ch. 26 paper cut

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Wilford is just on his way upstairs, holding a tray with on it a deliciously prepared sandwich, a cup of tea, a glass or orange juice, and painkillers just in case the queen somehow needs them. He arrives at the top of the stairs when he suddenly hears a familiar female scream.  His eyes widen slightly as he realizes it's (Y/N) yelling his name for help.

Wilford still takes his time to walk to the bedroom. He opens the door, and pushes his further open with his foot, "Keep it down, would ya-" He gets cut off by (Y/N) yelling his name again.


"WILFORD!" I yell again, looking down at my wet legs. "Did you...pee yourself...?" Wilford wrinkles his nose in disgust, but then it looks like he's about to burst out into a fit of laughter, but his smile fades when he sees my shocked face, "My water broke!" I gulp. Wilford quickly sets the tray down, "We gotta get to Doctor!" He quickly takes my hand and pulls me with him, "c'mon" he takes my hand with both his. I lean on him as we both walk together, looking for Doctor I.Plier.

"DOCTOR!" We both yell through the halls as we walk to Doctor's office where he has all the tools needed for any surgery.

"Lay down here, alright? I'll get him for you" Wilford tells me, laying me down on the bed. I quickly nod in response, "B-be back soon, okay?" I ask him, my breath shaking. Wilford nods before running out of the room. I feel tears building up, realizing Mark isn't here to see his first child being put in this world. "oh MaAAARK!" I yell, suddenly feeling that same pain in my stomach, but also in my whole body. I cry more. I cry because of Mark, and this torture I have to go through. It's not fair that women have to go through such crap in their lives. Periods, cramps, whole fucking body shaving, hormones, pregnancy and all the bullshit around that, like morning sickness, backpain, and this hellish pain throug my whole body.

Doctor runs into the room, followed by Wilford who closes and locks the door. "Alright, (Y/N) I want you to concentrate on your breathing alright? Like they do in the movies" He explains as he lays my legs over the holders so he can help me deliver this baby. Wilford sits down next to the bed, and holds my hand, "Squeeze my hand off if you need to" he tells me. I smile at him. "But please, try not to, I have the prettiest hands in the world, and I wouldn't want to live without 'em...especially the one you're holding...that's my shooting and stabbing hand" He explains, but I don't really listen. I can't think of something else but feel this pain.

I scream in pain, breahting fast while the doctor does his things, "I c-can't do this" I cry out. "Of course you can, it'll all be woth it in the end" Wilford tells me, "Just like in the movies, remember?" he asks me. I breathe, and breathe. I see Doctor in my eyecorners lean down, "Come on, (Y/N), I can see the baby's head! Just give me one, hard push, alright, give it your all and then it's over"


"Is (Y/N) alright...?" Babyplier asks, looking at Dark who's still sitting on Mark's seat. Dark nods, "(Y/N)'s delivering the baby" He explains blankly. Baby lowers his eyebrows confused, "but...but unwrapping isn't painful, right? Or she's just really happy!" A smile appears on his face. Dark huffs, "No, she's in great...great pain" He says with a small grin. Baby thinks for a moment, not really understanding, "ooooohh!! I get it!" He says after a little while. Dark looks at him, raising an eyebrow. "She got a papercut!"  He sticks up his index finger as if he just solved the biggest mistery in the world.

Dark covers his eyes with his hand, shaking his head. "What, is that not correct?" Baby asks. "It sure is, kid" Ed tells him, getting his legs off the table, "papercuts hurt like freakin' hell, don't ya think?" He asks. Baby nods, "yeah...I hope doctor has some bandages for her" Ed nods, "of course he does have!"  he answers.  "Bandages with animals on it?" Baby asks. Ed nods "all of 'em!"

Then suddenly, the yelling stops. Everyone around the table look at each other. "Is it over..?" Dark asks

"yay, she got a bandage!" Babyplier cheers happily, clapping his hands and jumping in his seat.


I watch Doctor wrap the baby in the softest towel he has. "congratulations, my queen. It's a beautiful little girl!" He tells me. Happy tears roll down my cheeks as Doctor hands me my baby girl. "awh Wilford, look at her!" I breathe some chuckles as I hold my baby for the first time. Wilford leans in, bringing his head next to mine as he looks down at the baby, "She's...beautiful" His words don't sound like he means it, but I don't mind. I do mean it. I already love her with all my heart.

"You did great, (Y/N)" Wilford tells me. I smile at him, our faces still close to each other. Doctor walks out, still drying his hands with a towel. I look into Wilford's eyes, "Thank you for-" he presses his index finger against my lips, hushing me, "shh, no need to thank me" He whispers before he chuckles.

I notice him glancing at my lips, and before I know it, I'm kissing him. Or he is kissing me. I don't know, and I don't care. I get dragged away in the moment, and I can't help but enjoy he passionate kiss.


Doctor walks in the dining room, folding the towel neatly in his hands. Everyone around the table looks at him, waiting impatiently. And yes, even Dark is impatiently waiting for Doctor to say someting. The Doctor smiles, "It's a girl!"

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