Chapter 39

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Clarke's POV:
Everyone obeyed Lexa. They left the room. Were they really scared of her, or what. I could not think about that now. Now it was only the two of us. She was an easy match since she didn't have any of her people in here.

-Why did you ask them to leave? I asked calmly.
-None of your business. She said harsh.
-I guess it is since you went all crazy. I said. I was wrong. She got upset because I mentioned Bellamy's name. Lexa felt threatend by Bellamy. That must be it. The question was why. What the hell would trigger her to go balistic over me mentioning Bellamy's name. Lexa did not look to pleased. Still rather furious if I may say.

-You're jealous, aren't you? I said and laughed. 
-Bullshit. She said harsh. Her face expression was strained. She was no longer furious. I had come to the conclusion that she is for a fact jealous of Bellamy and I. I don't even know why she is jealous of us.

-Let's just get over with this. We had nothing to do with the freaking attack against your villiage. As I have said a few times, you know it. I would apprechiate if you let me go now. It would be smart of you because we both are aware that my people are looking for me right now. And you don't want a war. I know that you're smart Lexa. Don't do anything stipid. I said. Lexa were quiet for a long time. She were walking around the room for god knows how long. I were starting to get tired, bored and annoyed with her.
-I won't preasure a war if you give your baby to us. Lexa said. I faced her. I could tell that she were dead serious.
-You are freaking nuts if you believe that I would give up my child for you to raise. I said.
-I don't want your preause daughter Clarke. I am talking about the little human that is growing inside of your belly right now. Lexa said. She were still dead serious and this scared me. Lexa were out of her mind if she thought that I would do this.

-I don't know what you are talking about. I said. My voice were unsteady.
-I'm not stupid. Your mother instincts is already kicking in. You were protecting your stomach with your hands. How far along are you. She asked me again.
-I'm saying it again, I do not know what you are talking about. I said. This time my voice were more steady.
-Do not take me for a fool Clarke. Lexa said.
-Three months. He doesn't know yet. I whispered.
-So I thought. Lexa said.

-What the hell is that suppose to mean? You are still not getting my child. I said.
-I don't want your preause daughter Clarke. I am talking about the little human that is growing inside of your belly right now. Lexa said. She were still dead serious and this scared me. Lexa were out of her mind if she thought that I would do this.

-I don't know what you are talking about. I said. My voice were unsteady.
-I'm not stupid. Your mother instincts is already kicking in. You were protecting your stomach with your hands. How far along are you. She asked me again.
-I'm saying it again, I do not know what you are talking about. I said. This time my voice were more steady.
-Do not take me for a fool Clarke. Lexa said.
-Three months. He doesn't know yet. I whispered.
-So I thought. Lexa said.
-What the hell is that suppose to mean? You are never in a million years getting my child. I threatend her. Even tho it didn't sound much like a threat to her. Lexa started to laugh at me. Whatever her deal is, it isn't anything good. That I'm sure of. Where the hell is Bellamy freaking Blake when you need him.

-Please, don't bother wondering. He will be here whenever he feels like it. I wonder what I'll have in store for your man now when you don't want to give up your unborn child. Lexa said.
-That the hell? How sick are you really? I said. The word jealousy kept appearing in my mind all the time. Then I remembered a special person that Lincoln once mentioned. Her name was Costia. I have heard about her before. She just appeared in my thoughts to. Maybe I could use her against Lexa. Now or later. I don't know how, so I just started to ramble words that came out of my mouth.

-Would Costia be proud of you for the way you are running things here and now? I don't know much about her or your relationship with Costia. But I sure do know that you loved her. Things ain't always how they seem to be. You are not the leader she wished you to be. 
I won't give up my children, Bellamy, friends or my people for your problems is with me. I get that we don't have the best understanding. I really do.  I said. 
-You don't know what you are talking about. Lexa said and kicked me in the stomach.
The doors smashed opened and in walked my friends and they did not look to pleased. I guess that it's a good thing that they arrived just now. Or else Lexa would be laying on the floor half alive if I got to decided. 
-Well, well, well, who do we got here? Lexa said and smirked. She was so insecure that it was pathetic.
-Let the princess go. Miller said. Octavia and Murphy almost burst out laughing at what Miller just had said. Bellamy looked dead serious. Finally I can settle things. With the help of my friends. I was more than happy to see them. Especially that Bellamy is here and okay. 

-You're here. I said and gave Bellamy a weak smile. 
-Someone had to save you right? Bellamy said and helped me up from there I were. Let's get to the real things now. 
-We have alot to talk about later. Girl talk. Octavia told me. 

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