for him to tell us what's up. "Your dress is ready, m'lady" Wilford tells us. Mark and I look at each other. Mark gives me a nod, "perfect" I say happily. And with that, I stand up, walk down the few stairs, standing next to Wilford, who's offering me his arm. I smile at him, and hook my arm around his before we start walking out of the throne room.

"How are you doing today, (Y/N)" He asks as we walk through the halls towards Wilford's studio. I can't help but smile at him, "Good! As always" He nods once at me, "Wonderful to hear" -- "what about you?" I ask him. He hesitates for a moment, "I'm good too" He finally tells me. "Wilford..? Don't you lie to me" I say, playfully acting strict. Wilford breathes a chuckle, "I'm not! Really, I'm fine" He smiles unsure at me. I sigh, shaking my head slightly. I decide to not push him to tell me. If it really was something I should know, he'd tell me.

We arrive at his studio. I look around, "How's the show going?" I ask him. he grins proud, "Perfect!" He tells me excited, "Warfstache Tonight, and disk of riches both are going great!" He explains. I giggle softly, "I'm happy for you, Will" I follow him to his dressing room. "I'm..." he pauses for a moment, "Happy for you too!" He says with an obvious fake smile, gesturing to my belly. I lay my hands on it, trying to feel if the baby's kicking again. "Have you found out the gender yet..?" He asks. I shake my head, "Mark and I want to keep that as a surprise" I tell him. Wilford mouths an 'oh' as he grabs the dress that I asked him to make, since he's still the fashion expert in the building.

I gasp, covering my mouth, "Oh, Wilford!" I exhale. " don't like it!?" You'd expect someone to say that in a scared tone, but in this case, Wilford sounds more angry, "I spent a whole night making th-" I cut him off, "No, no, it's..." I can't think of words, "So gorgeous! I absolutely love it!" I tell him with a bright smile. Wilford smirks proud, "Ohh, I knew it! You're still a little tease, just like a year ag-" He notices the look on my face, "Right...excuse me" He says after clearing his throat. "We agreed to never even mention that, Wilford...not even as a little joke" I tell him. He nods, "Yes, ma'am" He answers obedient.

"Can I try it on?" I look back at the dress. Wilford nods, offering it to me, "Of course! It's yours now!" He says as I take the dress from him. Wilford walks out of the dressing room, giving me time and privacy to pull on the beautiful dress he made me. It has everything on it that I asked for. I didn't really know what to expect, and I honestly didn't trust Wilford at first, but Mark told me it was the right choice. And I trust Mark. He knows Wilford better than anyone.

"Are you ready?" Wilford asks as he walks in. I giggle, "What if I wasn't, Wilford?" He shrugs in response. I look in the mirror, smiling, "It makes me look less fat" I tell him, snickering softly. "You're welcome" Wilford tells me. "Oh, of course, I'm sorry! Thank you so much, Wilford!" He smirks proud again, "I know, I know, I'm the best" He says, making me breathe a chuckle. "Let's get you back to the king, your highness" He offers me his arm again. I nod, hooking my arm around his, and we walk back to the throne room.

We walk around the corner. Mark stands up as he watched Wilford and I approach him. Mark smiles brighter the closer we get to him, "Oh, wow, you look amazing, sweetheart!" He tells me. I smile brightly, "Thank you" I reply as he helps me sit down on my throne. Mark bows his head to Wilford, "Thank you, Will, I knew I could trust you" Wilford bows his head, "I always know what's best, my king" He smirks proud, and turns around before walking out of the throne room. I smile at Mark as he sits down, watching him chuckle softly and shaking his head.

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