Ch. 37 talk

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I sit in my rocking chair in Mark's and my bedroom, Wendy in my arms, letting her drink. I sit by the balcony, doors open, letting the sun warm me up while I gently rock back and forth.

I hear the bedroom door open behind me. I lift Wendy's blanket a bit higher to cover my chest better. "Your majesty?" I look up to see Wilford next to my chair. I can't help but smile up at him, "Hi, Wilford" I tell him before looking back outside. Wilford grabs a chair and sits down next to me, "I heard about the deal" he tells me, making me look at him, eyes widened, "you do?!" I ask surprised, feeling my eyes starting to sting slightly, tears building up. 

Wilford sighs and nods, laying a hand on mine which is holding Wendy's head. I look back outside, letting tears run down my cheeks. "Did you talk to Mark?" I ask Wilford. He nods in response, "I was walking through the hall and stopped walking when I heard Dark propose the deal" he explains. I mouth an 'oh'. "Right after you left, I walked up to Mark and asked what made him agree with Dark" Wilford tells me. 

I sigh, "Mark didn't think eighteen years into the future..." I wipe my tears off my shoulders before standing up and gently laying Wendy in the crib, buttoning up my shirt again. I walk back and sit down next to Wilford. "(Y/N), I suggest you talk to him first before you start to judge his way of thinking" he tells me. "Also, when you're in a fight with anyone...hear them out, try to stay positive and place yourself in their position. Their head. Why would they do this? Why would Mark let Wendy marry Dark?" Wilford asks me. 

I think for a moment, looking at Wilford, "He wouldn't! He would never!" Wilford nods, "so..." he gestures for me to go on with thinking. "I don't know! I-" -- "of course you do, you're a clever woman" he tells me, "I know you are" I huff annoyed, "fine" I think about Mark, and "I remember him telling he has a plan. He would never let Dark marry our daughter, so..." I try to think, but I somehow can't concentrate. 

"Go to him...ask him about it" Wilford tells me. I look into Wilford's eyes, "you're right..." I say softly, "thank you, Wilford...for helping me...once again" Wilford chuckles amused as we both stand up, "it's no problem" He tells me. I smile at him, pecking his cheek. It's the least I can do. 

I walk downstairs, into the throne room where Mark is still sitting. He sits up when he sees me. I stand in front of his throne, "Mark...I'm so sorry...I freaked out and reacted too fast..." I tell him. Mark smiles forgiving at me, patting his leg, "come sit here, sweetheart" he says. I smile, sitting down on his leg, laying my arm around his neck. "I understand your reaction, I really do" He pecks my lips. I gently get some of his hair out of his eyes. "but you know I'd never, ever, ever let Dark marry our beautiful daughter and become king again" Mark explains.

I nod in agreement, "of course I do, but I don't know how you would solve made a deal! You know how Dark gets with deals...they can't be broken" I tell Mark, making him nod, "of course! But it's not on paper, and I have a plan!" He tells me with a slight proud smirk on his face. Oh, how I missed seeing that sexy smirk of his. "Why don't you tell me, handsome"

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