ch. 17 off the list

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Mark holds my hand as we sit on our thrones. Mark let someone get Dark from wherever he may be. Mark thinks Dark caused all the trouble in the village, or that he might know more about it. I personally am not so sure what to think. I wouldn't know why Dark would do such a thing, so I don't think Dark did it, but then again, Mark knows Dark better than anyone.

Mark sits up as Dark enters the big room, and walks over the red carpet towards our thrones. He intertwines his hands behind his back, and bows his head with a fake smile, "Hello again, my king" He says. "Dark, I need you to be fully honest with me" Mark starts. Dark tilts his head slightly, narrowing his eyes the slightest bit, "But I always am" He says with a wicked grin. I look at Mark, seeing him narrow his eyes, as if wanting to read Dark's mind. As if Mark knows Dark is hiding something.

"Tell me, everything...every, single, thing, you know about what happened in the village this week" Mark commands. Dark sighs frustrated, "Again with this..." Dark mumbles to himself, looking down as he does so. "What do you know" Mark asks again, sounding more impatient than before. Dark rolls his eyes, knowing he has to answer, and can't just walk away. "I know that the murderer and the one who set the store one fire was the same person. I'm assuming it was a man, since women in this kingdom are too scared to even speak up to the king" Dark explains, "And maybe this was a one time thing, since it seemed like the store and the man working there were the target. Maybe it had something to do with revenge, but I can not know that for sure" He sounds very sure of his words.

I look at Mark. I can see he's in deep thoughts. Mark starts to nod slowly, "Good thinking" Mark tries to act as if he wasn't about to blame Dark for all this. "I know you think I did it" Dark says, out of the blue, "Just know that I didnt...I loved that store, and the guy was an annoying but descent man" He tells Mark, looking into his eyes so the words are more powerful. Mark nods, "My're right" He says, looking at Dark. "Any more thoughts?" He asks. Dark shakes his head and responds, "No, sir, that would be all" He says, about to turn around, but Mark stops him with, "What about the thing that happened in Jack's kingdom?" He asks.

Dark looks up at Mark, being silent for a moment, as if thinking of an answer. Maybe he didn't really think about that yet. "that must have been a coincidence...either that, or someone who was very close with the guy from our liquor store got revenge by doing the same to Jack's kingdom" He answers.

Mark narrows his eyes, "Are you saying someone from Jack's kingdom did it...?" Mark asks as if he already has someone in his head. Must be Anti. Dark simply lifts his shoulders, "Probably not" He answers, not saying or doing anything else. "Could be, right?" Mark asks, "I know how Anti always threatens you with hurting someone or something along those lines" He explains. Dark chuckles cocky, shaking his head, "My king, you don't know Anti like I do...Anti is too afraid to actually do such things..." When I look back at Mark it seems like he's not buying it. Apparently Dark sees this too, so he decides to come with an even stronger argument, "Do you know the saying 'Barking dogs don't bite', my king...?" He asks. Mark shakes his head, "No..?" He says, a little confused. "Anti is the perfect example. He's barking with all those threats...but he won't actually bite" Dark explains calmly.

It makes sense to me. When I look back up at Mark, he seems to feel the same, "I guess that makes Anti and Dark are off the suspect-list" Mark says. A wide, proud grin appears on Dark's lips. He bows his head, "Have a good day" He says before turning around and walking out of the room.

Mark sighs, lowering himself in his seat. I gently take his hand, "You're trying, Mark, don't worry, you'll find the perpetrator" I tell him. He gently kisses my knuckles, "Thank you, honey...I just hope you're right" he tells me. I put up a cocky grin, "Pheh, what? I'm always right, and you know it!" I say, giggling softly. Mark chuckles amused, "Of course, sweetheart, of course"

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