Chapter 35

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Clarke's POV:
The girl in her mid-twenties that we found, Emori, has been at our camp for the past two weeks. There are people of ours that are scared of her. The reason to that is because she is a grounder. I myself don't feel like she is a threat to us. I honestly think that she is rather nice. I don't understand why people should feel threatend by her kindness. Other people are okay with Emori staying here since most of our people have accepted Lincoln. 

-What should I do? Your people hates me. Emori said to me as she walked into the medical bay. 
-I know that it can be hard. Just wait it out and give the others some time. When I arrived here on earth. My own people hated me. They came to respect me. I don't think that you have nothing to worry about. For now you can be in here with me and chill. I told her.
-Tell me about Raven Reyes. Emori said. I looked at her weirdly.
-What do you want to know? I asked. I thought that it was a weird question to ask.
-She sends me death glares all the time. She seems to hate me. Like hate hate me. I don't know what I have done to offend her. Emori said and looked at the ground. She seemed to feel uncomfortable.
-She is awesome. She would do anything to protect her friends. She loves to help Bellamy and I with our daughter. She is an expert on mechanic things or whatever you would like to call it. She isn't afraid to say what she thinks. When she sets her mind on something she isn't backing down. She goes through with everything. She is kind-hearted, nice and fun. I told Emori.
-Then why does she hate me? Emori asked.
-Maybe because you are getting close to Murphy? I suggested.

-What? Murphy and I are only friends. Emori said.
-That might be true. But Murphy has been hanging around you for a while since you came. And Raven hasn't gotten any since the day you woke up from Murphy. If you know what I mean? I said before I walked out of the dropship. I don't want to get in the middle of this friendship, love triangle or whatever it is and should be called. It would like to stay out of it as much as possible. 
Aurora were with Bellamy at our place. When I walked into our room, the new one that we had got I saw Bellamy putting Aurora to bed. They are just the cutest together. She loves to spend time with her dad. I could sit next to them and just watch them together for hours.

-Hey princess. Bellamy said and kissed me after he had laid Aurora in her crib.
-Hi. I said and smiled.
-What have you been up to? Bellamy asked me.
-Emori was talking to me. She has this whole idea that Raven is against and hates her. It's insane. I said. Bellamy chuckled and just smirked.

-Seriously? Everyone practicly knows what Raven and Murphy is up to. They don't have feelings for each other so Emori shouldn't feel threatend. Bellamy said.
-When did you became all love expert? I said mocking him.

-When you somehow manage to fall in love with me. Bellamy said and kissed my cheek.
-Sure Bell. Sure. I said and playfully hit him in the side. 
-Why don't we ask Octavia, Raven or Harper to babysit Aurora and we found something fun to do? Bellamy suggested. 
-What do you have in mind? I asked. 
-Anything you want. Bellamy said and smirked. 
-Sure, I'm up for that. I said.
I stayed in our room watching Aurora. We never want to leave her alone. Not even when she is asleep. I could never do that to my own daughter. I always want Bellamy or someone I can trust to look after my beautiful daughter. Right now Bellamy were out in camp to find either Octavia, Harper or Raven to babysit Aurora. This is like the third time since she is born that we are leaving her alone with others for more than an hour or two. I am still getting anxious leaving her with others. I guess that is motherhood, to worry about your child. It didn't take long before Bellamy were back. With him he had Harper and Monty. 

-We'll babysit this little sweetheart. Harper said.

-Don't wake her. Bellamy just put her to sleep. She will probably wake up in an hour or two. I said.
-Clarke, don't worry. We know how to take care of a child. Harper informed me.
-I know. I'm just getting anxious. I admitted.
-I understand. She is your first baby. When you have your second child it won't be as scary as the first one. Harper said. A second child? I am perfectly fine with just one child. I don't need more children. On the other hand it might be fun for Aurora to have another sibling? Ugh, Bellamy and I can talk about this in the future. There won't be anymore children anytime soon. Giving birth hurts like hell. I won't go through that in near time. Bellamy and I can always practice for the future. That sounds much better. Right?
-Let's go. Harper and Monty knows how to do this. Just relax and come with me. Bellamy said.

We left Aurora along with Monty and Harper. I was still a little sceptical. But if Bellamy trust our daughter with them, then I guess I should to. They are our friends after all. Bellamy grabbed my hand. He practically had to drag me out of camp. Bellamy suggested that we should skip the bunker this time and go to the lake there the waterfall is. I loved the idea.
When we got there, I took of my clothes and jumped into the water. It didn't take long until Bellamy also were in the water. We played around, splashed water at each other until we got tired. I am young, but I have to be grown up since I got a daughter. It's nice to have these days with Bellamy there I just can feel like a teenager again. At least like a young adult.
A while later we were both laying on the gras. Bellamy stroke his fingers through my hair just how I like it. We have some small talk and just enjoy the moment and life. It's nice. We talk, laugh and we make fun of each other, in a loving way of course. I tell Bellamy about how my mother had a planned out my life on the ark. How I was going to become the next big doctor up there. Thinking about it these days makes me laugh. I would never had enjoyed that life. I like to make my life decisions on my own.  

-Bell, we should go before it gets any darker outside. I told him. 
-Just a few more minutes. Bellamy begged.

-We always say that. And that leads to an hour or two. We should get back to our daughter. She most miss us. I said.

-Fine. You are right princess. I love you so much. Never forget that. Bellamy said and kissed me gently on the lips.
-I love you to Bellamy Blake. I said and kissed him back before we were going back to camp. 

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