ch. 10 Bring it on

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The sun is starting to set. The group of men return to the castle, but one. One doesn't want to go back just yet. "Will..." Dark says, getting Wilford's attention, "Tell the king I will  be back later, don't wait for me at dinner" He explains. Wilford gives him a nod, and makes his horse run back to the castle. "yeeehaaa" Ed yells, making some girls squeal, because, just like the rest, he's a real ladies man.

With Dark left behind, the team arrives at the castle. Dark walks out of the village, towards the forest. He's hoping he will meet a certain someone there, who's been probably waiting for a while. Dark's almost sure he did it.

And yes, there they are once again. Dark and Anti, in the forest, starting their next discussion. "I'm surprised you actually had the balls to do it, Anti" Dark says blankly, intertwining his hands behind his back. Anti grins wicked, "Told you I'd fuckin' do it! Never underestimate me!" He says with that slight growl in the back of his throat. Dark rolls his eyes before looking back at Anti, "You're right. I won't. No more" he tells him, making Anti grin proudly to himself. "Same goes for  you...'friend'" Dark tells him, "remember what I warned you for" he says, slightly tilting his head. Anti lowers his eyebrows confused, "I never remember your boring voice! What did you warn me for, 'buddy'" He growls at Dark. Dark sighs, narrowing his eyes at Anti, "I will get my sweet...sweet revenge" He says, a grin starting to appear on his lips. Anti doesn't show fear. He doesn't believe Dark's words. Dark always threatened him, but never actually did what he said, "If a war is what you will get it" Dark states, not showing fear, because he has none. He actually means his words, always has. He just never has been angry enough to actually hurt Anti. He never really felt like it, until now. Anti starts to grin widely, enjoying the idea of a who-is-the-strongest competition, and who-can-do-the-most-damage,

"Bring, it, on"


I walk back to the bedroom. Being pregnant makes you pee twice as much. Annoying, but I try to  keep thinking that it'll all be worth it when my baby is finally born.

I get snapped out of my thoughts when I make eye-contact with Dark walking up the stairs. We both stop walking. "Why are you up so late, Dark?" I ask him. "I was about to ask you that same question" He narrows his eyes at me. I huff, "I needed to baby is pushing against my bladder, what about you?" I cross my arms.  "same reason" Dark simply says before he continues walking to his bedroom, but before he can enter, I clear my throat.

Dark stops in his tracks and turns his head to me, creepily slow. "Tell me where you really were..." I command him, crossing my arms. "Taking a pee" he simply answers before walking in his room and carefully closing the door behind him. I sigh and decide to forget about it.

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