Chapter 15

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Clarke's POV:
Bellamy and I were still together in the dropship. We were alone since. No one has been in here since we walked in. Bellamy and I had kissed. He admitted that he likes me. He admitted it in his own way. The kiss had been amazing. I still do not know where we stand. Then I remembered one thing that I started to laugh at. It was a memory from many weeks ago when I told Bellamy that he were not allowed to fall in love with me. Maybe we were not there yet. But I am okay if that happens. 

-What are you laugh at princess? Bellamy asked me. He was confused. 

-Remember what I told you weeks ago? I asked.

-I remember alot. But please, be more specific. Bellamy said. 

-Remember that I told you not to fall in love with me? I said. 

-I had forgotten about that. He said and looked away. 

-I take that back. You are allowed to do that. I said. I stood on my tip toes and kissed Bellamy again before I walked out of the dropship leaving Bellamy all alone. I am not in love with Bellamy Blake. But I really really do like him. Even tho he can be a pain in the ass sometimes. But that is okay, because I annoy him too. I walked around camp talking to a few people to see it everything was working out fine. And it does. The camp is starting to look even better when it did before the acid fog hit camp. When I passed Monty, Miller and Harper the looked at me and then started to whisper. I decided to walk up to them to find out what they were whispering about. 

-What are you talking about? I asked.

-Octavia and Jasper is throwing a party. We don't think that Bellamy is going to like it. Miller said fast. 
-Okay, but I know that you are hidding something. You know that I will found out what all of you are up to. Do not take me for a fool. I said. 

-Why are you upset with us? Monty said. 

-I am not upset guys. Just a little tired as always. I said. 
-How is things between you and your boyfriend? Harper asked.

-My boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend if you remember? I said. 

-So you and Blake are not a couple? Monty asked me. I stood there for a while thinking about how to answer that question. I have no idea actually how to answer them. Because I do not even know the answer myself.

-No, we are not together. What makes you say that? I asked. I was way to calm. 

-You two seem to be way to close for just being friends. Miller Monty said.

-So what? I asked.

-You literally ran toward the acid fog just to get the radio. Just so that you could get incontact with Blake. Miller said. 
-Someone had to do that. The radio might not have worked but if it did Bell would have known that his little sister were safe. I said. I actually meant what I said. It is really important for Bellamy and I that Octavia is alive. Without her life would never be complete. That is a fact. I left them like that because I did not want to talk about this anymore. 
It started to get a little darker outside and Octavia had told everyone that we should celebrate how far we have come. I thought that it was a good idea. At the same I am aware that there is another reason that Octavia and Jasper wants to celebrate. But I did not want to pay any attention to whatever reason that was. Me and my friends sat on logs as we drank some moon shine. For me it felt just like any other evening except that we had moon shine tonight. I have not seen Bellamy since we last saw each other in the dropship. I trust him but I had a weird feeling inside which didn't go away. 
-Clarke, may I talk to you? I heard Chad asking. I do not like to be around him but I agreed to talk to him anyway. I left my friends. We didn't go far. Everyone could see and hear us when we talked. I never trusted Chad and I still don't.
-What is it? Are you healing okay? I asked even if I knew that he got hurt a while ago.

-I am fine. I just wanted to admit something. I like you Clarke. You already know that. But I just wanted to tell you that. Chad said. 

-Sorry but I do not feel the same. Excuse me but I have to get back to my friends now. I said. I made an attempt to walk away. I could feel Chad grabbing my wrist. He was stronger than me. 

-Does Bellamy Blake have something to do with this. Chad asked me.

-It is none of your business Chad. I said harsh. I tried to get away from him but he grabbed my other hand. People around here didn't seem to care or acknowledge what is going on. I am feeling really uncomfortable right now. 

-Let me go Chad. I said harsh. 
-I can not do that princess. He said.

-You know that I hate it when you call me princess. I said.

-You love it when Blake calls you princess. Chad said. His eyes started to get darker. By now I was scared. 

-Yes, I do. I admitted.

-So you love him? Chad said. His eyes were getting ever darker now and his grip on my wrist were getting stronger and tighter.

-No, but I like him. Please let me go Chad. I begged. He didn't seem to care at all. 

Octavia's POV: 
I were going to make sure that my brother and Clarke is getting together tonight. I had talked to Miller and Jasper about this. We had come up with a plan. It was a good plan to. My plan is not cruel at all and no one is going to get hurt. As long as everything goes as I plan. My friends and I sat on the logs. We had fun as we talked and laughed. In the middle of a story that Harper was telling Chad, the guy I dislike walked up to us. Clarke followed him even if she also dislikes him. I looked at them. Chad was no near a part of my plan. He were not even suppose to be around us. Their conversation seemed to start of pretty good. I could not hear what they were saying. Other people could but they did not pay any attention to them. Only then something is going on between Clarke and Bellamy of course. Then people gather around the to see what is going on. Chad had grabbed Clarke and I could see that she was trying to get away from him. Then I saw Bellamy coming toward us.

-What are you up to brother? I asked.
-I was looking for Clarke. I wanted to talk to her. Someone told me she were with you guys. Bellamy said.
-Chad is talking with her. It seems like she does not want to talk to him. I said pointing toward Clarke and Chad. The situation didn't look so good. This was not what I had planned at all. Bellamy looked furious when he saw Chad grabbing Clarke against her will. Bellamy didn't say anything after that. Instand he stormed toward Clarke and Chad. Chad was no near a part of my plan.

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