Chapter 21

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Clarke's POV: 
I woke up in Bellamy's arms as I always do. Bellamy makes me feel safe, secure, strong, loved and good about myself. I actually remember everything that happened before I got a seizure. I am not sure if I believed him then he said that everything was okay. That he forgave us all for keeping Lincoln and Octavia a secret.

-Good morning princess. Bellamy said and kissed me.
-Good morning to you to Bell. I said.
-Do you remember what you said before you fell asleep yesterday? Bellamy asked. Something in his voice told me that he was a little worried.
-No? What did I say? I asked. I honestly don't remember what I said at all.

-Nothing. Just forgett about it. Bellamy said. I wanted to ask him again. I knew that he would not say anything so I let it go. I would not preasure him to tell me.
-I was thinking that you and I could go to the bunker today? I know that you had a concussion and all. It takes only fifteen minutes from here. Or we can just stay here. Bellamy told me.
-Yeah. We can go. I would love that. I said. I don't want to be here. I am aware that if we stay we won't have anything to do. Bellamy and I decided to leave right away. We saw Miller out on the big yard. We told him that we are going to the bunker since he already knew about it. We also told him that we doesn't have to tell anyone unless they ask. My mother is going to be furious when she realize that Bellamy and I left for the day.
Bellamy and I took a few rations with us. We were holding hand as we walked out of camp. There were a place there you could sneak out that barely anyone knows about. So the guards didn't see us leave. Lucky us! We didn't walk fast at all so there would take longer time for us to get to the numker than usual. After ten minutes I told Bellamy that I had to rest. I started to feel dizzy. Since I am a "doctor" I know that it is stupid for me to leave camp. But I have Bellamy with me. So everything is just fine.

-We don't have to rest princess. Bellamy said. I was confused for a moment. He was aware about the fact that I still wasn't feeling to well. I realized what Bellamy meant because he scooped me up in his arms and carried me instand. I can rest when we get to the bunker instand of on the way there. Bellamy put me down on the ground when we were outside the bunker. I walked into the bunker and sat down on the sofa as Bellamy closed the door and locked it. Bellamy knew exactly what I wanted to do. He gave me the notepad so that I could start drawing. This might not be so fun for Bellamy. But he knows that I need this even if it' s not going to last for long. 
-Bell, what do you see in our future? I asked. 

-You and I living a happy and healthy life. We are in love and we can take on any challenge that are thrown at us. Just like how it is now. Only difference is that we are going to be older. Bellamy said and smiled. I put away the notepad as I looked at Bellamy. He mentioned love and I realized what I am scared of. I am truly in love with Bellamy. I took a deep breath. I sat closer to Bellamy now. 
-I love you Bellamy Blake. I said and kissed him. It started out passionate but became harsh, still loving tho.
-I love you to. Bellamy said. Around thirty minutes later Bellamy and I were cuddling, keeping each other company as we talked. Bellamy told me more about his life on the ark. About how it was to help raising Octavia in secret. How sad or angry she was sometimes. And how it was after his mother got floated and Octavia locked up. I felt really had for him.I wish that I would have met Bellamy earlier. He would not have been going through this by himself then. No one should go through what Bellamy did. Losing your sister over a stupid law? I agree with Bellamy. Octavia should not have been punished. It's insane that they locked her up. I already knew this. But it was different when you heard it from Octavia or Bellamy's perspective. On the other hand we would might not been here today if that never happened. I honestly don't know what I would do without Bellamy or Octavia. 

-What now? I asked Bellamy. 

-You still have to rest princess. Bellamy said and kissed my cheek.
-What do you think our lives would have been like if we lived before the apocalypse? I asked Bellamy.

-It would be alot different from where we are today. There would be no war and we would not have to fight everyday to survive. You would have been a doctor working in a big hospital or art teacher. We would have a house with a big lawn. There our two sons would play. In the future we would get married. Your father and my mother would be alive. And Octavia would live in our guest house. Bellamy said. I knew that we woud never get this. But we could make the best out of what we have now. And we would be happy together. We are happy and I want it to stay like that. Even if our lives are unpredictiable. 
-That sounds nice. Only that would be like a hundred years ago. I said.
-Yeah, well, maybe we would not have gotten to know each other then. That would have been a shame. Bellamy said. 

-Very true. Can I rest now? I asked. 

-Anything for you princess. Bellamy said.

Octavia's POV:
I was walking around looking for Bellamy. I can not believe that he forgave me so fast. Almost way to fast. I am very happy that he forgave me. I have not seen Clarke or Bellamy since I left them yesterday in their room. I am worried since Clarke isn't feeling well. You never know what those two can get into on their own.

-Monty, have you seen my brother or Clarke? I asked as I saw him and Harper making out.
-No? Have you lost them? How come that Bellamy forgave you so fast? Monty asked.
-I have no idea why he forgave me. Even if it makes me happy. Have you seen them Harper? I asked.
-They left camp this morning. They will be back later this evening or next morning. Miller said as he came and sat down on the logs with us. I knew exactly where they were now then Miller told me that.
-Is there anything I can help you with Octavia? Miller asked me.

-No, nothing. I thought that I was going to let Bellamy meet Lincoln. I told them.
-That might not be a good idea. Harper said.

-Why? He forgave Clarke and I. I said.

-Blake never forgave us. The only reason that he forgave you two is because Bellamy is your brother. He forgave Clarke because they are in love and he is getting laid by Clarke. Jasper said as he then came over to us.

-He will get over it. I promise you that when Clarke and Bell is back he will totally forgive all of you. The only one he isn't upset with is you Miller. He thinks that you had nothing to do with this. If you are smart you won't say anything. I told them.

-How come he isn't upset with me? Miller asked. 
-That is because you are kind of our meddler. Bellamy knows that you would tell him immediately since you two are best friends. But you managed to keep this away from him. So Bell thinks that you never knew about this. I told them. I twisted the truth a little so that our friends would not be to upset with me. In the end of the day we are all getting along and are friends. 

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