ch. 40 history

182 9 7

nine years later

Mark and I sit at the dinner table, waiting for everyone else. It's almost dinner time. I look worried at my intertwined hands on my lap. Mark notices it, "everything alright, honey?" He asks me. I look at him, "Mark, I have noticed Wendy's acting a little different around Dark lately..." I immediately tell him. We've been together long enough, it's not difficult  for me anymore to just tell Mark what's on my mind. "What do you mean..? Since when?" Mark asks, gently taking my hand in his. "Oh, quite some time now..." I admit. I want to explain Mark more, but people start entering the room and sitting down by the table.  

Then Wendy and Dark walk in. "Dark, come it next to me!" Wendy says cheerful with a shy smile on her face. Dark smirks handsome at her, "I'd be honored to, Wendy" He tells her before they both sit down by Mark and me. "Hi, sweetheart" I smile sweetly at Wendy. She looks at me, "mom, you can just call me by my name" she says, obviously slightly embarrased. I ignore it, "How was your day?" I ask her. Wendy looks at Dark with an excited smile, "it was great!" She looks back at me, "we played videogames and I totally beat Dark" She giggles softly, making Dark breathe some chuckles, which I haven't seen him do a lot in his life. 

Dark and Wendy look at Chef and the cooking team who are putting the food on the table. Mark and I look at each other. I lean closer to him, whispering, "see what I mean...?" I look at Wendy and Dark, who aren't hearing me. Mark sighs softly, "I'll keep an eye out, honey" he places a gentle kiss on my forehead before we all start eating. 


We're all done eating. Some people already leave the table. Wendy is still eating her dessert, which is good. Also, Dark is still next to her. Very close next to her, which I'm not a big fan of. Dark slightly leans to Wendy's ear, whispering softly to her. I look down at my plate and glance at them without moving my head. I quickly look down again when Wendy turns her head towards me. "mom?" I lift my head to look at her and smile, "yes, sweetheart?" 

Wendy immediately sighs frustrated, "my name is Wendy!" she says, "anyway, Dark and I are done eating, so bye, see you tomorrow!" She stands up, "You don't have to come by my room for a goodnight kiss either...I'm 15, so I'm getting too old for that" she smiles at me, trying to make it sound less bad than it really is, but it's not working. Not at all. Wendy walks off. Dark glances at me with a devilish grin. 

"Wendy Mae  Fischbach!" Mark says loud as he stands up, making Wendy stop in her tracks right before she can walk out the door. "yes, dad?" She says innocent, turning around to look at him. Dark stops walking next to Wendy. "what are you two up to!?" Mark asks, clearly noticing Wendy's behaviour around Dark. And just like other dads, he'll act protective, especially because it's Dark. Who knows what he's up to. Wendy sighs annoyed, "we're just going to watch a movie, don't be so mad over nothing! Jeez!" Dark puts his arm around Wendy's shoulders, whispering something to her. Wendy giggles as they both disappear around the corner.

Mark sits down with a sigh, "I see what you mean, sweetheart" he tells me, "I'm starting to worry now too...". I nod, taking his hand in both my hands, "I didn't want you to worry over nothing, but it's getting very obvious lately and I can't stop worrying about her" I explain to him. Mark nods, "You have every right to worry. She's getting older, and...perhaps starting to develop feelings for Dark..." he says. My breath hitches. "I want to talk to her" I tell Mark. He looks at me, "we could tell her..." I immediately know what he means.  I gulp. "that way she can see who Dark really is, and why he's being so nice to her" I nod in agreement. "let's tell her" 


After an hour or so, Mark and I walk to Dark's room. I open the door without knocking, seeing them laying on the bed next to each other. Wendy is laying on her side close to Dark who's laying with his head against the headboard. Wendy immediately sits up, "mom!? Dad!? What are you two doing here!? Ever heard of knocking!?" She asks frustrated. "It's getting late, Wendy, you should go to bed" I tell her, "you have school tomorrow, remember? It's sunday today" 

Wendy sighs frustrated, "the movie isn't done yet, and it's so exciting!" She says, "please, mommy? Can we finish the movie first?" I want to speak up, but Mark does before I can, "no, Wendy, your mom tells you to head to bed, and you will listen to her!" he commands strictly. I want to kiss Mark for always having my back and help me, but right now, I need to talk to my daughter in private. 

