ch. 9 You do have me

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I hear the doors open. I look up from the board game Baby and Cat and I are doing. I'm holding a cup of tea with both hands Chef made me. A little while later, Mark steps around the corner, walking towards the dinner table we're sitting at. "Hi, dear" he says, placing a kiss on my head, "how did it go?" I ask worried. Mark looks at Baby, then back at me, "I handled everything" he says. I look at Baby, then back up at Mark, "of course" I smile at him. I'll ask Mark about it later, when there's not someone at the table who's very sensitive to murder- and horror stories.

"Can I go outside now?" Baby asks, once again, in a whiny tone. I breathe some chuckles, "Yes, you can, Baby" He smiles, standing up, "yay!" he says before walking away, Cat running after him. Mark sits down next to me. "So, what happened?" I ask him. Mark sighs, "The owner of that liquor store, remember him? I think you met him once" He asks. I think for a moment, "Oh, yeah...oh no, was it him?" I ask worried. Mark nods, "His throat was slit...Wilford and the rest are still down town, cleaning everything up and helping the family and friends get a descent funeral" he explains. I smile at him, "Your idea?" I ask, thinking I already know the answer. Mark nods with a proud smirk, "all me, baby" He says. I giggle softly before hugging him, "such a hero you are" I tell him.

"Any ideas who might've done it?" I ask. Mark shakes his head, "I sent Dark after it, he and Wilford are good at such things" He explains. I nod, agreeing. "We don't know who did it yet, though I have a suspicion" Mark tells me, "but Dark told me it probably wasn't true, and-" -- "Who?" I ask, getting Mark's attention, "Who do you think did it?" -- "Anti" Mark simply answers, "Who else has his throat slit?" I think about it. "damn, that's smart thinking..." I mumble to myself. Mark chuckles softly, "I know, I'm really clever. If I wasn't a king, I'd be an engineer" He says for the god-knows-how-many'st time. I giggle softly, patting his shoulder, "I know, sweetheart. I'm sure you would've been the best one in the whole kingdom" I tell him again, just like last time, but every time, Mark smirks proud and answers with, "damn right"

I look at Mark, seeing him deep in thoughts. I gently take his hand in mine, "Hey, don't worry, okay? You've got the best team doing their best for their king. Just have a little patience, a murder isn't solved in three seconds" I tell him. Mark looks at me with an unsure smile, "I know, I know, but still...this news will spread across the country, and people will stop coming here, and my village will become poor, and people will start moving out, and I'm here left with a bunch of dorks and douchebags" I can't help but breathe a chuckle at the end. I gently take his chin, making him look at me, "And you've got me...and our baby in a week or two" He smiles sweetly at me. "Don't you worry, Mark...everything's going to me just fine...the people in this town aren't stupid. Don't expect so little from them. They won't move away from here! They understand that you will do everything you can to let something like this never happen again" I tell him, looking into his eyes, because that will show him how much I mean it.

Mark smiles at me with probably happy tears in his eyes. He hugs me, "Oh, if I didn't have you..." He doesn't finish that thought. I smile in the crook of his neck, "But you do, baby" I tell him. We look into each other's eyes, "You do have me, and I'm here for you. I always will be" I wipe away a tear with my thumb before Mark pulls me in for a loving kiss.

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