ch. 33 Wilford gets me

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I sit on my throne, forehead laying in my hand as my elbow rests on the arm rest. Mark walks into the throne room. I don't lift my head to see, but I hear how he walks. This must be my husband. But then I hear paper in his hands as he sits down next to me, taking my free hand in his. I look up at him to see him holding a letter. I recognize Jack's handwriting.

"What's that..?" I ask curious. Mark sighs frustrated, lightly squeezing my hand, "A letter from Jack...he says Anti got away before he could throw him in the dungeons..." He says before laying the letter down on his lap. I look down, "Did you send him back a letter yet?" I ask. Mark nods, "I wrote him that Dark's gone too, and that I'm thinking Dark and Anti planned this, that they're together as we speak, and that they have Wendy and that we should meet to discuss things" He explains.

I place a genle kiss on his hand, "Great idea, Mark" I smile at him. "I will not rest until I can hold my daughter again" he says, making tears in my eyes build up. "I can't believe that-" Mark stops talking when he looks into my eyes, "honey, what's wrong?" I asks concerned. I shake my head, quickly wiping my tears, "It just touches me that you're so protective and doing everything you can to get your daughter back" I explain. Mark breathes a soft chuckle, "Our daughter, sweetheart...and how could I not? She's our first child, and I want to raise her perfectly! But it just angers me that we can't just live our normal lives! First Dark took the throne, now he took our baby!" Mark's voice shakes slightly.

"I know, sweetie" I tell him. "And it's almost time for you to return again for a week" I mouth an 'oh'. I totally forgot about that. I was so caught up in my life in this world with the whole being pregnant stuff that I forgot about my other world I live in. I nod, "of course..." I remember I need to go to that other world for a week once a year. Host found out that one year in this world, is one night in the world I come from.

I sigh, "can't we just skip my week this year..?" I ask Mark, looking at him. Mark shakes his head, "People may start to think you're dead if you're not waking up for 24 hours" He explains. I lower myself in my seat, laying both my hands on my forehead, "of course..." I mumble to myself.

"What if we don't have Wendy back when I have to leave?" I ask worried. Mark thinks, "Then...maybe that's a good thing...?" he asks. I lower my eyebrows, "It's not, Mark! Then I have to live a week in another world with worries on my mind without being able to tell anyone, 'cause they'll think I'm crazy, and I won't be able to do anything about my baby being-" Mark cuts me off by hushing me, "shhh, (Y/N), please stop..." he says, gently taking my hand in his, "There's one good side to it...if we get Wendy back while you're there, Dark doesn't have the possibility to do anything to you!" He tells me.

I look at Mark, and he looks back at me, "...I guess you're right about that" I tell him, having a small, fake smile on my face. He smiles and nods, "exactly" he says, "And it's only in a few days you have to leave, so enjoy your time here, alright? People are looking for Dark and Anti, and the only thing you can do is just try to get some distraction, alright?" Mark asks. I look away, thinking, "yeah...good idea" I say before standing up. Mark smiles, "There you go" he says, watching me walk away. I remember promising Wilford to have a high tea with me.


I knock on Wilford's bedroom door, and walk in when he answers, "come in". I close the door behind me, "hey, Will" I say with a slight smile. Wilford, who's sitting on the balcony, turns around to look at me, "your majesty! What a delightful surprise to see you here" he says, standing up and walking to me. "Why the face?" he asks.

I look up at him, and sigh a shaky breath. Wilford lays his arm around me, "I get it, my queen" he leads me to the balony. It's so nice I don't even have to explain or talk at all. He gets me. He gently sets me down on the other chair, "Want some tea?" he asks. I nod in response before he starts pouring me a cup.

"tell me what's on your mind" Wilford starts, immediately transforming into my therapist. I take a deep breath, "I miss Wendy, and I worry about her a lot...I can't stop thinking about her" I tell him, sipping my tea after. Wilford nods, laying one leg over his other, "is it possible that you somehow blame yourself that Dark took her...?" He asks. I look at him, "exactly!" Wilford gets me, "I keep thinking what I could have done to prevent Dark from kidnapping Wendy" I explain.

Wilford nods, "of course, of course...well, I want you to know that it's not your fault. You were sleeping, like every other normal human at that time of night. Dark was just smart to think of that plan" he tells me. I sigh, and nod, "again..." I mumble to myself.

"Well, dear, stress is not good for you. So why don't you enjoy yourself some chocolate chip cookies..?"  He gestures to the plate with the cookies on it. I can't help myself and I immediately take one, because they're so good, "thank you" I say before taking a bite. "What about we make a deal...?" Wilford asks me. "What would that be?" I ask, looking at him. "In my room, you're not allowed to worry" Wilford smirks slightly at his genius idea.

I sigh, "I don't know about that,'s very hard for me to not think about my new-born Wendy" I exlain. Wilford lowers his eyebrows, acting confused, "Who's Wendy? I don't know a Wendy!" I look at him with a 'really?' expression on my face. "I'm serious! I never heard about this Wendy before! I don't know any Wendy's!" He tells me again.

I can't help but breathe some chuckles, "Alright, Wilford, I get it, no worries!" Wilford snickers, "there's another term for that" I look at him confused, "what do you mean..?" I ask. Wilford chuckles his silly chuckles, "Come on, you love that movie!!! Hakuna Matata!" He says, making me laugh.

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