Chapter 8

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Bellamy's POV:
Clarke just fell to the ground and I have no idea what I was going to do. I yelled for Octavia to get in. Or anyone else for that matter. Miller was the first one to get in. I was holding Clarke in my arms as I put her on the metal table. I have never been through this before. And it scares me.

-What is it Bell? Octavia said calmly as she walked in. Then she saw Clarke she walked fast up to us. She didn't seem to know what to do.
-What is happening O? I asked.
-I have no idea. I think that she is a seizure. Get Abby on the radio Miller. Octavia comanded him. He did as he was told. A while ago Monty had fixed a radio so that we could get in contact with the ark. It did not take long for Miller to get in contact with the ark. Mr Jackson were the first one that we got in contact with. We asked if they could get Abby, Clarke's mother, so that we could talk to her.

-This is Nathan Miller. We have a girl here who we think is having a seizure right now. And no one have a clue what to do. Miller said. We didn't want to tell her that it is her daughter who is having a seizure.
-There is pretty much nothing you can do about it. You just have to wait it out. It might take a while. Who is having the seizure? Abby asked.
-Just a girl from camp. Miller said.
-I will ask you nicely again. Who is having the seizure? Give me a name. Abby said harsh. Clarke has told us that it isn't to good to upset her mother.

-It is your daughter. Octavia told her. Abby was quiet for a while. Since we were comunicated on the radio we can't see what is going on up there or what they are doing.
-She has had those before. Clarke had many seizures as a child. The last one she had was the day after her fathers death. The only thing you can do is to lay her on a secure place there she can't get hurt. Abby explained to us. Clarke was still laying on the metal table. There were not really any other place there we could lay here. Octavia and I stood on each side or Clarke. Miller ended the conversation with Abby. He promised her that we will get in contact with her later when Clarke's seizure is gone. I really don't like to see Clarke like this.
-Did Abby say anything else? Octavia asked Miller.
-Yeah. After the seizure Clarke usually don't remember what have happened the past twelve hours. And that the seizures are around twenty minutes long. There have been times there they are shorter. Miller told me.
-The positive side of this is that she won't remember that you two were about to start another stupid fight. Octavia said as she was trying to joke a little. I looked at Octavia. I was not to happy that she tried joke right at this moment.

-Sorry Bell. Octavia then said.
-This is the first time I have seen anyone having a seizure. Miller said. I am seriously concerned about Clarke. I was wondering why this was coming back. Specially since no one really seems to know what to do. And Clarke is the only one who knows things like this.
-Hey guys. Wow, what is going on here? I heard Murphy saying as he walked in.
-Clarke has a seizure. Her mother told us that it will go away by itself. We just have to look after her. I told Murphy.
-I had two seizures when I was a child. It isn't a good feeling. When she wakes up she will be really tired. I haven't had one since I was seven years old. When were her last one? Murphy told us.
-Her last one was after her fathers death. Octavia told him.
-I don't know why she has them now. She might be too stressed out and tired? Or she is feeling really preasured? Murphy said. Not long after that Clarke stopped seizing. When Clarke had stopped seizing she laid still. She didn't move at all. Her eyes was closed but she was breathing. Murphy told us that she is going to wake up soon. I was really surprised that I am listening to what Murphy is telling us. Since he has had these before I trust him. Murphy, Octavia and Miller left Clarke and I alone in the dropship. I sat next to her for a long time. It was like she had fallen asleep.

-Where am I? I heard Clarke whispering really low. I let our a breath that I did not realized that I had been holding.
-In the dropship back at camp. You scared the hell out of us princess. I said softly.
-But I was in that... She started buy shut her month. Like she didn't want to tell us what she had been up to. Normally I would get upset with her. But seeing her this I was not upet with her at all. I couldn't be.
-You don't have to talk. You were seizing. It is over now. I said. I could see Clarke's eyes fill up with tears. Not many seconds later she started to cry. This is the first time that I have seen her like this.
-Hey hey princess. It is okay. Everything is fine. I said. I brushed my fingers through her blonde hair as I tried my best to calm her down. She was still laying on the metal table and I sat on a stool next to her. I can not deny the fact that Clarke is gorgeous. 
-Today is one year since my father was floated. Clarke whispered as she was crying. Then it hit me. This is what her mother meant when she said that last time Clarke was seizing was the day after her fathers death. 
-May I ask you why you have these seizures? I asked Clarke. 

-No one really knows why. As you probably know I have had them since I was a child. Clarke whispered. Haven't had them in years. Except last year and today. Clarke said. 

-I know. Your mother told us. I said.
-You talked to my mother? Why did you do that? She must be worrying sick. Clarke said as she started to panic. 

-We can talk to her later. Right now you have to relax and rest princess. I told her. 
-I don't have to rest. Clarke said as she made an attempt to sit up. She laid down instantly again on the table.
-Okay, I will rest. She said.
-No arguments? I asked suprised. Even if I was relieved that she is better now.
-I have a headache and I am tired like hell. I don't have the energy to argue. Plus I like this. You and I sitting here and just talk. It is peaceful and much better. Will you be here when I wake up? Clarke admitted before she closed her eyes and drifted of into sleep. 
-I'll be here. I whispered. I walked out of the dropship. I didn't know for how long she will be asleep. And I have a camp to run. I decided that I am going to check up on her often to make sure that she is okay. 

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