ch. 7 moving to heaven

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It's the next day, right after lunchtime. It's a beautiful, warm day. I sit on a bench, near the spot Mark asked me to marry him for the first time. Such an adventure that was. I look over the landscape, at the village. I see many people outside, probably everyone. It warms my heart that the whole village is so happy for the king and me having a baby. Everyone in the castle, I'm not so sure about them. Most of everyone seems happy, but Wilford and Ed, not so much. Ed, I already had figured out. When Mark and I told everyone we wanted a baby, Ed tried to sell his son to us, and now that I'm pregnant, he doesn't see a chance anymore. Wilford though...still as mysterious as always. I've thought about our past together, maybe that could be it. I try not to think about it too much. I can't let my happiness get away by one person. I once had a dream where my child was born. It was a boy, looking a lot like Mark. He has most from his father. I smile at the thought, but then it fades again. I remember the baby having kind of a pinkish edge around the iris.

I sigh frustrated, closing my eyes for a moment as a cool breeze flows over my skin, causing goosebumps to rise. After that, I feel the sun appear from behind the clouds, warming me up again. Without realizing it, I sigh relieved again, and listen to the sounds that tell me it's very quiet around me. In the distance, I hear children laugh and yell. I can't help but smile when suddenly, I hear soft purring next to me. I open my eyes and look next to me too see Cat-Iplier sit there. "Watcha thinkin' about...?" He asks, purring. It still surprises me that a human-like being can purr like a cat. I don't even know how cats do it. 'Some say it's because of a vibrating vein, but-' My thoughts get but off by myself. I suddenly realize I was asked a question just now.

I breathe a chuckle "About the baby" I tell him. Cat smiles down at my hands on my tummy. "It's kicking, do you want to feel?" I ask with a sweet smile. He nods, gently laying once of his extremely soft hands where I had my hand. He purrs louder, "strange" he simply says. I nod, "Not the word I'd use, but yes" I giggle softly, "I'd call it...interesting" I tell him. Cat smiles, nodding, "yeah, that too" He says before laying down on the bench, laying his head on my lap, looking over the landscape. I gently run my fingers through his hair. "When is the baby gonna come miaut?" he chuckles softly. I laugh slightly at his joke, "In a week or two" I explain as I look down at him. "Isn't that going to hurt?" He asks. I sigh afraid, "Yes...probably...very much so" Cat sits up, "sorry, I didn't want to scare you" he tells me. I smile, "It's okay. Doctor and Mark will help me get through it, and it'll all be worth it" I explain. Cat nods before his ears turn backwards, and his head after. I look at where he's looking to see Mark walk our way.

Cat stands up with a very soft 'mew' in the back of his throat, and smiles at Mark. Mark gives him a nod and a smile back before Cat walks off. Mark sits down next to me, laying a hand on my baby tummy, "How are you doing, sweetheart?" He asks sweetly. I lay a hand on his and peck his lips, "I'm doing fine, just getting some fresh air" I explain. "This is the perfect spot" He tells me, looking at the kingdom. I follow his gaze, "exactl-" I get cut off by someone yelling from far away. Mark stands up, "Did you hear that..?" He takes a few steps towards the village, as if he will see everything better from there. "Yeah, I did..." I carefully stand up, walking to where Mark's standing. "Maybe it was nothing..?" I ask worried. Mark bites his lip hesitant, thinking, "I don't know honey..." He tells me.

"Mister king!!!" I turn around, seeing Ed running our way. "What is it, Ed?" Mark asks worried. "I was just, ya know, walking' my way towards that store that sells the best booze in the kingdom?" Mark shakes his head confused, "Ed just tell me what's going on" he commands frustrated. "There's been a murder! The man who owns that place is dead!" he says in his thick cowboy accent. Mark and I look at each other, worried. "Ed, take (Y/N) inside with Baby and Cat. Get Doctor immediately, tell him to come to the village...and Dark too! Oh, and Wilford, he might find some clues" Mark quickly says before turning to me, "You take care of Baby and Cat, alright?" he asks. I sigh, knowing I can't come with them because I'm pregnant. I nod, "you go, quick" I tell him. Mark pecks my lips, "You're the best, (Y/N)" he says before jogging after Ed.

I sigh again, walking over the path, inside the castle. Everyone is panicking, running around the castle, and I can't do anything because I'm already carrying a person inside me. Ed jogs towards the hall, "Ed!?" I stop him, "yea?" He asks, "Where are Cat and Baby?" I ask him. "Baby's room" he says as he starts jogging towards the entrance of the castle. "Of course" I start walking up the stairs. Baby and Cat are mostly together. They're the two most calm people in the castle, probably in the whole kingdom, and beyond.

I gently knock on Baby's door. "come in?" he asks sweetly. I open the door, making a smile appear on his face, "Hey (Y/N)!" he says with a sweet smile. He's laying on his stomach on the ground, drawing. I wish I could do that. I close the door behind me, "Where's Cat?" I ask, sitting down. Baby points at the curtains which are almost all the way closed. I move one curtain aside, revealing Cat-Iplier, sitting there, looking out the window, at the village, "Hey there, buddy" I say to get his attention. He smiles at me, "hey!" he climbs off the window sill, sitting down on the ground next to Baby. "Do you two know why we're here?" I ask them. They both look up at me, and nod in sync, "Yes," I want to stop him, but before I can,"someone is moving to heaven, and they need help from the king and everyone else!" Baby explains with a proud smile. I sigh relieved and nod, "Exactly"

"But why can't we help?" Cat-iplier asks. Baby opens his mouth to talk, but stops himself. I see he's thinking really hard. "Well, you two need to take care of me! I'm pregnant, and I can't lift things, and because you two are such a great team, well...that's why we're here!" I explain, now being the one with the proud smile. Baby nods, mouthing an 'oh'. "So, what are you drawing?" I ask Baby, looking down at his paper full of colors.

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