ch. 38 Isn't she lovely

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a few years later...

I wake up, the sun shining in the room. I look next to me, seeing my beautiful wife laying there, sleeping peacefully. The sun shines from behind her, creating a gold edge on her figure. I can't help but smile as I watch her flutter her eyes open and stretching before noticing I'm awake and smiling up at me.

I kiss her forehead. Our way of saying goodmorning. Then she scoots closer to me, closing her eyes again as I stroke her hair. We lay there for a while, saying nothing to each other. This is the best way of waking up, and I get to have this every day again. I couln't be happier.

Then, the door opens. (Y/N) and I both lift our heads, and in the doorframe appears a small girl, barely able to reach the door handle. "goodmorning, mommy and daddy!" She cheers happily as she runs up to the bed,climing onto it and snuggling in between us. I chuckle amused. "goodmorning, babygirl" I tell Wendy.

She turns to us as she sits on her knees, "I wasn't scared anymore in the dark!" Wendy tells us with a proud smile, holding her little stuffed cat named Mister Whiskers. "oh, that's wonderful, Wendy!" (Y/N) tells her happily, "We're very proud of you, sweetheart" I tell her. Wendy giggles and stands up on the bed, "yay!" she says as she jumps. "Wendy, be careful, you're going to-" I cut (Y/N) off by taking her hand, "I got this, honey" I tell her before grabbing Wendy, starting to tickle her.

Wendy starts giggling those joyful giggles that can cheer up everyone in a split second. I chuckle, looking down at her. "daddy, stop tickling me!"

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