Chapter 51

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Clarke's POV:
M.J is now nine months old. A lot of things has happened through out those months. What has happened - I was cut off by someone. 
-Clarke? I think my water broken. Raven said as she as she calmly walked into the medical bay. Murphy kept an arm around Raven's waist to steady her as they walked.
-How close are your contractions? I asked Raven.
-Three to five minutes apart. Murphy answered.
-Okay, make sure that she is comfortable. I will go and find my mother. She will be helping us deliver your baby. I told them. Murphy, the gentleman he has become, helped Raven the best he could. Lately, like the past five and a half months, he has been really eager to be a father. He calls Raven his Baby mama. It is kinda cute if you would ask me. That is just my opinion.
M.J and Aurora were spending time with Bellamy. Because earlier today I helped another woman deliver her newborn. So for the past seventeen hours I have been stuck in the medical bay. Yay me. Not so much. I am really missing Bellamy and my two adorable children. For now I have to keep my focus on Raven and Murphy.

Bellamy's POV:
Clarke has been really caught up in the medical bay for many hours now. It is understandable since babies are being delivered. Raven and Murphy had been hanging out with my children and I when Raven's water broken.

Raven and Murphy has together been spending time with M.J and Aurora. They have been babysitting them may times. It benefits us all. Clarke and I get to spend time together. Alone time. Raven and Murphy gets to feel how it is to be parents. They are doing their best. In the beginning they could not get along with how to do things. Lately it has been better and they are getting a hang of it all.
-Daddy! Push me higher up. Aurora said as she started to laugh. Lincoln, I and other men at camp has been building a few swings for the younger kids. They are really enjoying the swings. We are trying to build a playground for the children since there is not much for them to do here. We are trying our best to build our own little community. So far everything is working out perfectly fine.
-Okay. I said and gave her an extra push on the swing so she got higher up in the air. Aurora loves the swings. She could be here for hours and you can always find her there. She likes to call it her place. Clarke and I tell her that everyone is allowed to use the swings. Such a sweet child. 

-There's mama? She asks. 

-Mama is going to deliver auntie Raven's child. I said. 
-Okay. She said and her attention went straight back to the swings. M.J were just crawling around on the ground. I can not wait to see him take his first steps. I remember the first time that Aurora took her first steps. I were guarding with Miller and another guy named Isaac. Clarke had came to talk to me. She had Aurora with her. She loved to crawl around so Clarke had put her down on the ground. We were not arguing but we could not agree on something. I don't remember what it was but that isn't the point. Then Miller had said something like Your girl is walking. Aurora took like five to seven steps before she fell and Clarke caught her. That is a moment I will always remember. 

Murphy's POV:
We have now been in the medical bay for the past two hours. Clarke says that Raven soon has to start pushing. I can not believe that this day is finally here. When I found out that Raven were pregnant I were for the first time in my life actually scared. I have never been scared before.

Emori and I had been fighting for days then. But we came to an agreement that we shall only stay friends. Everything in the beginning were extremely awkward between us. But we have come to being just friends. Raven and Emori can barely stand each other these days. Since Emori does not understand how the two of us could sleep together. It never were Raven's fault. It was mine.
Being here today I would not change anything. I would probably do the same thing over and over again. No matter how many chances I have to re-do things. In the end I realized that Raven needs me more than ever. We are not together together. But we are in this together. It might sound complicated but it really isn't. It is simple. We care and love each other. But we need to do what is best for this baby. That is to stay friends until we can figure out things. 
-It's time to push. Are you ready to push Raven? Clarke said. 

-You can hold my hand. I said to Raven. She grabbed my hand. Clarke counted to three. And on three she started to push. A few pushes later we heard a little person crying. Our baby. 

-Congratulations. It's a baby boy. Clarke said and gave our baby to Raven. She is perfect. Both Raven and the baby are perfect. 

-Phoenix. Raven said. 

-What? I asked.
-His name. We should name him Phoenix. Raven said.

-It's a unique name. Phoenix Reyes. I love it. I said.

-I thought we should take your last name. Raven said.

-He should be remembered as Phoenix Reyes. And we can call the girl Phoebe. I said and smiled. 
-A girl? Raven said shocked.
-Just wait and see. We will create a little baby girl name Phoebe. I said. 

Clarke's POV: 
I and my mother left Raven and Murphy alone in the medical bay. They should spend some time together. My mother is going back there in a few to check that everything is okay.
Obviously I found my own family at the playground. More likely at the swings. Bellamy were caught up in pushing Aurora on the swings and M.J were chilling on the ground in his own little world. I walked up behind Bellamy and jumped up on his back. I might just have given him a little mini attack.
-Hello to you to princess. Bellamy said and kissed me then we faced each other.
-Hello handsome. I said and kissed him back.
-Eww! No kissing. Our daughter said. Bellamy and I started to laugh. We are still as attacted to each other as we were when we first got together a little more than three years ago.
-Behave mister. I said and gave Bellamy another little kiss.
-How is the little one doing? Bellamy asked and put his hand on my belly.
-Well, we said that we could try for a third one when M.J is two years old. But you just love getting me pregnant. Don't you? Yeah, little one and I are doing just fine. I said. 
-I told you. I want a big family. On the ark we could never have that. Plus we do make really cute babies. Don't we? We manage two kids. A third isn't that much more. Remember that I said that I want atleast five kids. No more. You're my baby mama. The love of my life. The one and only that I want to spend the rest of my life with. Bellamy said. 

-You have to wait another five months to get laid. Because I am only four months along in this pregnancy. I said. 

-Works perfectly for me. Bellamy said. 
-It seems like everyone is getting pregnant these days. I joked. Bellamy rolled his eyes and picked up M.J from the ground. 

-Are you hungry, princess? Because your son and I are starving. And I believe that Aurora might like to eat some food to? Bellamy said.

-Thank god. I am starving. I have not eaten anything for hours. I said. I told Aurora that we are going to go and eat. She jumped of the swing and grabbed my hand. Together the four of us, soon to be five, walked to get something to eat. I am not  eating for one anymore. Two it is. 
-My mother is going to take care of Raven and Murphy and the other couple that gave birth a few hours ago. So I thought that the four of us could go either to the lake there the waterfall is. Or we could go to our bunker.
We go regularly to the bunker. At least twice a week. Once with our children and another time alone. Just Bellamy and I. That is how I manage to get pregnant again. With Bellamy's help obviously.
-I would love to do that. If we go to the lake maybe we could start learning Aurora how to swim? Bellamy suggested.
-Isn't she a little to small still for that? I asked.
-She is almost three. Not if we hold her. Bellamy said.
-Okay, we can do that. First we eat some lunch. Because I am not leaving this camp without eating first. I told Bellamy.
-I were not planning for us to leave before lunch. Bellamy said. 
-I love you. I said and kissed him. 

-I will never get tired to hear those three words. I love you to princess. Bellamy said. 

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