ch. 36 It's settled

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"let them in!" Mark quickly says as we both fix our clothes. The guard nods and turns around, walking out again. Short after, Dark and Anti walk in the room. Dark is holding a blanket. I don't realize I slightly lift myself from my chair to take a better look at the blanket, spotting Wendy sleeping peacefully. I gasp softly, getting tears in my eyes. Tears of relief. My baby is okay.

Mark takes my hand, making me look at him. I smile at him before he gives me a nod, telling me it's okay before turning his head back to Dark and Anti. They don't bow, showing that they don't feel like Mark is above them anymore. A sign of their own power.

"Dark...Anti" Mark starts. Dark and Anti both grin devilish at us, "my king and queen" Dark tells us, "so nice to see you again". Mark nods in response, "how is Wendy doing?" He asks, trying not to show that he's nervous. "We're not here to talk about that" Anti snaps at Mark, having a slight growl in the back of his throat. I gulp. "of course" Mark stays calm, "what is it you wish in return for the baby" he asks. Dark and Anti look at each other, grinning wide before looking back at Mark, "Anti gets Jack's crown...I get yours" Dark shows his teeth with his wicked grin, slightly tilting his head to the side.

Mark gulps, "never! We all know how that went" He tells them. Dark and Anti chuckle devilish, "then little Wendy Mae stays with us" They're about to turn around, but Mark stands up, "wait!" they stop moving, turning their heads back to the king, creepily slow, "yes...?" Dark asks in a creepy tone. "You both won't be thrown in the dungeons..and you get to go to the other world for as long as you want" Dark and Anti look at each other, thinking.

Normally that wouldn't sound like a big deal, but Anti and Dark have ceirtain hobbies. They can do whatever they want in the other world I come from without being chased by the police, because they can escape back to this world. Dark and Anti mumble things to each other which Mark nor I can hear. Mark doesn't sit down yet. He waits for them to stop talking and give him an answer.

Dark and Anti turn back to us, "we seem to have different opinions on that...Anti gets that, and I get something different" Dark tells us, more commanding than asking. "what is it you want..?" Mark asks. Anti looks at Dark, also curious what he's going to say. "First of all, I don't get thrown in the dungeons...and" he starts. I gulp.

"The day little Wendy turns eighteen...I marry her" Dark grins proud. Mark sits down, looking at me. "It's either that, or the baby dies" Dark growls. Tears build up in my eyes again. If Wendy marries Dark, that would mean he'd become king again. King's have more power than queens. History would repeat itself again.


My eyes widen and my head shoots Mark's way at the speed of light, "Mark!?" Mark looks at me with one certain look. That look that tells me, 'don't worry', but right now, I don't trust that look. I ignore it, "you can't do that to her!" My voice shakes.

Dark chuckles devilish, "then that's settled" He slowly walks up to Mark's throne. Tears roll down my cheeks, "no! no, it's not settled!" I tell Dark, but the king has more power than the queen. It's settled. Dark turns to me and bows, laying Wendy back in my lap as he grins devilish. I want to punch him, rip his hair out of his skull. I gently hold Wendy close to me, relieved that I have her with me, but angry, sad and affraid of the deal Mark just made.

Dark and Anti walk away. "how could you do that, Mark!! She has to marry Dark" I cry softly, hugging Wendy close to me. Mark turns to me when Dark and Anti fully disappeared, "shhh, (Y/N), I have a plan" he tells me, wanting to stroke Wendy's head, "what plan!?" I stand up, not giving Mark time to answer. There's no way to solve this. Wendy wakes up and starts crying, making me sigh frustrated, "I need to feed chest will fucking explode!" I quickly walk away, not turning around to look at Mark.

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