ch. 28 The war is over

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Panting and sweating, Mark arrived at the cabin of the opposite party. He doesn't want to call Jack the enemy, it just doesn't feel right. Mark bursts open the door, and the moment Jack and his guards see him, Mark has three to four guns pointed at him.

Mark holds his hands up in surrender, showing Jack and the others that he's not carrying any guns or other weapons. "Mark, what the hell are ya doin'?" Jack asks. Mark sighs, keeping his hands up, "Jack, I've been such an asshole! You can blame me all you want, but please, let's stop the war right now!" He tells Jack. Jack lowers his eyebrows, "and why would I do that? You blamed me for-" -- "yes, yes I know, but that's because everyone told me so and I couldn't believe anything else, but my daughter has been born today"

Jack's angry expression fades. He gulps, listening to Mark. "(Y/N) gave me the was Dark and Anti...all of it..." Mark explains, still panting slightly. Tears build up in Jack's eyes, "Signe told me she's pregnant, and I wanted to be with her, but-" Mark hugs Jack, "I'm sorry, Jack, I'm so, sorry, this is all my fault" Jack hugs Mark back, "no it was Anti and Dark...and Anti started, since you had that murder first" Jack explains. "Congratulations" Mark and Jack both say in sync.

Mark and Jack look at each other, "let's end this war" they say again in sync before the both walk outside and hold their hands up, intertwined, "EVERYONE, STOP!!!" Jack and Mark yell as loud as they can, which is very loud, since they are professional screamers, "LAY DOWN YOUR WEAPONS!"

Immedaitely, all soldiers look at the two kings, "The princess in king Mark's kingdom has been born!" Jack yells happily to everyone. People from Mark's army start cheering. "And in Jack's kingdom, there's a beautiful little baby on the way!" Mark yells before Jack's army starts cheering.

"The OVER!"


I carefully sit down in the familiar weelchair, "thank you, Wilford" I smile sweetly up at him. Wilford bows his head before he pushes the wheelchair to the dining room so I can show everyone in the castle my beautiful baby. "Where did the name come from?" Wilford asks. I shrug, "Mark and I just thought of it...why?" I ask, glancing up at Wilford over my shoulder, "I was wondering why the first name starts with a W" He tells me, looking into my eyes.

I blush slightly, looking down. I don't remember how I thought of the name Wendy, but I vaguely remember wanting a girls name starting with a W, because I somehow thought of Wilford all the time, but that was quite a while ago. I think, back then, I might have had a crush on Wilford, and he on me, but I have to let that behind me. We have to let that behind us. Everything seems to be okay again, and I want it to stay that way, "I just liked the name Wendy" I simply tell him.

"If it would've been a boy, would he have the name William? Or...Will? Wilfredo? Wilbur? Wilson? Willie? Wilfred? Williamson?" I sigh, "Wilford, stop" I tell him as we enter the room. I stay silent, knowing I just gave away the answer, which is yes. Everyone around the table looks at me with bright smiles, except for Dark. Would he know I told Mark the truth? Does he know he's about to be thrown in the dungeons again?

Dark stands up from Mark's seat, and sits down on his usual seat. "she's so cute!" Baby cheers. Ed mumbles to himself, "Yeeea, she's a pretty li'l princess, I guess" I smile at him and the rest. Wilford sits down next to me, on Mark's seat, "What's her name?" Babyplier asks excited. "her name is Wendy Mae" I explain.

"I must say, that, is one precious name" Bim Trimmer tells me. I smile brightly, "thank you!" And immediately after that, I notice a silence. It's been a while I heard that silence. No one at the table talks. It's not only that, but also outside the castle. "no canons..." Wilford starts. "No firing" Dark says after, "And no men yellin'" Ed says finally.

I start to smile, "The war is over..?" I ask, but knowing the answer is yes. I just don't want Dark to think we're onto him. "yay! Now I can play outside again!" Babyplier cheers. "I advice you to wait a bit longer with that" Doctor I. Plier explains. Baby lowers his head, "okay..." He says disappointed.

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