Chapter 2

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Clarke"s POV:
I was currently helping a girl who had hurt herself while she was trying to impress some guy. She had  broken her arm and it does not look to good. The teenagers down here are not very smart if you ask me. 

-Am I going to be okay? The girl named Isobel asked.
-Well, that depends. I told Isobel.
-WHAT? It has to get better! Isobel half screamed.

-I am just kidding. Everything is going to be fine Isobel. I told her. She looked annoyed. She stormed out of the dropship. They are so sensitive then it comes to jokes. And they call me up tight. They do not really like me and I will respect them when they learn to respect me. But I am not mean to them. I just enjoy to annoy them time to time.
-No wonder they do not like you princess. Bellamy said as he walked into the dropship. I rolled my eyes and kept quiet. 

-Now you are no fun. Bellamy said. 
-Oh shut up Blake. Maybe I should break a bone or two of yours. I said and smirked. 

-You could never do that. You are not strong enogh princess. Bellamy said as he was smirking. That old classic Bellamy Blake smirk that annoyed me.
-I might not look strong and tough. But trust me Blake, I am much stronger and tougher than I look like. Change of subject, when are you done building that shelf for me? I need one soon. I told Bellamy as I put away all the things that I had used as I helped Isobel with her broken arm. Stupid little kid, well she is seventeen but that does not matter. 

-In a day or two. I am doing my best. Bellamy said. 
-If you are doing your best, then you are not doing it well enough. I said as I looked at Bellamy.

-What is that suppose to mean princess? Bellamy asked. 
-You can figure that out by yourself. Now I gotta go and find Octavia. We are leaving camp for a while and there is seriously nothing you can do to keep us here. So you better let us out or I will hurt you badly. I said and walked out of the dropship there Octavia was waiting for me. Bellamy did not say anything he just let us go which was really really weird. Octavia and I started to talk about alot of things as we left camp. Another girl named Harper came with us. We was starting to get along with Harper since she became one of Octavia's friends. She is not one of what I call them "Bellamy Blake's whores". Which is good for her. She has a thing for my friend Monty. But she is scared to tell him that she likes him. 

-Where are we going? Harper asked.
-We can only tell you if you promise not to tell anyone, specially not Bellamy. We are going to go and meet Octavia's boyfriend. He is a grounder and he is really kind and cares for Octavia. I told Harper. At first Harper looked like she would pass out. Octavia told her alot about Lincoln. Everytime Octavia is going to meet up with him I come with her. I am like her cover so that Bellamy won't find out. He would kill Lincoln if he found out. And I would probably be dead to if he finds out that I have kept this a secret to. That I never told him. 

-You will keep Clarke company and hang out with her until I come back. Do you understand Harper? Octavia asked.
-Yeah, I understand. She answered.
-Good. I said. We were now at Lincoln's place. Octavia sneaked out as Harper and I kept walking until we got to the famous waterfall that I found. Only Octavia and I know about this waterfall. It is nice to know that you can go somewhere where no one can find you when you want to be alone for a while.
-I have never seen this before. It is beautiful Clarke! Harper said. 

Bellamy's POV:
I know that Octavia is safe when she is with Clarke. But it does not mean that I am not worried. Octavia is my responsibility and that is how it always is going to be. I tried to take deep breaths but it was hard. 
-Maybe if you can start trusting Clarke you do not have to be so worried. Miller said.
-I am always going to worry about her. I murmured. 
-In one week Clarke will be eighteen. Which means that she is an adult. To sum it up Octavia and Harper is with an adult in the woods right now so you do not have to worry. Miller said.

-But it is Clarke! I said.
-What is that suppose to mean? Miller asked.
-She is one of the privileged kids. I said.
-Why does that matter? She did not decide to be one of them. Down here on earth she is one of us. She is not one of the privileged kids from the ark anymore. Every teenager here looks up to you two. Even if they are not too fond of Clarke. You are the manwhore down here. Somehow they ship you and Clarke together. You are Bellarke. The power couple. Do not look at me like that. It was Octavia who came up with the ship name. Still you sleep with everyone. You are my best friend but I feel sorry for you Blake. Miller said before he walked away. It was probably good that he walked away because I do not know how to respond to what he just said. 

Clarke's POV:
A few hours later Octavia came back. She always had the same hapy and beautiful smile on her lips when she came back from Lincoln's place. Harper and I packed up our things. We had been talking for a long time. I had told Harper more about Lincoln and Octavia's relationship. And what would happen if she told Bellamy about Lincoln. She understood what I meant. She had asked if she would get to meet Lincoln someday since she never actually has met a grounder before. It was up to Octavia and Lincoln to decided. 
The three of us walked back to camp. We knew that there were grounders out here. It does not matter if we are careful or not. We talked and laughed. It was nice to be out of camp. At the same time it is nice to get back. I stopped walking. 
-Clarke? I heard Octavia say. 
-Shh! I hear something. I look up in the trees. I can see two grounders. Where should we run? It was closer to Lincoln's place. But it would not be safe. If the grounders found out that Lincoln has a relationship with one of my people hell will break loose. I fell to the ground. I had been hit. They had thrown a spear Octavia. But I had gotten infront of her and got hit. It wasn't that bad. It hit me in my left shoulder. 

-Take it out! I told my friends. Octavia took a grip on the spear and dragged it out of my shoulder.
-Can you walk? Harper asked. I gave her a "Are you serious" look.
-I got shot in the shoulder not my leg. Come on. I said as we started to ran. The pain started to get worse. I really need to patch up the injury before it gets infected. Bellamy is nto going to let Octavia out of her sight now. Then we were like twenty meters from camp we stopped running. 

-Don't tell Bellamy. He won't let you out of camp if you tell him O. I said. 
-Are you kidding me? You jumped infront of me so that the spear would not hit me. I think everyone should know that you are a hero. Octavia said. I hold my hand against my wound. 

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