Chapter 11

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Clarke's POV:
Bellamy and I had spent most of the day in the bunker. It was still nice to be away from camp. However it felt good not to fight with Bellamy. On the other hand it was weird that we didn't fight.
We were supposed to go back to camp. But we have to get food for the others to eat. Or they will wonder what we actually did. And I do not want to be anymore judge than I already am. Bellamy had understood me when I told him that. Even tho we decided no one before we came here that we couldn't tell them what we really were doing.

-Are you ready to leave princess? Bellamy asked.
-No, but we have to leave sometime. I said.
-Don't be so moody. We can come here another day if you want? Bellamy suggested.
-We? As in you and I? I asked.
-Yeah, or you can go by yourself. But that doesn't seem to be fun. And I know that you don't want to many other to know about this place. And I can respect that. Bellamy told me.
-Thank Bell. I said.
-But I get to keep the picture right? Bellamy smirked.

-No, the picture is staying here. I told Bellamy before I opened the door and walked out of the small bunker. I could hear Bellamy murmur something. I didn't pay enough attention so I could not hear what he said. 
Around two hours later Bellamy and I were on our way back to camp. We had caught enough food for a week. I even got other things that I could use if someone got hurt. Bellamy and I were proud of what we had caught. Bellamy was carrying the food as I carried the meds supplies. I have to admit that Bellamy and I are a good team even if we fight alot. 
-You know that O is going to ask us alot of questions when we get back. Bellamy pointed out. 
-I know Bell. Just because she found us in bed together, even tho nothing happened, it doesn't mean anything. I said.
-Whatever you say. I just want you to be ready for all the questions that O might ask. Bellamy said. 

-I was born ready. But I deserve to rest later when we get back. I said as we kept walking. We were not far away from camp. I am really looking toward to rest when I get back. 
-Haven't you rested enough princess? Bellamy asked as he looked at me.
-Maybe I have. But I still want to rest a little more. I will do that whether you tell me not to. I think that you would like to spend sometime apart from me. I said.
-I kinda like your company. But if you tell anyone what I said you will get hurt. I started laughing. Bellamy looked confused then. 

-Sure, I won't tell anyone. I can keep that promise. I said. By now we were not far away from the camp. I was starting to get even more tired than usual. I am a good navigator so I knew the way back home. Bellamy isn't as good as me when it comes to navigating. We could finally see camp. This is our home. Even if I feel like the bunker is more of a home than our camp. A few guys helped Bellamy with the food that we got. Meanwhile I walked into the dropship so that I could leave the new supplies before I could walk to my tent. It didn't take long. When I entered the tent I saw Octavia sitting on her makeshift bed.

-It's good to see you my friend. So tell me, do you have anything to tell me? What did you two do while you were gone? Did something happened? Octavia started. 
-O, I am really tired. Can I just sleep for a while? Can't you ask your brother instand? I asked her.

-I will go and ask Bell. But when you wake up, you are going to answer all my questions. And you are going to be honest with the answers. Sleep tight princess. Octavia said before she walked out of the tent. She is so alike her brother. 

Bellamy's POV:
I watched as Clarke walked into the dropshift. I do not know why but my focus was on Clarke and I didn't even see her after she walked into the dropshift. She really is something special. I heard Miller and Murphy saying something along the lines of "He is mesmerized by Clarke." And something else with the lines of "He is head over heels when it comes to Clarke". I didn't hear much else. I didn't care to protest. I knew that they would start making fun of Clarke and I. Usually I can deal with it even if it upsets me. Then I saw Clarke walking out of the dropship and toward her tent instand. I wanted to give her space. Just so that she can regain energy and feel a little better. I actually thought that she would be full better by now. I guess that it takes time for whatever reason. I didn't really know what to do. Instand of just standing out in the big yard there everybody else were I walked into the dropship. It was empty. Nobody was in here except for me now. I wasn't alone for long because my dear sister walked in. She had the biggest grin on her lips. 

-Well well well, who has we here? Ladies and gentlemen it is my brother Bellamy Blake. The one and only who is in love with my best friend. Octavia said before she started to laugh at what she just had said. 

-What do you want O? I asked.

-I want nothing except for a good story. Clarke was tired and she is resting. So tell me big bro, what happened between you and our beloved princess? Octavia asked me. I could tell that she is really  curious.  I took out a paper from my jacket pocket. I gave it to Octavia so that she could see what was on it. It was the painting of me that Clarke had done. I know that she had told me to leave it behind. But I just wanted to have it. She will probably be a little upset that I took it with me. I have no idea why she might would be upset. I waited for Octavia to say something.
-Clarke did this? She asked even if she already knew the answer to that question. 

-Yeah, but she doesn't want me to have it. I took it even if she told me not to. Do you know why she wanted to keep it and not give it to me? I asked her.
- The sketch is really good Bell. Her drawing is amazing. She even told me that she used to draw on the walls and floor in her cell when we all were on the ark. Anyhow, how come she made a sketch of you? I might have an idea of and answer to your question. If anyone sees this and finds out that Clarke drawed it, people will start to talk more about you and her behind your backs. That is just a guess. But as I said the drawing is really good. Octavia said before she handed me the drawing. 

-One more thing, I am one hundred percent sure that she likes you now. Trust me, I know your girl pretty well Bell. Octavia said. She didn't need to know what we did now. Weirdly she was satisfied with just the drawing. Octavia didn't ask any question.
-I am really happy for you Bell. Clarke asked for you before. She might have fallen asleep while resting. Can you just check up on her? Octavia said before she walked out of the tent. 

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