ch. 39 The plan is working

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I wipe Wendy's mouth while Wilford wipes Baby's mouth corners. "Hey Wendy, do you want to play outide with me and Cat?" B asks with a bright smile. Wendy nods, "mommy, can I play?" she asks cheerful. I nod, "of course! But only in the castle gardens!" I tell them as the three run out the room. I sigh a happy sigh while shaking my head. "Ed, can you watch them so they don't run into the village or something?" I ask him. Ed nods, "yes, ma'am" He tells me before grabbing a donut and walking out of the room.

When everyone left, Dark walks into the room. My eyes widen. We haven't seen Dark in a few years. It's strange that he looks so good. I mean he doesn't look like he's been in the woods for years. He's shaved, suit has no wrinkles whatsoever, and it looks like he just had a haircut. "Dark?" Mark finally says. Dark shows no emotion. No happiness, no anger, nothing in between, just blank. I wouldn't know how to feel right now either.

But, we need Dark here for The Plan. Because if we bring him in the dungeons on the day of the wedding, also Wendy's birthday. I need to act surprised or like I don't want Dark here. Mark and I have been over this before. Not a lot, but we have a plan.

"What are you doing here..." I ask Dark blankly. Dark starts grinning seductive at me, which actually makes me mad. "I got bored of Anti and since I live here, I came back...I know many think I'm a monster, but I'm descent enough to let you know that I'm roaming around the halls" Dark explains to us. Mark and I look at each other and back at him. "well...welcome back then, I guess...?" Mark says. Dark nods and want to speak up, but this is where my acting comes in. I shake my head, ", not 'welcome back'!!" I stand up.

"honey, why not?" Mark asks. Mark would agree with me, but he remembers our little act. "Did you forget this monster has to marry out daughter!?" I say, keeping my eyes on Dark to show him how 'stressed' I am about this. "We agreed to the deal, sweetheart" Mark stands up, taking my hand. Dark grins proud to himself, "ah, yes of course! I wonder what little Wendy looks like right now" he tells me.

I lower my eyebrows. I know he isn't, but he sounds like a pedofile right now. That somehow angers me too. "And since she has to marry me..." Dark gets my attention again, "Why don't you let me get to know little Wendy Mae?" He says. I ball my fists, "She's six years old, Dark..." Mark sighs, taking my hand in his, "let me handle this, honey" he says, winking at me with the eye that is out of Dark's sight. I look down, trying my best not to smile.

"Dark...I think it's a very good idea that Wendy gets to know you...but I ask two things from you" Mark says in more of a commanding than requesting tone. Dark nods once, tilting his head to the side slightly, "what is it, your majesty?" He asks. "First of all...I would like you to not tell Wendy that you'll be marrying her in twelve years" Mark says. Dark nods, "I understand, it would confuse and scare her" Mark smiles relieved at his answer.

"second of all, I would like you to clean the dungeons once or twice a month. The maids don't like to come there" Dark thinks about it for a moment. He straightens his suit jacket and nods once, "Fine...shouldn't be a problem" He replies, making Mark smile. I still look unamused at Dark, but on the inside I'm happy.

The plan is working.

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