ch. 13 High tea

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I sit in the garden on the bench again. It's like one of my happy places. I suddenly hear horses coming from somewhere behind me. I turn around and see, behind some trees, a familiar carriage. I smile and stand up before walking into the castle, "They're here!!!" I say, walking by the throne room. Mark stands up and jogs over to me, his cape flowing right behind him. Together, we walk to the castle doors which are being opened. I hear that familiar creak, and then I see Jack, Signe, and Anti step out of the carriage.

"Jack, good old friend!" Mark says before giving Jack a tight hug. Signe smiles at me, "Wow, you're almost exploding!" She says before we both giggle and share a hug too, "Well, any day now" I tell her, looking down at my belly. Dark comes up from behind me and walks to Anti. They simply greet each other with a glare and with a very sarcastic, "So nice to see you again"

The four of us walk to the dinner room for a high tea. I like to have an official high tea every now and then. Sometimes Wilford and I have one together, but Wilford's mostly busy nowadays. Updating the town and the rest of the kingdom how everything and everyone's doing in the castle.

We sit down, "So...tell me more about what happened here" Jack asks. Mark clears his throat, "You remember that guy from the liquor store we used to buy that special drink for special occasioins? He always had it in store for us" He explains. Jack nods, "Yeah...?" He asks. Mark sighs, "Well, he is no longer with us" He tells Jack. Jack shakes his head, "Terrible, terrible news...though it's strange" He says before looking back up at Mark. "The same man has been murdered in my kingdom!" Jack explains. Mark nods in response, "Exactly!" He runs a hand through his hair, "As is somone is onto something, or this murderer has some kind of system, or a partner..." Mark looks down, thinking hard. Jack sighs, thinking too.

"I honestly do not think you have to worry so much..." Dark says, getting everyone's attention, "I will get to the bottom of this" He explains. "Yeah, but I will probably be the one to solve the mystery" Anti says, looking blankly at Dark. "oh, so you think you're smarter than me?" Dark asks, narrowing his eyes at Anti, "Is that what you're saying?" Anti nods, "exactly what I'm saying, Dar-" Mark cuts them off, "enough!" He says as he bangs his fist on the table once, before sighing annoyed. "This is not the time to argue...this is the moment where you two stop fighting and start working together! If you both think you're so good at solving mysteries, then work together, and we'll find the murderer in no time!" Jack, Signe and I nod in agreement. Dark and Anti both roll their eyes. "I'm not working with that asshat"Anti growls annoyed. "And I'm not working with that dumbass, thinking he's better than me...than me, Mark!" Mark buries his face in his hands, "Then you don't wok together, see if I care! I couldn't care less! Work individually, whatever! long as you find out who the murderer is!" Ad after that, Dark stands up, "I will, right away" He says before starting to walk out of the room, "No!" Ani says before he stands up too "I will!" And with that, they both walk in a very fast pace out of the room. As if the first one who is outside, will find the murderer.

"Don't worry too much about them, Mark" Jack says, "You always have Wilford, know...he did some things in the past, and he probably know how to solve a murder too, right?" he asks. Mark looks up at Jack, his eyes widened. "Did I say something wrong?" Jack asks worried. Mark shakes his head, "No, no, not at all, you might have solved it just now..." Mark tells us, still very surprised. "You think Wilford did it?" I ask, getting their attention. Mark stays quiet. "You do..?" Signe and Jack asks in sync. Mark nods slowly before looking at Jack, "he hasn't done anything in quite some time now...the last time was like half a year ago with his gaming show, he shot someone, remember?" Jack nods, "Yes, I believe the man's name was Tyler?" Mark nods in response, "Exactly"

"But you're not sure he did it..." I say, getting Mark, Jack, and Signe's attention, "Wasn't he in the castle that night?" I ask Mark. "Are you defending him right now?" He asks, a little offended. I blush slightly, "N-no, I mean...Wilford would be very offended if you accuse him and he's not guilty..." I explain. Mark stands up, "When I accuse him you mean" He starts walking, "I'll be right back" He says before walking around the corner, disappearing.

I sip my tea. "I think you've made a good point, (Y/N)" Signe tells me. "yes, I agree" Jack says. I smile at them, bowing my head, "Thank you" I set my cup down. "how's everyone doing in the castle?" Signe asks with a sweet smile. I nod, "Very good! What about over at your place?" I ask. Signe and Jack look at each other, smiling, "excellent as well" Jack answers before standing up, "But excuse me, I need to use the bathroom" He says before walking away.

When Jack has disappeared, Signe takes my hands in hers, "(Y/N), I need to tell you something" She says. "Oh, what is it?" I ask worried, but I worry less when I see a smile appear on my face. "I'm pregnant too" She tells me. I gasp, "That's wonderful!" I say, maybe a little too loud. We both giggle softly, "shh!!" She puts her index finger against her lips. "I haven't told Sean yet...I want to make it absolutely special" She tells me. I nod, "Of course, of course" I say before I start thinking. "Oh, I've got an idea" I tell her before I start explaining my genius plan.

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