Wendy glares at her father. "oh, if looks could kill" Dark says, smirking at Wendy, but I think he's simply trying to smile. Wendy smiles slightly at Dark, "night, Dark. I'll see you tomorrow after school" She says, getting off his bed. "sleep well, Wendy" Dark says as Wendy walks up to Mark and me. She walks onto the hallway, towards her room. Mark and I glance at Dark one last time  who's grinning at us, before Mark closes the door.

Together we walk after Wendy and follow her into her room. "mom, dad, I said I don't need a goodnight kiss anymore...and a little privacy would be nice" she snaps at us. "Wendy Mae, show some respsect for your parents! We love you very much and we show that affection! You should too sometime!" Mark tells her, crossing his arms. "Wendy, please sit down...we want to talk to you about something very important" I tell her. 

Wendy looks confused at me, "ehm...okay" She says, her teen-ittude suddenly gone. We call her snappy behaviour a teen attitude. A teen-ittude. I know, really bad. Wendy sits down on the end of her bed. Mark and I stand in front of her. "Wendy...right before you were born...there was a lot going on..." I start. "are you finally going to tell me my birth story?" she smiles jokingly at us. Mark and I nod, "yes we are, but it's a little different than you might be expecting" Mark tells her. "oh..?" She says, her full attention on the both of us. 

Mark and I tell her everything from the beginning. The murder, the fire, the statue, and then the war. We tell her why we thought Jack did it, we tell her who we thought did it. Wilford, Anti, Jack. We also tell her how Dark acted like he was helping us, "but in the end, it turned out that Anti was destroying our kingdom, and Dark destroyed Jack's kingdom as revenge. Dark let us think that Jack did it all, and that's how the war started..." Wendy listens to us. She looks at the ground, thinking about it. She looks up at Mark when he starts speaking again, "The war ended a little while after you were born. We discovered that it was Dark and Anti, and Jack and I became the best of friends again..."

"why are you telling me this..?" Wendy asks. I sit down next to her, taking her hands into mine. "about a year before all of that, Dark stole your fathers crown and he took over the kingdom...he did horrible things when Dark was king...when your dad got the crown back, we put Dark in the dungeons...when we wanted to throw Dark in the dungeons for starting a war between your father's and Jack's kingdom, he kidnapped you..." Wendy looks into my eyes, not believing her ears. 

Wendy looks at her dad, "what..?" Mark sits down on her other side, not looking away from Wendy, "he was not going to give you back unless we gave him what he wanted...he didn't want to be thrown in the dungeons, that was all...but when he discovered he had all the power as long a he had you...he demanded more" Mark explains to her. "wh-what did he want...?" Wendy looks at me. "He wanted to marry you the day you turn eighteen so he can be king again..." Wendy's eyes widen, "what...?" 

She looks down, "I thought-..." I hug her, gently stroking her beautiful hair. "Your dad and I are telling you this, because we noticed you acting different when Dark is around" I explain to her. "we have a plan to keep him from marrying you, so he won't become king...but we'd hate to see you fall in love with a monster like him" Mark tells her, gently taking one of her hands in his. Wendy sits straight, her head still lowered. She sighs, "yes...I have a crush on Dark, I'm not sure anymore..." 

"Just sleep a night on it, sweetie...if you can sleep at least" Wendy smiles at my comment. "I'm just so glad that you believe us, honey" Mark tells her. Wendy smiles sweetly at her father, "of course! You're my parents, why wouldn't I? And besides, Wilford once told me about a small war before I was born" Immediately Mark and I look at each other. Wendy notices us, and she giggles softly, "calm down you two, nothing to worry about!" I smile relieved at her. "now, get to sleep, sweetie" She smiles at me, nodding once, "yes, mom" She hugs me tightly, and her father after, before Mark and I stand up, "goodnight, pretty princess", and leave her room, closing the door behind us.

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