ch. 35 I miss you

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"(Y/N), wake up" I hear Wilford's voice softly call out to me close to my ear. I move my head, signaling I'm awake. I start stretching. "had a good nap?" He asks. I nod in response, "Why did you wake me up..?" I ask him. "it's time for dinner, and Mark asked where you were" Wilford explains. I rub my eyes, sitting up. I open my eyes to see Wilford shirtless next to me. I scan him up and down, "Why aren't you wearing your shirt..?" I ask him, blushing slightly, starting to wonder if I maybe drank a lot of alcohol and forgot we did it. Wilford chuckles amused at me, "this is my room, I can wear whatever I want, or whatever I don't want" He says, pulling on his shirt again.

Wilford and I walk downstairs, and into the dinner room. I see Mark at the table and smile at him, but get no smile back. Wilford quickly whispers in my ear, "Oh, and Mark is pissed at you for laying in bed with me" He quickly sits down after.  My eyes widen slightly. I look at him, "what!?" I whisper-yell at him as I keep walking to my seat next to Mark.

I sit down, "hey, Mark! How'd it go..? Did you find them?" I ask him with an unsure smile. "no" Mark answers blankly, starting to eat. Everyone at the table is enjoying their meal. Including Wilford. I glance at Wilford, who's eating like nothing's bothering him. Which is probably the case. I sigh, "Mark, nothing happened, I swear! I was just napping, that's all!" I say, getting everyone's attention. Even Wilford glances up and us. Mark drops his knife and fork, "then why was he shirtless, and you in his arms..!?" All the Ipliers look at each other, as if wanting to find out who was the lucky one this time.

I sigh frustrated, "We were watching a movie together because I couldn't keep my mind off of Wendy and I fell asleep! I don't know why he pulled off his shirt! It was on when I fell asleep!" I look at Mark. He turns his head to me. "I know why you're reacting like this, Mark, I do! But please don't think the worst of me. Trust me, please, nothing happened" We gaze into each other's eyes. Mark then turns his head to Wilford, "why, Wilford?" Everyone's head turns his way.

Wilford shrugs, "you know I have a thing for married women, Mark! Remember Jerry's wife?" A seductive smirk appears on Wilford's lips. Mark sighs, shakes his head, "You should be ashamed of yourself...ruining all those marriages" Wilford shrugs in reply, "I think I'm doing those women a favor! Saving them from their boring husband!" Mark glances at me. I look back at him, "y-you're not boring! And besides, we didn' know" Mark sighs and nods.

"the reason I was with Wilford, is because you don't have time for me, Mark..." Mark looks at me again, "And I understand! I don't want you to stop trying to get our daughter back either, but yeah...and I can't spend all these days alone! So I went to Wilford to get a high tea and we ended up watching a movie, which made me fall asleep" I explain. Mark smiles at me before hugging me, "I understand, honey...thank you for stopping me and my judgement" I giggle softly, "Now let's eat and forget this happened!" I say before I too start eating, this time actually enjoying my meal.


After dinner, Mark and I sit on our thrones. "When I was in the woods, I just said that I would be waiting, so that's what I will do tonight" Mark tells me. I smile slightly, "And at what time are you planning on heading to bed..?" I ask. Mark takes my hand, looking at me, "Midnight" he tells me. I sigh and shake my head, "You really think they're going to come over that late..?" I tell him with a smile.

Mark gently kisses my knuckles, "they're unpredictable, sweetheart" Mark answers. "You don't have to wait for me...go to bed and sleep, okay? Don't wait for me" He tells me. I shake my head, "no, I'm going to wait here with you" I tell him. Mark smiles at me, "but you need your sl-" I cut him off "No! I'm not pregnant anymore! I can rest all day! You're always looking and moving and stressing, Mark, you are the one needing sleep!" I tell him in a strict, mother-tone.

Mark looks at me, noticing I'm suddenly dead serious. He nods and sighs, "of course...I'm sorry" he tells me. I lay my hand on his back, gently rubbing, "I just needed to tell you that, honey, I'm not mad, but I just don't want you to treat me like I'm pregnant, because I'm not" I tell him. Mark nods, "I need to keep remining myself, (Y/N)...then I remember I wasn't there when you brought Wendy in this world...I will never forgive myself for-" -- "Mark" I stop him, seeing tears in his eyes.

I cup his cheeks, quickly kissing him, "Please don't beat yourself up over couldn't know, or do anything to be there...maybe with our second child you'll be there..?" I smile slightly at him. Mark looks at me, "You want another baby?" He asks me, a small smile appearing on his lips. I smile brightly and nod before kissing him again, "After we get Wendy back we can try"  I whisper to him. Mark bites his lip, turning his head towards me. I stand up and sit on his lap, my legs on each side of him. I cup his cheeks, gently kissing him. "I miss you" Mark whispers, laying his hands on my waist, making them roam over my body. I gently kiss his neck, "I miss you too" I whisper next to his ear before feeling Mark gently starting to kiss and  suck on my neck before we start making out.

Then suddenly, a guard walks into the throne room, "my king, we h-" I quickly get off Mark's lap, sitting down on my own seat again. Mark sighs frustrated, "What is it" he asks.

"They're here"

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