Chapter 33

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Clarke's POV: 
It's been a few months now and Aurora is seven months old. She is the sweetest little girl ever. I love my daughter so much.
Bellamy and I decided that we should walk to the bunker. Bellamy thought that we should get some time alone. Just the two of us. We love to spend time with our daughter and we do that everyday. I would never want to change that. But I would like to spend some time alone with Bellamy. It's good for our relationship. 
When we came to the bunker, our bunker, Bellamy sat down on the sofa as I took of my boots and jacket. I sat down next to Bellamy eith my notepad and pen. 
-What are you going to draw? Bellamy asked me as he started to massage me. I loved when he was massaging me. 
-You, Aurora and I. Our little beauiful family. And Octavia. She belongs to our family after all. I said. Bellamy's eyes lit up when I said that. 

-You are amazing princess. Bellamy said and kissed me on my shoulder. 
-You are so good massaging me. You really are. That's amazing. I said as I tried my best to keep drawing my family.
-I should do that more often then. Bellamy said and laughed lightly. 
-Yeah, you should. I said and giggled a little. Bellamy kept massaging me as I finished my drawing after a while. It wasn't perfect. I blame it on Bellamy because he made me feel really good after massaging me. 
-What should we do? I asked.

-This. Bellamy said and started to kiss me deeply with passion and love. 

Octavia's POV: 
I was in charge of taking care of Aurora as Bellamy and Clarke had some time alone. Some mama and daddy time alone. I was mocking them saying that. They just ignored me. I got to spend the whole day with my beauiful niece. I'm young, but I can't wait another few years for myself to have a family. Lincoln was here and he spent the time with us today. It was perfect. 
Lincoln and I walked into the mechanic station with Aurora. Raven was there. She was fixing one of the walkie-talkie that had broke.
-Hey Reyes. I said. 
-Hey O. I'm a little busy so could you leave? I will come later when I am done. Raven said.

-Aurora is here. I said. Raven turned around and her face lit up. 
-I always got time for this little cutie. Raven said and took her from my arms. 
-Don't break her. I said. Lincoln wrapped an arm around my waist and I leant in. 

-I won't. You are like your brother and Clarke. I love the way you are protective over your little niece. Raven said.

-Thank you. She truly is cute. I said and smiled. Raven and Lincoln agreed with me. 
-You're right about that. Lincoln said.

Bellamy's POV:
Three hours later Clarke and I were still laying on the sofa. We were cuddling and Clarke had her head on my chest and I were brushing my hand through her hair like I always do when we are laying like this. I looked at Clarke's wristwatch that she had gotten from her father. I realized that we soon have to leave this place. I just wanted to to pause time and lay her forever. 

-What are you thinking about? Clarke asked.
-How I just want to lay here with you in my arms and never leave. Even if I want to see our little daughter soon. I told Clarke.
-Yeah, I feel the same. Let's just stay here for a little longer. Clarke told me. I could not agree more. We stayed like this for another hour before we decided that it was time to actually get back to camp.I am missing my daughter so much. Bellamy wrapped his arm around my waist after he locked the door to the bunker and covered it up so that no one else could see it. I know that it might be a little selfish, but it's our place. Mine and Bellamy's place. My life is perfectly perfect in everyway possible. 
As we walked back to camp we talked about what we are going to do the next couple of days. Bellamy wants to go out and hunt but I am against it. We came to an agreement that he can do that later in a couple of weeks. I don't know what the difference is between doing it later than sooner. It just feels better to know that Bellamy is here at camp with me and Aurora where he is safe. Even if the grounders are out there and that they can attack us anyday anytime. Which still scares me. But I have learned to live with it so it's easier then how it was before. 
Not longer after we stopped talking we heard something or someone walking toward us. Bellamy and I got ready for what might come next. What I wasn't expecting was a girl in her mid twenties to come toward us. She looks tired, injured and pale. Then she saw us she stopped walking. She was acting weird. A few seconds later she feel to the ground. I ran up to her. 
-What's your name? I asked her.
-Emori. She mumbled. 

-Okay Emori. We are going to help me so you need to stay awake. Can you do that? I asked. When I looked at her again she had done the opposite. She had passed out. I had no idea what to do. I don't want to leave her here. She might be really injured. 
-Bell, we need to take her with us. I need to help her. I said.

-Clarke, she isn't one of us. Bellamy argued.
-Don't argue with me now Bell. She needs medical care soon. I can help her back at camp. Please help me. I begged Bellamy. I don't know why I want to help her so much. I just can't leave her here. It would make me feel terrible. Bellamy picked her up, doing as I told him. We were on our way back to camp. This day trip did not end like I thought that it would. 

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