Chapter 45

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Clarke's POV:
The next day when I woke up I were wrapped in Bellamy's arms. I loved last night. We got to be just two young adults who got to have some fun together. I loved it. 

-Good morning princess. Bellamy said and kissed me. 
-Good morning Bell. I said and kissed him back. 
-Last night were mind blowing. Bellamy said.
-Shut up! It wasn't our first time. How do you think we ended up being parents. I said.

-Shut up. Bellamy said back mocking me. I started to giggle. Bellamy started to play with my hair then the door threw open and in came Octavia and Lincoln back. Bellamy covered me fast with a blanket. 

-Aww, did you two have fun last night? Ugh, do not answer that. I do not want to know the answer. Abby gave me enough information without even saying anything. Octavia said. 
-Hello to you to little sister. Weren't you two suppose to come back in a few days? Bellamy said. 

-We were supposed to until Lincoln told me a few important things that will change a lot. Octavia told us. That draw our attention away from each other and toward Octavia and Lincoln. It does not sound to good if I may say.
Octavia and Lincoln started to tell us everything that they knew about Lexa and what was happening over at her clan. I did not like what I was hearing at all. One thing that was relieving to hear is that we do not have to worry about the fact that she wants our little boy, so that she can raise him. That was the only good thing that I heard out of everything of this. 
-Give us a few minutes to dress and we will be out there in a few minutes. I told Octavia and Lincoln. The left as Bellamy and I could get dressed alone without them being here annoying us. More correct, without Octavia annoy us. A few minutes later Bellamy and I walked out and met them in the counsel's office. 

-What should we do? Octavia asked me as we entered the counsel's office. 
-I have an idea. But you will think that I am out of my mind. What if my mother and I went to Polis to see Lexa. We could help her with the blood transfusion. She will be as new. She must be thankful for that and leave me and our people alone. I said. Honestly I am scared of Bellamy's reaction. The three of them stood quietly for a while. 

-It is a good idea. Bellamy said. 
-Are you insane? You are suppose to say no. I cried out. 

-I mean that if we help her with this she might leave us alone like you said. But you and your mother are not going alone. Miller, Murphy, Kane, Ross and Maddox will come with you. Bellamy said. I can not believe what I was hearing.
-If we do this. Why are you not coming? I asked. Octavia and Lincoln were still not saying anything. 
-Lexa practically banned Lincoln from Polis. She didn't but she could. She hates Octavia because she is together with Lincoln and related to me. And as much as I would like to come with you, she would probably take the first chance to end me. I know that you are perfectly able to do this. You got your friends, Kane and your mother. Remember that you got your handsome man, aka me, here and our two beautiful children. Bellamy said. Why did I have to come up with this plan?

-I have to agree with Bellamy. Lincoln said. 

-I do agree to this plan. But if Bellamy ain't coming when I am. No one can change my mind.  Octavia said. 

-Octavia you are not going! Bellamy said. 

-Lexa is very fond of you Clarke. Lincoln said. 

-Excuse me? Bellamy said. 

-Lexa. Is. Fond. Of. Clarke. That is more than just a fact. Lincoln said. 
-Hell no. As much as Clarke is lovable, Lexa has no right to feel anything for her. I am coming with you to Polis. Bellamy said.

-Now you want to come? I said annoyed.
-You are my girl. Bellamy said.
-I am no award you know. It does not matter if she is fond of me. I love you and only you Bell. You trust me right? I said.
-Of course I trust you. It is Lexa that I can not trust. I just, I really do love you princess. Bellamy said.

-I know. I said and kissed him lightly. The four of us decided to go through with this plan. We just need to talk to my mother and Kane about this. My mother won't like this plan but she has to agree. I ecxused myself to go and find my mother since she has my children and I need to feed M.J. 

Raven's POV:
Get your shit together. Get your life back together. I told myself over and over again. It truly is time for me to change things and make my own decisions in my life. I took a deep, really deep breath. I tried my best to relax. There is only one thing that I really need to take care of. I have controll over everything else in my life except for my love life.

-Murphy! I said as I walked into his tent. He looks nervous. Who knows why.
-Reyes! Nice to see you again. He said.
-What got you so nervous? I asked.
-Nothing that you have to worry about Reyes. He said and looked away.

-I call that bullshit. I said.
-What are you doing here? He asked me.
-I care for you. I like you. And I might even like you more than just a friend. Do you understand there I am going with this? I said.
-No. He said insucured. He were so lying to me. I dislike liars. I sat down on Murphy's lap and looked at him. Murphy for once seemed scared. What was going through his mind? I leaned in toward him.
-We can not do this Reyes! Emori is- I cut him of. I put my hand over his mouth.
-No more talking about Emori. She isn't the right girl for you. Never has never will be. I said and then I kissed him. Hard and passionated. No one of us were backing down this time. We would be to stupid to do that. It is time to stop being stupid and grow up. 

Bellamy's POV: 
Kane, Abby, Miller, Monty, Ross, Maddox and I were at the gates waiting for Clarke to come. There were almost impossible to leave since M.J is only one month old. But we found a way for us to leave for a while. I could see the pain in Clarke's eyes when she had to say goodbye to Aurora and M.J. Octavia and Lincoln promised to take care of them. They got Raven and Harper to help them if they need extra help. Neither Clarke or I like when M.J is surrounded with more than six or eight people at time. 
I took Clarke's hand in mine and kissed her. it is almost impossible to describe how much I love this girl.

-Everything is coimg to be okay. I know that because I got you by my side. I whispered so only Clarke could hear. 

-I love you Bell. Clarke said. 

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