ch. 27 I'm sorry

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One of the king's guards crawl over the ground, behind the small hiding spots. He crawls through the mud, through the heavy rain, towards the cabin where the king himself is hiding and making sure the kingdom stays safe. The guard stands up and quickly jogs into the cabin, "your majesty" He bows, panting. Mark turns around to look at him, "What are you doing, here, soldier?" He asks. The guard gulps from having a dry mouth, mixed with sand, "I come from the castle" he tried catching his breath, "A few hours ago, the queen gave birth to your's a girl!" He guard explains.

Mark's eyes widen, "Oh my god..." He looks at the people next to him. "You go to her, your highness, we'll be fine here" Mark sighs relieved, "I'll be back as soon as possible" He says before running outside, following the guard, "Wait! We can take another route, it's way safer" Mark tells him. The guard nods, and they both run to the castle, through the woods with the loud yelling and firing guns in the background.


Wilford looks up from the little baby when Mark enters the room where his wife just delivered the baby. Mark lowers his eyebrows slightly, mostly confused why Wilford would be holding his daughter, "What are you doing h-" But Mark stops when Wilford presses his index finger against his own lips, and points at the sleeping (Y/N) after.

Mark's gaze follows Wilford's finger. A smile apppears on Mark's face as he sits down on the chair next to the bed. He gently pushes a strand of hair out of her eyes when her eyes slowly open, blinking a few times before realizing her husband is finally with her, "M-Mark?" She whispers weak, her voice giving away that she screamed her lungs out. Mark smiles happily, "Yes, honey, I'm here" he gently takes her hand, which is still hot, just like her sweaty forhead. Mark places a gentle kiss on her hand.


I watch Wilford walk out and close the door behind him after he handed the baby to Mark. "oh, wow, she's beautiful" I notice a tear rolling down Mark's cheek, "I told you it was going to be a girl" I smile at him. "I'm so sorry, Mark, I wanted to wait until you came back, but-" I stop when Mark shakes his head, "Please, don't worry about that, sweetheart" He smiles at me before leaning in and pecking my lips, "you did so good! I'm proud of you" Mark breathes some happy chuckles. 

"What should we name her?" I ask Mark, "we haven't really thought of it" We both think for a moment. "wait...yes, we did!" Mark remembers. "It was something with ehm...we loved it! It was...Wendy Mae Maria" I gasp softly, "yes! I love long names!" I giggle softly, "Wendy Mae Maria Fischbach?" Mark asks. I think for a moment, "Let's make it just Wendy Mae Fischbach" I tell him. Mark smiles and nods before placing a gentle kiss on Wendy's head.

I breathe relieved after Mark handed me my daughter, "How is everything going out there?" I ask him. Mark ruffles his hair, and sighs, "No one's winning, no one's losing" He tells me. I nod, "Mark I probably need to tell you something"  I say, looking away. Mark glances at  me, slightly surprised, "what?" he asks impatient.

I look at Mark, "Remember when Dark came home late or whatever?" I ask him. Mark nods, "yeah, what's with it?" He asks. "I-it happened a few times and this one time he-..." I gulp, tears building up along with the feeling of guilt. "hey, honey, what's wrong? Did he touch you!?" Mark's voice already tells me he's getting furious. I quickly shake my head as I take Mark's hand, "n-no, no, this is way worse" I can't help but cry softly.

"I-I should've told you sooner! Dark came home late and I walked back to the bedroom because I took a pee, an-nd I asked why Dark was still up, and he told me he was talking to Anti, and planning on what they should detroy next in each other's kingdoms, I-I'm so sorry, Mark, I'm so s-sorry" I sob, breathing faster. Mark hugs me, making sure he doesn't squash Wendy, "hey, hey, don't cry, sweetheart, you probably have a good reason for not telling me, right?" He asks. I nod quickly,

"H-he said h-he'd kill the baby i-if I told anyone" And there my voice goes. I cry more, not able to talk anymore. I bury my face into Mark's neck, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry that happened" Mark presses his lips onto mine, "I need to solve this" He says before walking to the door, "what are you g-gonna do?" I siff, wiping my tears.

"I need to end this war"

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