Chapter 42

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Clarke's POV:
I were laying in the medical in pain. My water had just broke and it was time for me to give birth. Our baby didn't want to come out yet. I was scared since I was only eight months pregnant and my water had broke. I have been in labor for the past five, almost six hours now. Childbirth is a beautiful thing but the pain is awful. Aurora were sitting on one of Bellamy's knees as he was holding my hand. Octavia, Harper and Raven has been walking in and out of the medical to see how things are going. Octavia isn't very patient. She never has been.
-Mama, I want to go and play. Aurora said. She was starting to get annoyed with doing absolutly nothing, except sitting in here with Bellamy and I. Aurora is soon two yearse old. She often know what to do and say to get what she wants. And it does not help that Octavia and Bellamy spoils her.

At that moment Raven walked into the medical bay. She is much happier these day. I am happy for her. You can really see the difference in her from a few months back to now.
-Can you take Aurora? She is getting tired of being in here. Bellamy said.
-Of course I can. Let's go and see what Charlotte is doing. Shall we? Raven said and walked out of the medical bay with Aurora. Charlotte were a few months older than our daughter. Aurora and Charlotte are getting along really well. It is good to see that she has friends that she likes. A few months ago she were going through a period there she pushed or did something stupid to. Those people that she disliked. It's good that she isn't doing that anymore.
-Get my mother. I think it's time. I said to Bellamy. I could barely get those words out. Bellamy didn't want to leave my side. He's too sweet. Luckily for us my mother walked in. Bellamy didn't have to leave me for a few seconds. Thank god!
-We are ready. Bellamy said. I looked at him. I managed to laugh.
-I'm the one who is giving birth Bell. You made me pregnant. I said. It was starting to get a little hard to breath proparly for me.
-I love you princess. Bellamy said and planted a kiss on my forehead.
-You are luck because I love you to Bell. I said.

-It's time for you to push Clarke. My mother said.
-You can do this princess. Bellamy said. I knew that I can do anything as long as I have Bellamy by my side. And I am never letting him go. There isn't words enough to describe how much I love Bellamy Blake.

-You have a healthy and beautiful baby boy. My mother said and laid out newborn in my arms. He was screaming for a few minutes before he quiet down. His eyes were open. He has Bellamy's eyes, nose and curls. But my blonde hair.
-He's beauiful. He looks like you Bell. I said.
-He really is. We make cute babies. Don't we? Bellamy said. I laughed a little. Bellamy carefully kissed me on the lips. I'm more than happy. I remember giving birth to Aurora. Being pregnant with her was an easy pregnancy. She's going to be really good big sister to our little son. This time was even easier for me. I just hope that there won't be any complications later since I gave birth a month to early.

-Do you want me to get Aurora for you? My mother asked.
-Yeah. You can do that. I said.
-Well then. I will give you some privacy. She said before walking out of the medical bay to get Aurora for us.

-You did so good princess. Bellamy said.
-You give me strengh and love Bell. It gets easier then. I said and smiled.
-You amaze me everyday and I love you. Bellamy said. Bellamy and I sat in silence for a while just looking at our newborn, beautiful baby boy. Then, from nowhere, Aurora came running in. Octavia ran after her. 
-Don't run. Octavia said. She stopped running that she saw Bellamy and I with our son. Aurora also stopped. Instand she walked over to us with Octavia. Bellamy picked her up so that she sat on his lap. She eyes were on her brother.
-Brother! She said pointing at him.

-She is beautiful guys. Octavia said.
-O? I think you mean that he is beautiful. It's a boy. I said.

-Aww. I knew it! Remember I told you that months ago. Octavia pointed out.
-Shh! Keep your voice down. You don't have to be so loud. He is less than twenty minutes only. Bellamy told her.
-I'm sorry. I won't be so loud. Have you named him? She asked. My eyes met Bellamy's.
-We named him M.J. Bellamy said.
-Does it stand for something? She then asked.
-It stand for Miller Jake. We were going to go with the name Nathan, after Miller. However we wanted also wanted to go with Jake since it was Clarke's fathers name. So we decided on M.J.
Bellamy told Octavia.
-I like the meaning behind it. May I hold him? She asked.
-You may. But not now. He's asleep now. I just want to keep and hold him in my arms. I said.
-I understand. Octavia answered. 
-O, may you do us a favor? I asked.
-Whatever you want I will do. She said happily. 
-Don't let anyone in here. Not even our friends. We just want alone time with Aurora and M.J. Bellamy said. 
-Thank you sis. You are the best. Bellamy said.

-You two are the best.
-You two make cute babies together. You give me cute nieces and nephews that I can spoil. Octavia said and laughed.
-We only have two children. I said.
-Please. If you two keep your life like you two do right now, I won't be suprised if two or three more arrives into this messy world in less than five years. Octavia said.

-There's the sister that I know. Bellamy said and laughed.
-Shut up Bell. Octavia said and pushed him lightly. 

Raven's POV:
I was walking around at our camp. I had to think over my life and clear my thoughts. Things has been so much better lately and I don't want this good feeling to disappear anytime soon. Or ever. I walked into his tent, there he were sitting on his makeshift bed. He were one of the very few people that is still living in a tent.
-Listen to me carefully now. I don't want to live a lie. Either we tell people about us or we are over. I said and walked out of the tent before he had a chance to say anything at all. I could hear him yell "Reyes" after me. I didn't look back because he has to make up his own mind about us. 

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