ch. 32 Little Wendy Mae

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"And we walked back in the room, but Dark was already gone"  Mark explains, ending the story. Everyone around the table start mumbling to each other. Mark pulls me closer to him. "Take this, your majesty" Wilford says. I look up, seeing Wilford offering his pink handkerchief. I smile weak as I take it, "thank you, Wilford" I wipe my tears.

"So, how are we going to solve this, my king?" Wilford asks. I look up at Mark. He seems deep in thoughts after that question, "If anyone has any ideas, please tell me" Mark finally says. "Do you have any ideas, Google?" I ask, seeing Google looking down instead of staring blankly in front of him. Google's head turns towards me, "kill" He says fast. So quick, that I didn't understand what he said, "wha-?" -- "Kill" he says again.

Mark sighs and shakes his head, "He's no good at such things, have to let him follow orders, not let him make a plan. You know he wants to destroy mankind" I nod, remembering I was told so, "of course". 

"I say we track 'em down and shoot him in tha head!" Ed says before holding his hands up as if holding a hunting rifle and making a sound as if he fires it after. Mark shakes his head, "No one is going to die!" He says, raising his tone slightly. "No? Alright, well fuck you" Ed mumbles. Mark hears him, but decides to ignore him. "Any other ideas?" He asks.

"tracking him down seems like a great option" Bim Trimme starts, "Search through the whole kingdom and beyond!" He says, looking around the table. "And maybe not take him back here, but take baby Wendy, and ban him from the kingdom..?" Baby suggests. Mark thinks about it and everyone goes quiet. Baby's smile fades, "Did I say something wrong...?" He asks. Mark shakes his head, "No, B, that's genius!" He says, "Dark told us he would give Wendy back if we wouldn't throw him in the dungeons!" Mark explains, "and banning him is exactly that!" Baby claps excited, "yay, I did a thing!" I breathe some amused giggles.

"But won't he cause even more trouble in other kingdoms, like in Jack's kingdom...?" Wilford says, stopping everyone from being excited. Mark sighs. "what!? I'm always right!" Wilford says. Mark nods, "yes, yes, you're right, Will..." I try to think of something, just like everyone else, "What if we let him propose an idea...?" I ask, getting everyone's attention and all eyes on me. "Wat do you mean..?" Mark asks me. I sit up, clearing my throat, "well...he doesn't want to be thrown in the dungeons, but maybe if we let him offer a request, we can work this out to make it a win-win..?" Everyone thinks about it.

"Very possible, very possible" Wilford starts, "But we will first need to find him and the baby child" he says. Mark nods, "very good idea, honey, but-" -- "thank you" Wilford says, making everyone look at him confused. "I was talking to (Y/N)" Mark says annoyed. Wilford raises an eyebrow before clearing his throat, "oh, of course, of course" I giggle softly, shaking my head.


Today, Signe and I are going to throw Anti in the dungeons. We walk to his room together, with four guards following us. Signe holds my hand, "it's going to be okay, Sean" she smiles sweetly at me. I smile back, a little unsure, "I know, sweetheart" I tell her before knocking on Anti's bedroom door, "Anti, open up, or I'll do it" I say impatiently. It's silent behind the door. Signe and I look at each other. "Anti?" I ask, banging my fist on the door.

"Anti, goddamnit, open up!" I command more strict before I want to open the door, but it's locked. I sigh frustrated. I take a step back, pulling Signe with me, "open the door" I command one of my guards. He nods once before kicking in the door and walking in with the other three. Signe and I follow, looking around, "what the fuck?!" I say. "The room looks as if it's plundered by fookin' pirates!" I yell angry, seeing an open window.

I release Signe's hand and walk towards the open window, looking outside, expecting Anti to still be there. "he knew..." I look back at Signe. She nods at me, "Maybe send Mark a letter about this..?" She suggests. I nod, walking up to her. I peck her lips, "good thinkin'" I say before walking back out with her.


That night, Dark and Anti happen to meet each other at their usual spot. Dark is sitting on a fallen tree, looking down at the sleeping baby in his arms. He wrapped Wendy in the softest blanket he could find. Anti sees Dark, "what the hell do you have there?" Anti starts. He stops walking when he's standing next to Dark, "A fookin' baby!?" He answers his own question.

"Shh!" Dark hushes him, glaring up at Anti, "She's finally asleep" He whispers. Anti sits down, "My condolences, dad" Anti snickers teasingly. Dark growls softly, "you should be thanking me" he mumbles. "And why the hell would I do that?" Anti says, sitting down next to Dark.

"Who was pregnant when you were at my castle?" Dark asks. Anti thinks, then mouths an 'oh', "(Y/N)!" he finally says. "Bingo" Dark says. "and you're the dad!" Dark rolls his eyes, "Anti, think, goddamnit! We were both about to be thrown into the dungeons! And I have the baby! Mark, (Y/N), Signe and Jack will do anything to protect this fragile human!" Dark explains.

Anti grins, "And as long as we have the baby..." He says to himself. "exactly, my friend" Dark grins devilish, before looking down at the little baby girl. "Ohhh, you're a genius, Dark" Anti snickers wicked. "I know, I know" Dark chuckles amused. "So what's the little princess' name?" Anti asks.

"Wendy mae"

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