Chapter 20

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Bellamy's POV:
I was so mad at my friends, Octavia and Clarke. I can not believe that they never told me about Octavia's "boyfriend". Maybe I could have accepted him, despite that he is a grounder. The reason that I dislike the grounders so much is because they were aiming to hurt my sister. In progress Clarke got hurt. I have tried to get over that, but it's hard to see the girls you love getting hurt. Especially since I were not there to protect them.
On the other hand I am aware that if the other grounders know about their so called relationship there won't be peace. We have never had a conflict with them. And I would like if it stayed like that. 

-You are still my sister. Remember, my sister, my responsibility. That won't change. I said as I ended my speech. I were still looking at my sister. This is going to take a while for me to progress. Maybe a lot of time. Octavia and I looked at each other. I still trust her. But not as much as I did before and she knows that. I do not even have to say that. From nowhere Octavia and I hear something hit the ground. When we look down we see Clarke laying there. I bent down fast and lifted her up in my arms. Something was not right. Clarke's body started to shake the way it did a while ago. She was having a seizure again. I was sure of that. All my rage disappeared as soon I saw how vulnerable she was. I couldn't get contact with her. Octavia followed me behind. We were going to the medical bay there her mother were. When I see her like this I feel really bad. I am still a little upset with her not telling me the truth. But all of that is gone. I do not know how this is going to affect her this time. Last time she forgot everything that happened the past twelve hours. I just hope that it won't happen again. Except for the part there I got really upset.

-Abby, it's Clarke. She is having a seizure again. I told Abby. I laid her down on the table there we treat the injured once. Clarke stopped seizuring after ten long minutes. Then the seizure were gone Abby told Octavia and I to leave. She and Jackson were going to exam Clarke. I became angry at Jackson and Abby since they threw us out. I was not happy with that. I could feel Octavia's hand on my shoulder.
-She will be fine big brother. You know it. Remember what I am always tell you? She is Clarke Griffin and she can manage anything and everything. Octavia said. I knew that she was right. But it still hurts to see Clarke like this. I sat down on the ground with Octavia by my side. None of us said anything until the door of the medical bay opened. Jackson walked out.
-Clarke is fine for now and she will be fine. In the progress of her seizure she hit her head pretty hard on the ground as I was told. That lead to her getting a concussion. Do you remember what Abby told you last time? Do not preasure her to much. Let her rest and take care of her since she has a concussion. Jackson said before he walked into the medical bay again.
I never want to lose my princess. It does not matter how much we fight or how often. She will always be the center of my life. And Octavia since she is my sister. We have had five weeks where everything were perfect between us. I just do not want to lose that. I love her. I love my princess. But I am so scared to tell her that. I just don't know if she feels the same. And that scares me too. They let me in after twenty minutes. Abby told me to take it easy with Clarke since she doesn't feel good. She looked so tiny as she laid on the table. She had a fur over herself to keep her from getting cold. I sat down on the stool that was on the right side of the table. I brushed my fingers through her hairs as I grabbed her hand in mine.

-What happened Bell? Clarke asked.

-I was a little upset with you and Octavia from keeping Lincoln a secret from me. But it's all okay now. I am not angry anymore. Then you fainted as you had a seizure again, hit your head and got a concussion. I am here now princess. You only have to rest and take it easy. You don't have to worry about anything. I said and kissed her on the lips.
-Bell, I want to tell you something. Clarke said. I could hear that she was a little unsure about what she were going to say.

-Omg! Clarke you are okay! Octavia said as she walked into the medical bay and inturrupted us. I wanted to know what Clarke were going to say. I have to wait until later. I was okay with that as long as my princess is fine. 

-Should I leave you two alone for a moment? I asked the girls. 
-No, it's okay Bell. Octavia said. I was happy to hear that. I never want to leave Clarke's side again. 

-When can I get out of here? Clarke asked. She tried to sit up but laid down instantly. She got dizzy by moving. I could tell that Clarke wanted to get out of here. I tried to talk her into staying her a little longer until her mother told us that Clarke could leave. As always she has to be so stubborn. One of the many things that I love about this girl. I can not stop loving her enough and I will always and forever love her. I know that in my heart. Clarke is the one and only for me. Clarke complained about wanting to get "the hell out of here". It was boring and she had nothing to do in here. I can't blame her for feeling that. Instand of waiting for Abby to tell us that it was okay for Clarke to leave, I scooped her up bridal style. Then the three of us left the medical bay. I was taking Clarke to our room on the ark. Clarke and I had gotten to share a room together and I loved it. It gave me another reason for me to be with her at night.

-I will give you privacy. Octavia said and walked out of mine and Clarke's room. I laid Clarke on the bed. The bed isn't as uncomfortable as those makeshift beds that we had when we first arrived. This one is much more comfortable. Clarke and I shared the bed since there were only one in here. I had nothing to complain about. I love to feel Clarke in my arms at night.
-I love you Bell. Clarke whispered as she feel asleep. 

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