ch. 16 Deal

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"Dark!" His bedroomdoor is being slammed open, revealing Mark. Dark wakes up with a tired, raspy groan. "We need you downstairs in minus ten minutes! Come on, get out of bed now!" Mark yells before going back downstairs. Dark sighs tirely and sits up. He walks to the windows en looks at the village, still seeing some smoke coming from the booze store. Dark tilts his head back, "I'm telling you, Anti did it..." He groans annoyed before he pulls on his suit again.

Of course Dark wants to tell king Mark it was Anti, but Anti will tell king Mark about what Dark did, obviously. Dark didn't even get the chance to buy some fancy liquors. He'll have to steal some from Wilford or from the kitchen, if Chef isn't there.

Dark walks downstairs, and outside where king Mark and Wilford are waiting for him. Dark gets on his horse and together they ride to the village. "How could this happen" Mark repeats to himself on the way there. They get off their horses, and walk to the burnt down shop. Mark sighs, looking at it before looking at Dark. Dark looks back at Mark, "Must've been the same person" He admits, because he knows it's true, but that all he'll say about it. Mark nods, "Yeah, probably..." He says before looking around at the people,

"I'm so sorry this happened, people...we're trying to look for a motive. The only thing we know is that there's a murderer on the lose. I could lie to you all and say there's nothing to worry about just so that you wouldn't have a reason to worry, but you are smarter than that....there is something to worry about...please, stay safe, and lock your doors and windows at night...I recommend you all let someone put barriers of steal in front of your windows...I'll pay half of the prize for" Mark asks. People start talking to each other, before agreeing. One man steps out of the crowd, "That would be another wonderful gift you could give us, my royal highness" He bows his head. Mark sighs relieved before smiling, "Good...send me a letter with the proof you need the money, and I will send it to you" He explains before walking back to his horse and getting on it.

Mark notices Dark has been quiet the whole time, but he assumes Dark is just thinking about how he would do this all differently if he was the king, so he shrugs it off. Wilford gets on his horse, waves and winks at a group of girls, and follows Mark and Dark back to the castle.

"How are you doing, Dark?" Mark asks. He can't stop thinking about why Dark would be so quiet. Maybe because he would do it differently if he was king, but there could be another reason for it, and Mark would love to know. "I'm doing fine thank 'bout you?" Dark asks, thinking about how people normally also ask the same thing back when someone asks them how they're doing. "Still a little shocked, but that's all..." Dark nods in response,

"Something on your mind?" Mark asks. Dark sighs. He thought he was done with the conversation, but apperantly not. When Mark keeps wanting to make a conversation and Dark makes it obvious he doesn't feel like talking, yet Mark still keeps talking, it makes Dark want to stuf Mark's mouth with peppers and marhsmallows. "Yes..." Dark admits. Mark looks surprised at Dark, "What is...?" He asks. Dark narrows his eyes at Mark, "How I want to make you choke on marshmallows and peppers" He says fully honest. Mark gulps. "Why do you try to make a conversation Mark?" Dark asks blankly, "I already told you I know nothing about the murder. I know just as much as you" He lies. But just like Wilford, Dark is a good liar. He learnt from the best after all.

Mark nods, "Of course, apologies" He says as the three of them get off their horses. Dark walks inside and Wilford wants to follow, but Mark holds Wilford wrist, pulling him back. "Don't touch me" Is the first thing Wilford says. "Do you think he's lying, Wilford?" Mark releases Wilford's wrist. Wilford huffs, "No one knows for sure, but I don't see why Dark would do such a thing...he's not the one to waste energy on something for no important reason" Wilford explains. Mark nods, looking down as he thinks about it, "That's a good one..." He says, not noticing Wilford quietly walking inside the building.

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