ch. 11 revenge

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Two days later, I wake up from fists ramming on my bedroom door before it opens. "My king, I'm so sorry to wake you, but there's been a murder!" Immediately Signe and I sit up, "What!?" Signe yelps worried before we look into each other's eyes. I sigh frustrated, "Get Anti, and doctor Schneeplestein! And our horses ready!" I tell him before he nods and jogs out, slamming the door behind him. I quickly get out of bed, "Sorry, baby, but I gotta leave" I tell my beautiful wife. She smiles at me, "Go get 'em, Sean" she tells me as I jump into my pants, quickly pulling them on before the rest of my clothes. I peck her lips and jog out.

I jog outside, and get on my horse. Breakfast will come later. I watch Anti and the doctor get on their horses, and we quickly make our way to the village. How could this have happened? And why? "Wat haz happened, king Jack?" Dr. Schneeplestein asks me with his funny German accent. "All I know is that there's been a murder..." I say, keeping my eyes on front of me, wanting to go faster.

When we arrive, I quickly get off my horse, and jog to the crowd. Not soon after I hear whispers say, "It's the king!" -- "Look, king Jack!" They all step aside, letting me and my two men through. "Can somebody tell me what the hell happened?!" I say loud, looking at the people around me. Anti and the doctor walk towards the dead body in the liquor shop. "We don't know, your royal highness" A mans steps out of the crowd. He bows when I look at him. He seems a bit nervous. "I found him like this when I went to the store this morning to buy a present for my kid turning eighteen today" He explains, talking a bit fast. I take a few steps towards the man, "Congratulations on your kid, sir" I tell him, "and thank you for telling me" I smile sweetly at him before walking into the store. "found any clues?" I ask, looking at Anti who's kneeling next to the body. He's the most experienced out of the three of us.

Anti stands up, looking down at the body, "He couldn't breathe..." I look down at the dead body 'poor man' I think to myself. "A bruise on the temple...he first was knocked out of consciousness, then his throat and nose were held shut" Anti looks at me, "That's what happened...he must've been hours max" I swallow, gently holding my throat, "Yikes..." I mumble to myself. Doctor Schneeplestein scans the body, and nods, "I'd believe ze demon" he says with his accent, "I'd say he's very right about ze case" I nod, understanding. "Search for the family, and bury this man..." I command. They both nod, and the three of us walk back outside.

"People, please, listen to me" I get their attention, "this tragedy happened when we all were asleep. We could not help the poor man" Some people look down with sadness written all over their face, "I'm so sorry for your loss. Truly sorry. But we will get to the bottom of this. We will find out who did it" I tell them. "And we will HANG the bastard!" Anti yells before people start cheering. I lower my eyebrows, looking at Anti. "What?" He growls at me, "Seem like a descent punishment" I shake my head before walking back towards my horse.

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