ch. 14 Smart Wilford

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While Mark walked out of the dinner room, away from the cozy high-tea, he balled his fists. He was almost sure it had to be Wilford. Wilford is the best liar after all. Many years of experience. "How could I never have thought of that" Mark mumbles to himself as he looks around the halls. Suddenly he hears robotic sounds coming from around the corner before he walks into the one and only, "Google!" He says before Google makes his activating sound. His eyes and the G on his shirt light up, and he looks right into Mark's eyes, "Hello" He says with a wide grin spread across his face. "Do you happen to know where Wilford is?" Mark asks in a hurried tone. Google's grin fades, "Bedroom" He simply answers before continuing to walk again.

He's not even sure it's true, but Google knows Wilford doesn't have a show or an interview, so he must be in his bedroom. It always pisses Google off that no one actually asks him a hard question that can not be answered easily.

Mark nods, "of course" He says before starting to jog towards the stairs, and to Warfstache's bedroom. Mark knows on the bedroom door and immediately opens it, not waiting for an answer. The door bumps into the wall, and closes by itself again. Wilford lowers his eyebrows at Mark, "Please, do come in" He says confused. "To what do I owe this special occasion of you visiting me, my king?" Wilford asks as he stands up.

"Wilford...I need to know" Mark says, slightly out of breath. "What is it?" Wilford asks, getting a bit impatient. "Was it you..?" Mark asks. Wilford is about to shake his head, but stops mid-way, "I'm afraid I do not-" -- "Did you do it..?" Mark cuts him off. It takes Wilford a few moments to realize what Mark is talking about, but once it hits him, he gasps, gaping open his mouth, "How dare you..." Wilford says sofly before he raises his tone and says, "How dare you accuse me of such a thing!" He hugs himself, "I mean, I see why you accuse me, because I never leave clues, and I'm a very smooth one, but dare you!" He narrows his eyes at Mark. Mark rolls his eyes, "How am I sure you didn't do it?" he asks.  Wilford rolls his eyes, "I believe I was enjoying a nice drink while admiring my weapons" He explains calmly.

Mark thinks for a moment. "What if king Jack did it..?" Wilford asks jokingly, "It would be crazy if king Jack wanted to attack your kingdom because your kingdom is obviously way bigger and more successfull..." Mark looks up at Wilford, surprised by his smart thinking. Wilford and Mark stare at one another, "make a painting, it lasts longer" Wilford snaps sassy. "Jack wouldn't do that...right? Jack is not like that" Mark tells himself, looking down and turning around. Wilford opens the doors to his fancy balcony, "You never know, Mark...many people would never accuse me of murder because of the way I dress but what was the first thing you did when you got into my room?" Wilford asks, twirling some of his hair around his finger.

Mark looks at Wilford, "You know, can be such a pain, but you can actually be really smar-" --- "hush, hush, you're ruining my moment" Wilford cuts him off, making a shooing gesture. Mark nods, "thanks, Wilford" He says before walking out of the bedroom. He closes the door behind him and sighs. Mark sighs before shaking his head and walking back downstairs, "Jack is not like that" He keeps repeating softly to himself.

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