ch. 41 Wendy's birthday

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I open Wendy's bedroom door, Mark behind me, holding a tray with a deliciously prepared breakfast by Chef. Together we walk into her room, "Wendy?" I whisper softly, sitting down next to her. She's laying on her side. I gently get some hair out of her face. Wendy moves her head slightly, waking up before she opens her eyes, "hm...?" She asks, still waking up. I smile at her, "Goodmorning, birthday girl!" Wendy smiles when she realizes she turns eighteen today. She sits up, "goodmorning" She yawns and stretches. "we brought you some breakfast" Mark says before setting the tray on her lap. Wendy smiles and hugs her father before he can escape. She places a kiss in his soft hair, "thank you!" She says. Mark hugs her back, "you're welcome, baby" He pulls away from the hug and stands straight, "I can't believe you're already turning eighteen...everything went by so fast" Mark says. I lay my head on his shoulder, smiling at Wendy.

Wendy giggles softly, "safe the sobbing for later, okay? It's too early" Mark and I chuckle softly, "enjoy your breakfast, sweetheart" We walk out of her bedroom, and we walk downstairs where people start gathering around the table to eat breakfast themselves. Dark walks in too, and sits down in his usual spot. "goodmorning ladies and gentlemen!" Wilford sits down and looks at Mark and me, "how are we doing today?" He asks cheerful. "great! Why are you so happy, Will?" I ask with a smile. "The princess turns eighteen today! The whole kingdom is celebrating!" Mark and I smile at each other, "very true!"


As we eat breakfast, Wendy walks in, and everyone greets her as she walks over to her seat. She smiles shyly, not very used to having all the attention on her yet, "hi" She waves small before sitting down. "Goodmorning Wendy" Dark shows his most handsome smirk. Wendy looks up at him, "hey, Dark! How did you sleep?" She's so good at keeping a secret. It's either that or she forgot what's supposed to happen today. "I slept great, knowing that it's your birthday today! It's a very special day" Dark glances at Mark and me. Somehow Mark and I give him a nod as if telling him we didn't forget about the deal.

"Dear Wendy, I got you a present!" Wilford says, holding up a perfectly wrapped present above the table. Wendy's eyes light up, "oh!" She quickly grabs it and starts unwrapping it, revealing bottle of alcohol. Mark and I glare at Wilford. Wilford doesn't notice us yet. "You said you liked this one when you tried it, so I brought you-" Wilford stops talking when he sees Mark and me. We look unamused at him. "what!? She's eighteen! It's legal now!" Wilford says, putting up his hands in defense. Wendy giggles, "he's right, mom and dad! You can't control me anymore" Mark rolls his eyes. "And you let her try some before too!?" I ask surprised. Wilford nods, "yeah, but we started four years ago, so she's used to it, it's fine!" He explains.

Mark's eyes widen, "you let her drink when she was fourteen!?" He looks at Wendy, who stops moving, glancing at Wilford as if saying, 'why did you tell them that!?'. Wilford hugs himself, "she wanted to try some, and I didn't see why not!" We roll our eyes again. "thank you, Wilford!" Wendy says happily. Wilford smiles, "you're welcome, princess!"

"I got ya somethin' too!" Ed speaks up, "it better not be beer!" Mark balls his fists. Ed shakes his head, "hell no!" Ed hands Wendy a package with a small card on it. Wendy reads it, looking confused at it, "...fifty percent off a baby by choice...?" She reads out loud. "ya'r welcome, kid!" Ed says with a proud smirk. "ehm...thanks, Ed!" She says, laying the card aside and unwrapping the present, revealing a fancy looking whip. Wendy smiles brightly, "oh my gosh, thank you!" Mark stands up, grabbing it from her, "no! no, this is going way too far, Ed!" Wendy gulps, "dad, it's-" Mark cuts off her daughter, "no! Ed, this is very inappopraite!" Ed looks confused at him, "why?" He simply asks. Mark lowers his eyebrows, "Ed, my daughter is not a damn sex maniac!" Wendy sighs frustrated, "DAD!" Mark looks at her, "it's for my horse riding!" She quickly grabs the whip again. Mark clears his throat, sitting down again. "yeeah!" Ed says, "I ain't no sex maniac!" Mark nods, "my apologies..."

"thank you, Ed!" Wendy smiles sweetly. Mark grabs a small red velvet box from his pocket, "we got you somethings too, baby" he sets in down in front of her. Wendy's eyes light up from happiness. She quickly opens the box, revealing a beautiful ring, "oh, wow, dad!" She says, quickly sliding it around her finger. Dark glances at Mark, slightly confused, but letting it slide for now. Mark smiles, "it looks beautiful on your beautiful hands" he gently takes her hand, placing a kiss on it. Wendy giggles softly. I grab a book from under the table, "And this is my present for you, sweetie" I lay it down in front of her. "ooh, what's this?" She asks before opening the book, revealing some baby pictures of her with fancy letters on the pages saying '0 years old'. Wendy goes to the next page, revealing babypictures and some letters saying, '1 years old' Wendy smiles brightly, "oh wow, I love this! I was a fat baby" She giggles. Everyone chuckles softly.


People from the whole kingdom are welcome into the castle. People walk in and grab a small piece of the many cakes Chef made. Wendy is sitting on Mark's throne today, because today is her day. People walk up to the throne, greet the three of us, and hand Wendy her present. They watch her unwrap it and she thanks them with her sweet smile. I can imagine her cheeks will hurt a lot at the end of the day from smiling so much. When the present-giver walks off again, a guard takes the present from Wendy, and lays it somewhere safe.

Dark stands in the doorway of the throne room. He's wearing a fancy suit and he has a cane with him. Mark and I look at each other. Mark walks up to me, "you stay here with Wendy..." he says before walking away into Dark's direction. I pray to god that this will work. It all depends on Mark now. Wendy's happiness, and the kingdom's happiness, maybe even the world's happiness. Who knows.

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