Chapter 53

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Clarke's POV:
I am now eight months pregnant. Things between Bellamy and I are just fine. We talked for a while. Not about marriage. That would just scare Bellamy. I casually talked to him about our future. Marriage never came up. I do want to get married. I would never want to force Bellamy into something he doesn't want. That would not be fair to either of us. No one would really be happy. Bellamy is my happy place.
When the baby comes, M.J will be turning one year old. Or he might just have turned one. Depends on when the little one inside me wants to enter the world. I am really eager to have this third child. In all honesty, I have nothing to worry when it comes to Bellamy and I. I can only see a future with Bellamy and he can only see one with me. I believe him when he says it.

-Good morning beautiful. Bellamy said as he were waking up. Both M.J and Aurora has slept at Lincoln and Octavia's place for the three past days. The only reason to this is so that Bellamy and I can get some time for one another. Even how much we love our children.
-Good morning handsome. I said. Bellamy played with my hair as my head were on his chest. Things were really getting back to normal. No denial in that. In all honestly I were still thinking about marriage. Down here, people might think it is stupid. Who the hell cares? 
-Be totally honest with me Bell. Why do you think marriage is stupid? I asked. Bellamy's whole body got tense. It might be a sensitive subject? I don't know. Still I want to hear the real answer. Not some excuse.
-I don't think it is stupid. I might have said that. When my mother got floated, Octavia got locked up. I were all alone. I had no one to turn to. No one who who could comfort me. They were the only once that loved me. My only family were gone. They didn't let me see her. It broke me. I went from being a guard to a janitor. Of course you already know this. What you don't know is that I felt empty. I didn't think that I deserved love. The whole idea of love, a family, marriage and happiness? I never thought that I was worthy of those things. Then I met you, my princess. You literally change my whole world. You brought back so much. You made me feel worthy again. Of all kind of things. You loved, still loves me. You gave me a family. two children. Soon to be three children. You gave me hope of a future and happiness. You fixed me. You put back all the peices. You made me whole again. I could not ask for anything more. Since we never had discussed the subject of marriage? It scared me a tiny bit. I never though you wanted this. So I never brought it up. Bellamy admitted. Hearing him saying all of this brought seriously tears to my eyes.
-Why are you crying princess? Bellamy asked.

-Of course you are worthy of being loved. For as long as I life, I am going to prove to you that you are worthy to be loved. I have told you this a million times. I love you. I am so deeply in love with you that I will never be able to fall out of love. Trust me. I will always love you. Everyone need a little love in their life. You, Bellamy Blake, deserves the whole freaking world. I said.
-You are to good for me princess. Bellamy said and kissed me passionated and deeply.
-I love you, lover boy. I said when we stopped to get some air. After we finally got some air again we kept making out.
-You are seven months pregnant. We can not sleep together. You have to wait another two months. Bellamy said.
-There is other things to do. I said. Bellamy just laughed and then he kissed me again. I am seriously loving this man. Every second of every day and night.
-Clarke? What's wrong? Bellamy asked.
-My water broke. I guess that little one has decided to enter the world earlier than we thought. I don't feel pain. I said and kissed Bellamy.
-No more kissing right now. I am taking you to the medical bay. Bellamy said and picked me up. Bridal style. Weirdly I started to giggle. I could not help myself from doing that.
-Someones water broke. Clarke is ready to deliver soon. Bellamy said as we carried me inside the medical bay.
-Lay her down and we can see how far she is. My mother said. Bellamy did as he were told.
-I will be here every second. I won't leave your side princess. Bellamy said and lightly kissed me. No one except for my mother and Bellamy is aware that I am in labor. I would like for it to stay like that.
-Do not tell anyone that I am in labor. I want it to be a surprise. I want some peace while I am in labor. I told Bellamy.
-What about M.J and Aurora? Bellamy asked.
-Maybe only Octavia and Lincoln can know. Let the kids spend some more time with them. I told Bellamy.
-I love you princess. Bellamy said.
-I love you my handsome rebel. Never forget that. I said. Bellamy's face lit up with happiness. Bellamy then told my mother that she should go and find Octavia or Lincoln. So that she could tell them the good news. And look after my children while I am in labor. He also told Abby that he would not leave my side.
-Do you think it is a girl or a boy? I asked Bellamy. He just smiled at me.
-I know it is a girl. It just feels like a girl. Bellamy said.
-I think it is going to be a baby boy. A mini Bellamy Blake. I said proudly.
-As much as I like to hear that, the only thing that really matters is that she or he is perfectly healthy. Bellamy said.
-You are right. I said.
-Clarke, I think that it is time for you to start push. Jackson said. Jackson is another doctor here. Everything he knows has he learned from my mother. Bellamy grabbed my hand and whispered sweet things as I started to push.
-Marry me Clarke. Be my wife. Bellamy said. It did not take many pushes before we heard the little newborn crying.
-You got a little baby girl. Jackson said and gave me my newborn little daughter. Wow, things were happening so fast now. Then my mother walked in.
-It's a girl. Jackson said. My mother were overjoyed.
-I'm so happy for you Clarke. My mother said.
-You all should leave.  Bellamy said raising his voice at my mother and Jackson. I think they got the point because they left right away.
-Thanks. I said. Tears were streaming down my cheeks.
-Why are you crying princess? Bellamy asked. 
-We should name her Talia. I said. It was not really the answer that Bellamy was waiting for. He knows that I am really happy. This makes me really happy. And I do not have to say it in words for him to know that. 
-I think that it's a perfect name for our perfect little girl. Bellamy said and kissed me. 
-You do? I said with tears in my eyes. 

