ch. 21 it's better you go

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The gates open to king Jack's castle. Mark gently holds my hand in his before we walk through the garden, inside the castle. We walk to the throne room where Jack and Signe are sitting, "Mark! So good to see you! You come as if called!" He says with a smile on his face. Mark smiles, but from where I look at it, it's obviously fake. "King Jack. Could we possibly sit down and talk?" Jack nods, stepping off his throne with Signe following, "of course, of course!" he says before we walk through a smaller room in the side of the throne room. We walk into the small room with a table and like ten chairs around it. We sit down, "So, what's on you mind?"

Mark immediately cuts to the chase, "Part of my kingdom...and some people in my castle... suspect you from-" Jack chuckles confused and a little frustrated, "Hold on, hold on" He stops Mark, holding his hand up, "You think I did all that?" Jack asks surprised, but not in a good way, "You think I let someone murder and burn that store?" He asks, raising his tone slightly. "My family statue is ruined too...there was an explotion" Mark's voice start shaking, but I take his hand, reminding him that I'm here. Mark clears his throat to regain strength.

Jack sighs, "I'm sorry to hear...but give me one good reason why I would've done it" Jack commands. "Jealousy?" Mark asks, looking dead serious at him. "Jealous of what? Your kingdom being bigger than mine?!" Jack asks. Mark nods, "Yeah...exactly that" he says, probably starting to suspect Jack even more now. Jack rolls his eyes, not believing his ears, "This is unbelievable, Mark!" He says, standing up.

"First you come to my castle, and accuse me of all the shite that's been going on?! I thought I was your best friend, Mark!" Jack yells. Mark stands up, "You are, Jack, but-" Jack cuts him off, "apparently not!" he starts "best friends trust each other,'re not trusting me at the moment since you accuse me of murder and distruction in your kingdom! I know how much that statue meant to you!" Jack explains. Mark sighs and looks down, "I don't-....I'm sorry Jack" He says, "I don't know what got into m-" -- "I think it's best you leave" Jack says unamused as he points at the door.

Signe and I exchange worried looks before I stand up and walk out with Mark without any of us saying another word. Mark stays silent the whole way home. I try to think of something to say, but it's not necessary. I think Mark's already in deep thoughts and conversations with himself. Probably not sure what to do now. Maybe he thinks Jack did it, maybe he doesn't want to believe it, but he can't think of anyone else.

Please don't let this end bad

Mark's castle 2 (MarkplierXreader)Where stories live. Discover now