ch. 43 The End

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years later...


"Ehm...yeah, you just need to zip me up"

Wendy walks out of her walk-in closet. Wilford studies the dress, "mhm...mhm..." Wendy walks in front of Wilford, her back towards him, looking at herself in the mirror. "nervous?" Wilford asks. Wendy nods, lifting up her hair so Wilford can zip up her dress. He looks at her in the mirror,  "you're gonna do great, Wendy" he smiles at her, fixing her dress for her and continues with her hair. "Wilford...?" She looks at him through the mirror. "yes, princess?"

"you said I can ask you anything, anytime, right?" Wendy asks. "of course! Why would I keep something from you?"  Wilford answers. Wendy looks down at her dress, "do you know how I got my name..?" Wilford immadiately stops moving, "why the sudden interest?" He avoids answering. "well, my dad says that my mom just liked the name, and my mom always quickly agrees and she seems slightly nervous...I think there's more..." Wendy explains.

Wilford smiles slightly, looking into Wendy's eyes in the mirror, "you're so clever, Wendy..." He finishes doing Wendy's hair and gently lays his hand on her shoulder. "a little while before you were conceived, your mother had a crush on me, that's why she wanted a name starting with W" He explains calmly. Wendy thinks for a moment, "oh..." She looks away and back at Wilford, "did you and my" Wilford waits to answer, but Wendy doesn't want to say it out loud. "yes, we did...and I enjoyed it very much" Wendy lowers her eyebrows, "ew! That last part was unnecesarry!" Wilford breathes a chuckle, "sorry"

" there a possibilty that you're my father?" Wendy asks. Wilford sighs, "oh Wendy, I have wondered myself, but we'll never know! I mean, I was with your mother when you were put in this world" He explains. Wendy nods, looking down. "Try not to think about it too much, alright? Today is your day" Wilford pats her shoulder. Wendy smiles and hugs him, "thank you, Wilford" Wilford smiles at pats her back, "you're welcome"


The moment is finally there. Some painters are painting the room, ready to paint this moment and make everyone rememer it. The king and queen stand up when Wendy walks into the doorway. Wilford quickly jogs into the room and stands by the others. Wendy slowly walks up to the two thrones, smiling brightly, every now and then waving at some people. She stops in front of the few steps.

"Ladies and gentlement!" Mark starts, looking around the room, "we are gathered here today because I, king Mark Edward Fischach, will hand over my crown and leadership to my beautiful daughter and independent woman, Wendy Mae Fischbach" He says loud, looking around the throne room before looking down at Wendy.

"Wendy Mae will promise to protect your kingdom uncluding all the people in it at all cost, and put their needs before yours" Mark looks down at his daughter with a slight smile. Wendy nods once, putting her hand up, "I promise" She answers obedient, holding up her hand.

"You will answer every request from in- or outside the kingdom with a descent solution, and try your hardest to fulfill every individual's wishes to live a good life" Wendy nods once, "I promise"

"You will wear this crown with all its glory, and honor your ancestors by being a leader the best you can and leaving a mark on this world, making people remember you because of your good deeds" Wendy smiles brighter, looking into her father's eyes, "...I promise" She finally says before Mark slowly lifts the crown off his head.

Wendy stands next to him, inbetween her parents. "Now I will pronounce queen Wendy Mae Fischbach" Mark gently places the crown on Wendy's head, and people start clapping and cheering. Wendy smiles brightly, hugging her father and mother after. Mark and (Y/N) step back before Wendy walks to her father's throne. This won't be the first time Wendy will sit down on her dad's throne. The only difference now, is that it's her throne. Queen Wendy's throne.

Wendy sits down with her back straight, and a smile on her face. She looks at her father who gives her a small approvinig nod. She looks at her mother, quickly wiping away a tear or two or three. She glances at Wilford across the room, also clapping, lifting his tophat in approval. Wendy then looks around the room at the people all cheering,

"Long live the queen!"

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