-I know how much Talia meant to you. And of course M.J and Aurora are going to love their new little sister. We have three healthy and adorable children. Bellamy said and kissed Talia on the head as he sat down next to me. 
-Bell? I started. 

-Yeah? He said. Bellamy looks mesmerized by his newborn daughter. I remember what Bellamy told me before this morning. I don't know if we actually is aware what he asked. Or rather said before Jackson told us that Talia is a girl and she entered the world.
-Bell, did you mean what you said? About marrying me? I remember what you said this morning. And I do not want you to feel like you have to marry me. That is not how love works. I said. In fact I were cut of by Bellamy. 

-Princess, I really meant it when I said that I want to marry you before. I don't want you to be a property of mine. What I want is to make you happy everyday of your life. For me to make you feel loved all the time. Even if life feels pointless at times. That we are in on this together forever. No going back. I have said this before. You were the one who put me baack together. No one has ever been able to do that. You keep me sane. We would be the ultimate married power couple. And we could upgrade you from princess to queen. Always remember that I love you. You are the most beautiful, kind-hearted, sexy, stubbornly person I have met. Our children and I will forever adore you. Talia is going to love you as much as the rest of us. She already loves you. And your friend Talia would be so proud of the woman that you have become today. I would be proud and honored to call you my wife for the rest of our lives. Bellamy said.
-Bellamy Blake, this might not be the most romantic moment, but will you marry me? I asked nervously. 

-Princess, I would love to marry you. Yes, I will. Bellamy said. Bellamy leaned in and kissed me. We could not get as close as we wanted to in this moment since Talia were between us. She is one of the cutest babies I have seen. The other two is obviously Aurora and M.J. Seriously Bellamy and I do make cute babies. Then Talia started to cry.
-I think someone wants to be fed. Bellamy said. 

-Should M.J and Aurora meet Talia now or should we wait a while? Bellamy asked. I love how concerned he is when it comes to me and our family.
-I will feed her first. And we can just sit here in peace for a while enjoying our time together. Before everyone sees her. I told Bellamy.

-That sounds great. You have gived birth to three babies. You keep amaze me everyday. Bellamy said.
-I am not giving birth to anymore children in near time. I said. Bellamy brushed his fingers through my hair as I fed Talia.
-We will discuss that in a year. Bellamy said.
-Keep dreaming pretty, sexy boy. I said and kissed Bellamy even tho I were still feeding Talia. Bellamy and I could never get enough of each other. 

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