ch. 15 burn it down

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"So..." Dark starts. "So..." Anti repeats him. "What is next, tough boy!?" Dark asks with a teasing grin. Anti returns the grin, "I'm still deciding" He tells Dark. "You do know that I can still buy booze from that same store, right?" Dark asks, intertwining his hands behind his back. Anti snickers devilish, "Are you hinting at something, Darki?" He asks teasingly. Dark raises an eyebrow, "What would I be hinting at, A?" He asks, slightly tilting his head. Anti grins widely, showing his teeth, "Burn the shop down". Dark raises his eyebrows for a split second, "You wouldn't" He says, as if Anti is getting him the most expensive gift in the world.

Anti crosses his arms, "I told you I'd murder that guy, and I did! Why wouldn't you believe me now?!" Dark grins amused, "A murder is nothing compared to what I'm planning on doing to your kingdom" He threatens. Anti starts laughing his wicked laugh, "What, like forgetting to feed the dog again? Ooh, I'm so scared!" Dark rolls his eyes annoyed, "You were scared too, don't deny that, I saw it with my own eyes, Anti!" He says with a growl in the back of his throat. Anti sighs, "Yes, but I have an escaping plan now" He explains. "Sure you do, buddy" Dark says with a sarcastic smile.

"So, your next plan is to burn down the shop?" Dark asks to make sure. Of course Dark doesn't like the idea of the booze store gone. That's exactly why he will buy a lot before it becomes one with the ground. Anti nods, "Tonight" He says, balling his fists. It frustrates him that Dark seems so calm, like he doesn't believe Anti will actually do it. But little does Dark know, Anti already has the whole plan ready. "The best of luck, pathetic excuse for a demon" Dark teases before turning around and walks back to the castle. "Just wait, Dark! Your kingdom will be destroyed if you keep pissing me off like this!" Anti yells angry. Dark makes a shooing gesture, not bothering to turn around again to look at Anti, "Do what you want, Anti" Anti grits his teeth and growls, "Oh, I will, ya asshole...."


I dry my hands before unlocking the bathroom door and walking back to my bedroom where Mark is sleeping peacefully. And what are the odds, I see Dark again, walking towards his bedroom like I am.

"Dark" I call out his name. He stops in his tracks and turns around, creepily slow, to look at me. I gulp, "What are you doing?" I ask him, "Don't tell me you were taking a piss, because you weren't, don't lie to me" I actually have no idea if he was lying the pervious time, so I'm just guessing. Yet, it's still suspicious he's awake at this time at night. Men have larger bladders than women, they don't pee a lot and if they do, it could take up to two minutes or so, right?

Dark walks towards me, "I was talking with Anti about what we should to next to each other's kingdom..." he grins widely. In the dark, that grinning face looks even more scary than in daytime. I gulp, taking a small step back, "You two are doing this...?" I ask him. "My secret is safe with you, right, sweetheart?" he strokes my cheek with the back of his hand, "I'd hate to see you lose your first child" He glances down at my tummy and back up at me, not moving his head.

I whimper afraid, "monster" I whisper at him. He chuckles devilish, "Glad you didn't forget" He tells me before turning around and walking back to his room. I watch him disappear before walking into the bedroom and snuggling up close to Mark, immediately feeling safer.

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