Epilogue: Part two

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 Fifteen years later: 
Clarke's POV: 
-Aurora, M.J, Talia, S.J and Nathan. Get down here! I yelled after my children. Aurora who is now nineteen is most of the time out of camp hunting with Miller and her so called "Boyfriend" Jesse. Bellamy is not happy with her having a boyfriend at the age of nineteen. I always have to remind Bellamy that I were only eighteen when we got together. And nineteen when Aurora were born. Bellamy and I have had the talk of not getting pregnant with her multiple times. The only reason that Miller is out hunting with them is so that an adult that Bellamy and I can trust is with them. As Bellamy usually says "They are not allowed to do any funny business". Bellamy knows that Jesse is a good guy. Jesse is a little scared of Bellamy. Bellamy is overprotecting of his sons and daughters. Bellamy is starting to accept that Aurora is dating Jesse. He still has not fully accepted it yet. 
M.J is seventeen and he is no near intressted in going out hunting. Aurora and he are totally opposite from each other. Instand he loves to spend time with me and my mother in the medical bay. He wants to be a doctor and to learn as much as possible from us and Jackson.
Talia is only fifteen and she loves to spend time with Bellamy who most of the time is guarding with Murphy. Bellamy also got promoted and is a part of the board at camp. So am I. Which is really good. We have been making sure that there is new rules at camp. Out of all our children, Talia is most like Bellamy.
Then we got the twins S.J and Nathan. They are only ten years old. They were born on a summer evening. It sun were bright and S.J has the same blond hair as I do. So she got to be named Sunny Jo. Jo comes from Murphy who's first name is John. She can not have a boy's name. So Bellamy and I decided on Jo. We call her S.J. Nathan got his name from Miller. S.J and Nathan are exactly the same. No one can miss that they are twins. They look alike. But doesn't act like each other. They are their own person. Which is a good thing. The twins are best friends ever since they were born. They look like me except that they got Bellamy's freckles. 

-What is it mum? Aurora asked annoyed as all the kids came standing where Bellamy and I am. Did I forget to mention that Aurora has attitude? She kinda got that from both Bellamy and I. She is still the sweetest teenage girl.

-Your mother and I wanted to tell you that the whole family is going on a family trip together. There is no discussion about this. Uncle Lincoln and aunt Octavia are coming. And so are Hero. Bellamy said. Lincoln and Octavia named their daughter Hero. Unique name huh? Hero is fourteen years old. Almost fifteen. She were born six months after Bellamy and I got married. She's a sweet girl. Hero and Talia are best friends. Only one and a half year between them.

-Bell and I have already packed everything. We will be gone for a few days. So if you want something with you go and get it now. Then Lincoln, Octavia and Hero gets here we all are leaving. I told all five kids. 
-Aunt Clarke! Hero said and hugged me. I embraced her in a hug. 

-Hero! Don't run so darn fast. Octavia said and walked up to all of us with Lincoln by her side. 
-She just loves her aunt. I said and we laughed together. 
-Are everyone ready to go? Lincoln asked. Everyone said yes and we all walked out of the camp. Four adults with six kids for a few days. That will be easy.
Lincoln and Octavia were leading the way. I am a good navigator. But I have no idea where we are going today. We have taken four tents with us. One for Lincoln and Octavia. One for Bellamy and I. And the two others are for the kids to share. Hopefully that will work perfectly fine. They are all teenagers except for S.J and Nathan. Who's the youngest.

-How you feeling princess? Bellamy asked. After all these years he still calls me princess. When we first got married he started to call me queen. It didn't feel right so he went back to call me princess. I will never get tired of hearing Bellamy call me that.
-I'm fine. I can not believe that we have been parents for nineteen whole years. I said.
-Neither can I. You gave me the best gift of them all. You gave me a family. Bellamy said and pressed a kiss onto my forehead.
-It takes two to tangle. Doesn't it? I said
-Indeed it does. Bellamy said and then kissed me on the lips.

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