Chapter 23

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Clarke's POV: 
Four days has now gone by. All day I have been laying in bed. Thinking that Bellamy will open the door and walk in any moment. That doesn't happen. I know that they only have been gone for a few days. Without Bellamy it feels like weeks. Bellamy and the guys are not here. Octavia, Monty and Harper have been trying to force me to stay at camp. It was probably smart of them to make me stay. I vomit and fainted last evening. It would not have been so good if I have been out in the woods by myself. 
-Clarke, are you okay? Monty asked. 

-Hell no. I am getting sick again and Bellamy isn't here. I told Monty.
-Promise not to freak out? Monty said.
-I will probably freak out. But I will try not to. I said. I was fake smiling by now. Monty saw that it wasn't a real smile.
-The guys are back. There were an attack. Bellamy and Miller are hurt. Bryan and Jasper aren't. Bellamy has two or four ribs broken. Miller's left are is broken. Monty said.
-I can't deal with this to. I said. I am glad that Bellamy is back. I am furious because he promised to be back in one piece. And of course I am not sick. That is just what I have been telling everyone. 

-What do you mean? Bellamy needs you right now. Monty said.
-I know. I said. I got up from the bed. monty and I walked out of the room. He was taking me to the medical bay. Even if I was capable to get there by myself. On the way there, no one talked. Monty and I went in total silence. Monty is a good friend. Sometimes he goes on my nerves. Well, that is just when he is around Jasper and they are teasing me and Bellamy. Except that he isn't annoying.

I walked into the medical bay. Bellamy and Miller sat on each table. My mother were taking care of Bellamy. Meanwhile Jackson were helping Miller. Bryan were sitting next to Miller. They are a good couple together. When Bellamy saw me he looked guilty. As if he had done something stupid. 

-Clarke, I can explain. Bellamy said. -

You had me worried sick Bell! You promised me to come back unharmed. What happened? I asked Bellamy. He just sat there quiet even if he said that he could explain.
-Grounders attacked us. But we got away. Miller said.
-Thank you! I said.

-I'm sorry princess. Bellamy said and grabbed me so that I stood closer to him.
-It's okay Bell. Just don't get you in trouble or I will have to kill you myself. But seriously, I can't have you getting hurt or killed. We can't have you getting hurt. I will be in our room. Meet me there later after you have talked to your sister. She must be really worried. I said. I patted him on the head before I walked out of the medical bay. I have no idea why I did that. Your girl is something special Blake! She just patted you! I heard Miller say. 

An hour later Bellamy is still not back at our room. I had realized that I am pregnant yesterday. That is when all the pieces got together. I have yet not told my mother. Because I' m for sure pregnant and I want Bell to be the first one to know about it. It's scary but I feel amazing. Except for those times that I am throwing up yesterdays meal. I'm a little unsure what Bellamy is going to think about this. I am really hoping that he is okay with this. Because I can not go through this on my own. I refuse to do that. The door opened. 
-Bell, I need to tell you something important. I said. 
-It's the other Blake. Octavia said as she walked in.
-Where's Bellamy? I asked.
-Everything is fine. He is still in medical. Tell me, what is so important? Octavia asked me.
-I want to tell Bellamy first. Then we will tell you. I said.

-You are pregnant. Aren't you? Everything makes since now. I am going to be an aunt! I will be auntie O. I can not believe that this is true. My big brother is going to be a father. We need to start thinking about baby names. Do you want to have a boy or a girl? I can see it infront of me "Bellarke, the greatest power couple of them all, brings a new little life into the world" This is going to be amazing. Octavia said. I just laughed at her. How could she figure that out? And I planned for Bellamy to be the first one to know. 
-You are going to be a father Bell! Your princess is pregnant with your little baby girl or boy. Octavia said. I had not realized that Bellamy had walked into our room. Way to ruin surprise! I thought for myself. 
-Really? Is that true Clarke? Bellamy asked. 

-If you want it to be true, then yes it is true. I am pregnant. I said. 
-That doesn't make any since. Whatever. I am so happy for you two. I am going to be an aunt. I am sorry for the horrible pain you are going to go through when you get in labor. Octavia said embracing Bellamy in a tight hug before she walked out of the room. 
-Are you really pregnant princess? Bellamy asked.
-Yes, I'm pregnant. I said. I was scared of what Bellamy would think. Bellamy embraced me in a hug. I could feel him stiffen a little. The broken ribs were hurting. 

-I am so happy princess. It's a little scary. But it is wonderful. I am so happy for us. How far along are you? Bellamy said and kissed me. 
-Around six or eight weeks. I said. Bellamy kissed me again before I broke the kiss. 
-You know that O is probably telling everyone right now? I said. I sounded more like a question. Bellamy started to laugh. We both were happy. Bellamy growled as I touched his ribs a little to hard. Then I remember that Miller said that they had been attacked. My body froze. How could we bring a human being into this world when problem were growing between us and the grounders?
Somehow Bellamy understood what I was thinking. He brushed his fingers through my hair and kissed my forehead softly. I know that everything is going to be okay. As long as we are together. Our girl or boy will grow up in a peace. As much peace as possible. We will make sure of that. We have at least a few months to make sure that there will be no war. 
-I am so happy princess. I love you so much. And I will love our child. Bellamy said and kissed my belly. 
-I love you to Bellamy Blake. I said and giggled. 

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